The play

[One-Shot] The Play

“Hey Chun” the younger one said “You don't have to wait for me after school”

Yoochun lift his head from his lunch to look at his best friend.

“Why?” he asked trying to hide his deception

“I have a practice for the school play”

Nodding his head slowly, the young boy took another bite. He knew that this drama club would steal his friend one day.


Junsu's audition was last week and he's been nervous about the results all the time since then. He didn't know which character he would get, but it seems to worry him a lot.

“I don't want to have the main role” he said one day

“Why is that?”

”I...I don't like him” Junsu answered sheepishly

The boy changed the topic quickly that day.


“I'll call you tonight” Junsu said trying to cheer up is friend



Junsu gave his friend a playful hit on his arm.

“Are you going to miss me that much?” he said laughing

“Of course, I always miss you” Yoochun smiled as well

The innocent look on his best friend's face is painfully obivious. Junsu never gets all those double meanings and greasy lines. He doesn't get that it's more than just fooling around. Sometimes, Yoochun wish he would notice, but somewhat things are better this way. Enjoying every second with Junsu is enough for him.


The walk home was lonely without Junsu's cheerfulness.

“Those next 3 months will be long” Yoochun thought while he was listening to some music

 The young boy’s mood lit up when the cell phone on his bed rang.

“Yoochun-ah!” the panicked voice went through his ears the moment he answered the phone.

“Su, what's wrong?”

“I got the first role! Help me!” the younger squealed

“You know, people are usually happy when they get the main role”

“Yeah, but not me!” he paused “I...I can't do this role”

“Will you finally tell me what's up with that character?” Yoochun said getting more curious

“Well....there's some love scene and...” he took a deep breath “thereisevenakissscene”

“Wait, you said a kiss scene?” The other hummed

Knowing how Junsu was uncomfortable when it comes to skin ship, he now understood why he was so anxious about that role. He couldn't deny that he was quite jealous too. He wanted to tell him to take another role, but he didn't want to sound like he was possessive, even though that's how he is.

“Don't worry!” Yoochun said “It's only acting and I'll help you if you want”

“You will?” Yoochun could almost hear the smile on Junsu's face”Thank you so much Chun! You have way more experience in that kind of thing than me”

 Well, not really...


... but Junsu didn't need to know about it.

“Can I come over to your place tonight? We don't have school tomorrow anyway.”

“Yes, if my-” The doorbell interrupted him

From his room he heard his mother answering.

“Oh! Junsu-ah! Come in!”

Yoochun smiled to himself before turning off his cell phone. He just had the time to step out his room that Junsu was already standing before him with a smile on his face

“Hey” he said

“What would've you done if I said no?”

“I would have still come. You never say no anyway and your parents neither.”

The moment Yoochun moved from the door frame, Junsu entered the bedroom and crashed himself on the bed. Lying on his stomach, he fumbled in his bag until he takes out a bunch of paper. He quickly sat back leaving some place for Yoochun. The latter sat down and leaned toward Junsu to look at the text, ignoring the increasing speed of his heart.

“Ah! There it is” the younger said pointing to a certain line “How am I supposed to 'hug her lovingly' when I'm nervous just reading it?”

It took Yoochun all the self-control he has to not just ask Junsu to try with him. He knew Junsu would never do such a thing. Well that's what he thought until he heard his best friend speak again.

“Chun, show me”

Yoochun head snapped up as he looked at Junsu with wide eyes.


How could this boy be so oblivious to the effect he does to his friend? Yoochun let out a deep breath, trying to calm the erratic beat of his heart.

“Su, I can't do that...”

“But you said you would help me”

“I know, but how am I supposed to show you this kind of thing” The younger stared at him with wide teary eyes. Yoochun can't resist those eyes, and Junsu knows it

“Stop looking at me like that!” he let a sigh before adding “I'll help you, okay?”

“Thank you!!!”

Junsu quickly jumped in his friend’s arms.

“It’s nothing” Yoochun said reluctantly leaving Junsu’s embrace

He gave a smile at his friend before getting off the bed.

“Where are you going?” Junsu asked confused as his friend was heading toward the door

“I’ll go look for some cheesy romantic movies” he answered “You know, so you can watch and learn”

Junsu let out a small laugh as watched is friend quitting the room.


The two boys spent the night on Yoochun’s bed watching movies. The younger one bombarded Yoochun with questions like “Is this how I should do this?” or “Is this how I should hug her?” To those, Yoochun could only answer the flustered Junsu, with a smile.


They were at their third movie when Yoochun felt a warm weight on his shoulder. He turned his head to see his best friend sleeping soundly. No wonder Junsu has been quiet for a while. Carefully, Yoochun laid him on the bed. After turning off the screen, he settled next to his friend, suddenly thankful that his bed was large enough. Sleeping when he was too close to Junsu was almost impossible. Taking one last glance at Junsu’s peaceful sleeping face, he let his eyes close before finally falling asleep as well.


Yoochun woke up the next morning (the next afternoon, to be exact) with an empty spot beside him. He lowly sat up, sleepily looking for any sign of Junsu. His gaze settled on a small piece of paper on his desk. It was from Junsu, saying he had to go since he had work today. He was also hoping that Yoochun wouldn’t mind helping him again. And of course, Yoochun didn’t mind at all. He would do anything for Junsu, but once again, the said boy didn’t need to know.


The next Monday, after another official demand from Junsu, Yoochun accepted to help him. For the next months during every lunch time, he would help him practice his lines and give him advices. The play was coming closer and Junsu was growing nervous. He managed to get through the romantic scenes, except the kiss. He said that he was faking it until now, but the real thing was soon (in few hours actually) and he was panicked.


Junsu and Yoochun were sitting in the empty classroom, facing each other. The only sound that could be heard was Junsu regularly hitting his head on the desk.

“Stop doing that Su, you’ll have a huge bruise” Yoochun said “You don’t want that, do you?”

Before his forehead hit the desk once again, he grabbed his chin, making him look up

“Stop” he repeated

Junsu let out a heavy sigh as Yoochun let go.

“What should I do?” Junsu whined

“Kiss her”

“But I don’t wanna”

“It’s not my problem, Junsu”

The boy looked away and for a moment, Yoochun thought he saw some deception in his eyes.

“You’re so cold, Chun” Junsu said “I never had my first kiss, I’m about to lose it to some random girl and you’re not even helping me.”

“What do you want me to do about it?”

“I don’t know! You’re the one with good ideas”

“Alright then, what about you give me your first kiss?”


And there was a silence. Did he really say that aloud? The way Junsu was looking at him definitely says yes. Yoochun couldn’t stand Junsu’s stare. He made a mistake and his best friend must be disgusted, he knows it. He quickly stood up, wanting to disappear more than anything. He was about to turn his back to his friend when a hand grabbed his arm. Junsu had also stood up and he was now blushing furiously. Before Yoochun could say anything, a hand was gripping his collar, pulling him forward. His eyes closed immediately when he felt Junsu’s lips against his. It was nothing more than a simple touch, but it sent a shiver down his spine. Junsu pulled back for a second and their eyes met. This time, Yoochun put his hand behind Junsu’s neck pulling him in a slow kiss. There is no way Yoochun would let this chance go.


They were lost in each other taste when they heard footsteps coming from the hallway. They quickly pulled away and the door of the classroom opened

“Oh, Junsu! There you are” one of their classmate said “Are you coming, it’s our last practice before the play tonight and everyone is waiting for you”

Junsu nodded slowly before picking up his stuff. With one last glance at his friend, he left the classroom.



Yoochun was waiting outside. The play ended it was even a success. In his opinion, Junsu has been the best. But right now, he has something more important to tell to his friend.


It was getting really cold when he finally saw Junsu coming out. He waved at him and the young boy came toward him.

“Hey” Junsu said sheepishly

“You were great” Yoochun said making a small smile form on the other’s lips “But, Su tell me, where the hell was the kiss scene?”

“Well...There was no kiss scene” Junsu answered

“No kiss scene....”


Yoochun glared at his friend.

“Then, tell me why you made such a fuss over a non-existent kiss scene!” he snapped

Junsu laughed loudly before wrapping his arms around his best friend. The latter hugged him back, confused.

“I just wanted to see if you would get jealous” Junsu said

“It was all an act?”

“I didn’t get the first role for nothing, you know. I’m a pretty good actor”

Yoochun chuckled before tightening his hold

“I hate you sometimes” he said with a smile

“I know, I love you too”


Hello everyone!
I hope you enjoyed the one-shot~ I really liked this idea even though it didn't come out exactly the wat I wanted

Also I want to say for those who read "let's dance" that I will eventually finish the story!
So that's all
Thanks for reading!! :)

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AWW~~!!!!! naughty su!!! not complaining though...
Sweet ....!!!!!>.< I love it.
febxsan #3
I love it so much ><
awwww!!!! that is sweet.....
Junsu's such a smartie xDD I didn't expect that to happen<br />
After Yoochun said that he could've been Junsu's first kiss, I was like..... 'that must've been awkward'. But then after what happened, it was actually a good thing :DD
Awww...I koved it!!!
linjiyjys #7
aaaaaaaw!!!! I KNEW IT!!