Chapter 1

Can you fix my heart?

The doctor exited the doors with a grim expression.

"How is she?"  He looked away, my hopeful eyes stung too deep for him to start.

"Your mother's heart was failing much more quickly than we could operate on her.  She's dead. I'm sorry."

Tears pricked at my eyes as I stood as motionless as the dead body of my mother.  My knees bucked and I fell to the tiled floor, tears overflowing down my cheeks and dripping endlessly.  I bawled my whole heart out, stricken with grief.  I was broken in two.  Was there anyone who could help me?  


I was in the airport, the ticket in my right hand and the luggage on my left. Why was I even here? I looked around the crowed airport, finding nothing else to do.  Some people either slept or read to pass the time while waiting for their flight. Me? I was also getting ready to aboard my plane and I would have already, had it not been for my best friend, Miya. Who of course, was LATE.

"Where is that girl?" I let out a long sigh.

"Miss, the plane is about to leave.  Please step inside," the flight attendant kindly said. 

"I'm so sorry but could I wait just a bit longer?" She nodded and gave me a you-better-not-take-too-long look. 

"Thanks so much,"  My eyes nervously scanned the big hallways for my friend.   Where could she be? 

"Sophie!" Miya waved as she made her way towards me.  I waved back in relief. 

"Where were you? I waited so long and the flight attendant told me to hurry up.   I was even about to leave you but-"

"You loved me too much to leave, right?" Miya smiled.

"Let's just go," I said as we headed inside our plane to Korea. 


I'm pretty sure you're confused right now so allow me to fill you in.  2 weeks ago, Miya asked me to go to South Korea with her.  Her family origin was there and she wanted to visit her country, which is perfectably understandable.  But the thing is, we had to miss school.  Both Miya and I go to a Arts University, on full scholarship, so it would be bad if we missed just a day of  school, but worse, we were missing 7! 

It didn't matter though, we needed a vacation once in a while, you know?  Other than visiting family, I also wanted to paint some of the landscapes Korea had to offer.  According to the stories Miya told me of her country, it sounded so beautiful and cultured. 

"Sophie! Sophie!" I was adruptively awoken by Miya's piercing voice at my ear.  "Look outside and below.  You can see everything!"

I was about to yell at her but one glance at the view changed my mind completely.  The slow intake of my breath was a sure sign of my amazement.  Wild green vallys spread for miles with bumps and folds.  The forest covered much of the land and hid away animals.  Just up above was the grand city.  Lights glittered and blinked as the airplane flew over it.  People looked as tiny as ants, it was as if the world shrunk.  If this was what a bird saw, I'll be praying for my next reincarnation to have wings.  It was spectacular. 


Miya and me walked out into the lobby of the airport with our luggage rolling behind. 

"Honey!  It's so good to see you."  Both Miya's Mother and Father ran to hug us. 

"Umma, I miss you so much." Miya said as she hugged her mother tightly. 

"How about me?" A guy who was behind Miya's Mom stepped out and spread his arms out. 

"Of course you too, bro.  Oh and this is my best friend, Sophie.  She came with me."

With all eyes on me, my blush became redder and my body stiff.  "Nice to meet you," I quickly bowed and introduced myself the best I could.

"So this is you friend we've heard all about.  Nice to meet you too."  I took a quick glance at Miya, and she gave me a thumbs up sign.

"HA HA HA. No need to be so formal.  Just relax, we're all family here," said Miya's father, a big man with an equal booming voice.  "Come on, let's get you to your new temporary home."

With his arm around my shoulder, I was pushed towards the exit with the rest of the family behind.  Sophie, you'd better not make a fool of yourself you hear?

We entered the huge van parked right outside the atomatic doors.  "Kang Min Hyuk, go put the luggage away for these lovely ladies." said Miya's dad.  "Sure," Min Hyuk extended his hand for the luggage to me but I completely froze.  I looked up to his face to see that he was good-looking.  He called my names a couple of times before I finally jolted up and gave him my suitcase.  "Sorry," How could I have been so...staring? 

"It's fine," His laugh made me blush. 

The car ride was pretty smooth and I think everybody liked me.  Well, I hope.  When my feet touched the floor and my eyes looked in front of me, I'm not joking when I say my gasp was pretty loud.  So were my eyes.

"Miya!  Y-Your rich?"

"No, but my parents are."  she shrugged as if it were nothing.  How could it be nothing?!

The finest polished wood with golden handles opened like a fairy tale.  Inside were sparkling marble counter tops with scented candles.  The rooms had leather loveseats and a huge plasma tv.  No dust in sight.  No object out of place.  "Perfect," I cooed. 

"Sophie, over here!" Miya called.  "This is going to be our room."

The room was set like a traditional/modern kind of room.  It had lace curtain on the clear window and white drawers near the corners.  A big bookcase almost filled completely stood near some other shelves with jewerly and assesories. 

"Oh, I've missed this place so much!  And I'm so glad you came with me, Sophie.  I'll show you around in this great town!"

"I'm glad you invited me.  I never knew you lived this kind of lifestyle.  How come you never told me?

"Reasons." She looked away.  "Hey, how about I take you to this special place I know.  The food's really good!"

I smiled.  "Ok."

 The resturant was extremely crowded, which proved how good the food was.  We almost didn't get a seat, but luckily Miya had a "special" connection to get us one.

"So.  What's you connection with that guy?" I asked as soon as he left.

"Well, I used to date him but then I broke up with him.  He was getting too serious."

"Right.  You haven't dated for a while now, why him?"

"He was so nice, hard to reject.  Besides, it's great being single!  I'm loving it." She pumped her fist and grinned.

I laughed and commented on her independence.  "What's so great about being alone?"

"I'm not alone.  I have you and you have me.  Right?"

"Right." I assured her.  The food was ordered and my stomach growled as we waited.  I could see other customers as they ate their food. I was so hungry!

Our dishes arrived and we dove in.  It was true what Miya had said.  The food was delicious, far better then anything else I had every tasted.  Except one thing.  I thought of my mom, when she would always make mouth-watering foods.  Even if it was a plain meal, I loved it cause she made it from her heart for me.  Oh great, now I'm depressed. 

After the food was cleared and the bill paid, Miya and I stepped out to sit at a nearby bench.  Before she even reached the seat, she jumped up and faced-palmed herself.  "What happened?" I asked worried.

"It's nothing big Sophie. I just have to go give a call, ok?"

"Sure," I nodded.  "I'll wait here." Miya fast walked to a nearby phone booth, her face trying to be in control but was clearly flustered.  What really did happen? I couldn't even take another step before I heard a gruff voice. 

"Hey you!"

I turned slowly.  Were they calling me? 

A bulky man placed box on top of box in a younger man's arms.  "Take them to the storage room." he told the younger man.  Before the younger could protest, the door slammed in his face.  The pile of boxes was high enough that he could not see at all.  But I could see a whole lot of things.  Him, the boxes, and especially the rock on the ground.  "WATCH OUT!" I yelled but it was too late.  It was all in slow motion.  He slipped on the rock, boxes flew out of his hand, and they landed on me.   

"Are you alright? Miss, wake up! Are you hurt?"

Slowly, painfully, my eyes opened to see the man's face, inches from mine. 

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH-." I screamed, but the noise was stopped by his hand. 

"Your so loud!  You're hurting my ears." he said cringing.

"Uh, uh, I'm so sorry.  I shouldn't have screamed like that," I said removing his hand from my mouth.  I couldn't help it, I was scared.

"No it's not your fault.  I'm the one who's sorry.  My boxes fell on you and... you're not hurt right?" He looked so worried.

"I'm fine." I told him as I got up.  "But your boxes aren't."  Scattered on the pavement were dented and opened boxes with foam leaking out.  Me and the guy bent to the ground and scooped up the fallen objects.  Then I helped him put them back. 

"Thank you.  I really owe you something." he said.

"It's ok, besides I could see you were already having trouble with those boxes. You needed the help," I smiled while gesturing towards the Cardboard. 

He chuckled then slide his hands into his pockets. 

Then quickly retreated his right hand back out, and held it in front of me.  (handshake) "My name's Jung Yong-Hwa.  What's yours?"

I looked at him, his hand, and then shook it.  "I'm Sophie." 





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ExoticBox #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^