Please Don't: I Need You

I Need You


It was no longer the girl in the car.

It was Chanyeol.

“Baekhyun?” Chanyeol whispered.

Baekhyun stared, aghast. His eyes bulged, and he gripped the steering wheel to a point his knuckles turned white. “Ch-Chanyeol.” He stuttered, letting go of the wheel and hurriedly opening the door of his car. “I-I am so sorry, oh-“he rushed out of his car, and crossed the empty road before Chanyeol could say anything.

“Baekhyun?! Baekhyun!” Chanyeol called after his friend, who pretended not to hear him, as he sped into a dark alley. “Byun Baekhyun!” Chanyeol started to run, but was stopped by the sudden traffic, that he encountered.

Moving backwards from the road, he fell onto the closed door of Baekhyun’s black car. This car was something Baekhyun was proud of, Chanyeol remembered.

And all he wanted was a lift, because his own car was in the midst of being repaired.

Chanyeol left Baekhyun’s car, sadly, continuing the rest of his journey home by foot. His destination wasn’t far; actually this was the place he asked Baekhyun to stop not so long ago. He only asked Baekhyun to stop because he looked like he was going to throw a fit and maybe even crash the car in the process. This scared Chanyeol, Baekhyun was always seemed like such a calm person.

He sighed, staring back at the car that he watched Baekhyun run away from. Running a hand through his dark brown hair, he made his way into his house, the one he now shared with his wife. Chanyeol rolled his eyes.

At first it seemed like a good idea, and strange to call someone your wife. But that was three months ago, and his wife was already demanding for a child. He wasn’t sure if he could put up with a child. Neither did his parents on that matter. Neither did Baekhyun.

Chanyeol pouted at the thought of losing his best friend.

Opening the door to his house he was greeted to the smell of food wafting around the perimeters of the home. “I’m home.” He muttered, kicking off his shoes and placing them on the rack, a habit he was forced to get used to because his wife would throw a fit if she saw the shoes in a mess. Strangely, before that didn’t even matter. Baekhyun used to always tell him to do it, and he always asked nicely, he never minded either, and sometimes Baekhyun would sort out the shoes himself.

Baekhyun had moved out of their house. It was originally Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s house, but his wife made it impossible that Baekhyun left the house one night saying he was sorry for intruding. Chanyeol felt guilty for days. He felt like he just kicked a puppy out and slammed the door on its face all because of his wife.

“Chanyeol?” His wife called sweetly from the kitchen, as if it wasn’t her fault Baekhyun left, his existence wiped completely clean from that house.

“What?” Chanyeol snapped, clambering up the stairs. “If you’re going to ask me to eat, I’ve already eaten. I ate with Baekhyun. He gave me a lift home because you broke my car.” Chanyeol emphasised Baekhyun’s existence, and watched his wife cower back into the kitchen. Feeling strangely accomplished, he flung open the door to their bedroom, and grabbed his pyjamas and toothbrush.

“I’ll also be sleeping in the spare room.” Chanyeol added, slamming the door to Baekhyun’s former bedroom and swiftly changing into his own pyjamas. He stepped into the bathroom of the room and used the guest toothpaste his wife insisted be placed there. “Screw her.” He muttered, knowing how crazy she was going to go if he used anything he wasn’t meant to.

Brushing his teeth well, he threw himself on to Baekhyun’s former bed. He smiled softly, grateful that his wife didn’t change anything about the bed, even though he predicted she would. He was wrong for once, and was actually fine with that. He wrapped himself in the duvet that Baekhyun used to sleep in, relishing the familiar scent that screamed Baekhyun, and remembering his little puppy noises during his sleep.

Chanyeol always thought that it was an adorable habit. His wife thought contrary. Chanyeol hated how his wife would play sweet to everyone and create havoc for his best friend.

He looked up at the ceiling exasperated. He said it. He hated something.

And strangely enough, he was fine with that. He knew this hate would grow, and that would mean he wouldn’t have to deal with a problematic child that would resemble its pest of a mother. It was only three months and he felt this way already.

“I need to do something.” Chanyeol uttered under his breath, as he fell asleep.

A year passed since the incident, his wife still asking for them to make a child. He still refused, not to the , but to the child making. Chanyeol admitted his fear for not being able to care for the child and his wife claimed to not mind about caring for the child.

Chanyeol had other things on his mind additional to that, like the disappearance of Baekhyun. Every night he would sit and worry over his best friend. Every night for the past year was like this. His wife, yet again made her own opinion, and he simply snapped at her, telling her to shut up and mind her own business.

“No. I said no goddammit! I don’t want a bloody child!” Chanyeol yelled at his wife for the nth time that week. “Why can’t you understand that?!”

“I want a child Chanyeol!” his wife complained, her big eyes turning pleading, Chanyeol ignored this.

“Adopt your own because I’m certainly not giving you one.” He hissed, slamming the door to his house and finding himself walking down the dark roads, bored and still missing Baekhyun. “If only Baekhyun was here…” Chanyeol smiled softly, “He’d know how to deal with her.”

He continued walking, his thought spinning around a small, brunette male. He wondered how well he was eating, if he still worked where he did, if he met anyone… somewhere in Chanyeol he hoped Baekhyun hadn’t.

Chanyeol remembered Baekhyun’s loud confession, finding it surprising that Baekhyun mistook him to be his wife. Chanyeol took this as an insult.

He turned round the corner and seated himself at the bench in the nearby playground. He looked up at the dark skies and saw Baekhyun. “Baekhyun’s eyes always twinkled when he was happy.” Chanyeol remembered.

Sitting silently, he felt his phone vibrate loudly in his pocket. On his screen he noticed a number he didn’t recognise, and he looked at the phone uncertainly before picking up. “Hello?” he greeted nervously.

“Hi Chanyeol.” A familiar, nostalgic voice greeted him, “How are you?”

Chanyeol’s breath hitched, and he coughed loudly. He felt himself become hot in the cheeks and ears. Was this really him? “Baekhyun?”  He asked hopefully. Chanyeol kept asking himself if this really was the Byun Baekhyun he had known for years.

“It’s me,” Chanyeol could almost hear the smile in his voice. “So, how are you?”

“I-I’m fine.” Chanyeol answered, his eyes turning glassy as he heard Baekhyun laugh softly. “What about you?”

“I’m fine… I missed you, it’s been quiet.” Baekhyun admitted, his lilting voice making tears fall from Chanyeol’s eyes.  Did he hurt as much as Chanyeol did?

“It was quiet without you too… where did you go?”

“Here and there.” Baekhyun answered simply.

“I need you.” Chanyeol whispered to Baekhyun. “I can’t deal with her alone.”

“What do you mean?”

“Let’s meet, it’s been so long.” Chanyeol said, more of an order rather than a suggestion.

“Of course. You set the place and time and I’ll be there.” Baekhyun promised, making Chanyeol’s heart leap.

“We’ll meet tomorrow, and uh… remember where we always used to meet?”

“Of course I do.”

“Let’s meet there at lunch.”

“Not a problem with me.” Baekhyun chuckled, how long had it been since he heard Baekhyun chuckle?

“See you then I suppose.”

“Of course.”

“Stop say-“ Chanyeol barely had the chance to stop Baekhyun from saying Of course, before he hung up. He looked at his phone sadly.

Then, he realised. He needed Baekhyun, even with that passing year; he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about Baekhyun. He considered that even with a though so long has passed, he hadn’t changed; especially since that incident. He remained the same for Baekhyun.

The next day, he hurriedly dressed himself, pulling a cardigan over his back and arms and a pair of light chinos over his long legs. He was excited to meet Baekhyun. It had been too long, and he needed to confirm his feelings for himself.

He arrived at the café, a smile sitting on his lips as he entered the familiar room, changed slightly. Scanning the room, he noticed a small figure seated alone, the person had a familiar presence that attracted Chanyeol.

“Baekhyun?” Chanyeol questioned, glancing down at the male, who was staring at the coffee table as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. The person’s head snapped up, and Chanyeol was greeted to a mop of now lighter brown and curly hair. This Baekhyun looked slightly different, with his eyes rimmed with what seemed like eyeliner, and topped off with large somewhat stylish square glasses and his familiar fashion taste of hipster jumpers and dark skinny jeans still lingering. Chanyeol couldn’t help but smile, and pull Baekhyun into a hug, taking Baekhyun’s breath away.

Chanyeol gripped Baekhyun long enough to notice his change in scent, and his figure being smaller. Was Baekhyun getting thinner? Chanyeol pulled away from his friend, and noticed the lopsided smile gracing Baekyun’s soft pink lips.

“Hi, Chanyeol.” Baekhyun smiled, touching Chanyeol’s hand and seating him down on the opposite seat. “You look well.” He commented, the smile never fading. Chanyeol looked at his friend carefully. The twinkle in his eyes was gone.

“Thank you, I guess. How did you have my number?”

“You’re always so lazy to change your number. Of course I had it in my contacts.” Baekhyun chuckled softly, a lock of his curly hair falling in front of his face. He flicked it away with his finger delicately. “We should order something, it’s rude to stay in a café and not do so. What would you like? It’s on me.” Baekhyun offered, preparing to stand up.

“No, no, it’s been too long. I’ll pay for my own.” Chanyeol rejected immediately and Baekhyun simply smiled, knowing Chanyeol wasn’t going to back down from what he decided was right.

“Sure.” He mused, pursing his lips and making his way towards the till with Chanyeol behind him.  Thinking hard, Chanyeol was disturbed by a bump in the arm, it was his turn to order.  Baekhyun was waiting at the other counter already, and anticipating his drink. His leg jigging like he used to when he was either excited or agitated; Chanyeol couldn’t tell which Baekhyun was feeling.  Baekhyun noticed Chanyeol approaching the counter and smiled, his smile still not reaching his eyes. “So, what did you order?” Baekhyun asked.

“Nothing much, carrot cake and mocha.” Chanyeol replied, shrugging casually. Baekhyun nodded, thanking the barista and taking his mug of whatever and his lemon tart from the counter and placing them on a tray, waiting for Chanyeol to receive his own order. Chanyeol glanced at Baekhyun –who was still jigging his leg- and back to the counter, trying to understand what he was thinking the night before. Was it being confirmed?

Would it matter? What would his parents think? He didn’t need the opinion of his wife, because she had already said too much about her feelings towards Baekhyun.

Chanyeol cast another fleeting look at Baekhyun, whose eyes were darting around the room curiously. He couldn’t help but let a smile sit on his lips as Baekhyun’s glasses slipped the bridge of his nose, forcing Baekhyun to repeatedly push it back up by scrunching up his nose. Taking and thanking the barista for his order, he and Baekhyun re-seated themselves at their table.

The sofa chairs were still as comfortable as he remembered. Baekhyun still enjoyed folding his legs into the seat and placing his mug onto the cross of his legs. Chanyeol was too tall to do that without embarrassing himself. “You still do that?” Chanyeol asked, raising a brow to Baekhyun who blushed.

“So what if I do? Old habits die hard.” Baekhyun quoted with another smile that didn’t seem right.

“Where did you go, Baekhyun?” Chanyeol finally questioned, taking a sip of his steaming mocha. “I’m curious.”

“I told you already, I was here and there.”

“Can you explain why you left?” Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun intently.

“About that, I’m sorry. I forgot, I was too wrapped up in my thoughts, I’m sorry. You were probably disgusted with me too, weren’t you?” Baekhyun asked his eyes locked on the lemon tart and fork in his hand.  Chanyeol’s heart fell. “I’m sorry. I knew I should have focused on something else, I mean I knew it wouldn’t have worked anyway, with you being married and so happy with your wife and all, and me being that friend that would have done something to your relationship.”

“Baekhyun, I was never disgusted with you. I was surprised, that’s all. You should have told me that you were gay, and I should have paid attention to you. Didn’t you hear me call for you that night?” Chanyeol whispered, taking Baekhyun’s hand and the back of it gently. “I’m sorry for being too stupid, and my wife is a pest.”

Baekhyun sniffled. “You shouldn’t say that, you’ve only been married a year.” He tutted Chanyeol, his glassy eyes returned to his lap. “It could change.”

“No, no, I dislike it already. My parents didn’t start noticing each other until years into their marriage. And here I am, a year into this and I want to strangle her if I hear her voice. My father says I should just leave her, she’s been causing stress to my parents too.” Chanyeol smiled softly, irritated that he couldn’t see Baekhyun’s face because he was facing his drink on his legs. “Baekhyun, look at me please.”

Baekhyun reluctantly craned his neck so he could look at Chanyeol from under his lashes.

“You’re not looking at me properly.” Chanyeol frowned. Baekhyun didn’t answer, but did as he was told. Chanyeol was revealed to a pinkish, glassy eyed Baekhyun. “Why are you crying?” the taller asked, poking the shorter’s cheek softly, making the other giggle.

“You really haven’t changed… a year and you haven’t done anything.”

“I waited for you. I promised not to change until I met you again.” Chanyeol admitted, brushing his fingers in Baekhyun’s hair. Baekhyun blushed, and bit his bottom lip nervously.

“I’m sorry.” Baekhyun apologised.


“I-I…” Baekhyun couldn’t end his sentence. “I-I didn’t, I mean… me- my f-feelings…”

“You still love me right Baekhyun?” Chanyeol interrupted, he was stupid to noticed certain things, but Baekhyun was his friend, and he could read him like a book most of the time. “Tell me you do.”

“W-what do you mean, Chanyeol?” the curly haired stuttered. “Y-You want me to-“

“To stay with me. I need you to be with me.”

Baekhyun didn’t answer. He smiled once again.

“I can’t do that.”

“And why not?”

“You-you’re married, Chanyeol.”

“We haven’t got children, I don’t want children with her. I hate her.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Stop apologising! Why are you apologising?” Chanyeol asked, furrowing his brows. “You have nothing to apologise for.”

“I can’t intrude again, you’re wife- “

“Screw the fact she’s my wife. Something happened between the two of you, and I heard it all. Remember, I was in the car when you said everything?”

“She-She knew…” Baekhyun shook slightly.

“I know she knew, and if you told me beforehand, I would have never gotten this far in this godforsaken relationship.” Chanyeol mused, placing a hand on Baekhyun’s shoulder. “We should walk.”

Chanyeol helped Baekhyun to his feet. Their desserts were left half-eaten, their drinks almost finished. Baekhyun didn’t protest though, and just followed Chanyeol out of the café. The two walked together in a comforting silence, Chanyeol coming to grips with the fact that he was finally with Baekhyun after a year since that incident.

He couldn’t go on any further without the idea of not having Baekhyun. He had accepted long ago that maybe he wasn’t completely straight; he had accepted that when he married his wife. He took Baekhyun’s hand, and let it swing lightly, smiling when he saw Baekhyun’s cheeks stain pink. It was a pretty pink, Chanyeol thought, amused.

He was surprised when Baekhyun tightly held on to his hand in return. Chanyeol admired the small size of Baekhyun’s hands in comparison to his own, and chuckled slightly. Letting go of it for a moment, he caught Baekhyun’s pout and quickly grabbed hold of his hand once more.  

Now that Chanyeol thought of it, back then they were small, and always so happy. It was better back then, everyone was happy. Why he didn’t notice it back then he wondered. He could only reminisce how bright his life was before he was married.

“I really need you with me, Baekhyun. I can’t do anything without you.” Chanyeol admitted, scratching his head with his free hand.  “You see it yourself, I waited for you to come back, I didn’t forget you once, and I think I need you to be with me.”

Baekhyun didn’t answer.

“Baekhyun... I think I love you. And it needs to be you. I will do whatever it takes to look after you, and I will tell you my love until it overflows.” Chanyeol continued, not caring that Baekhyun was crying. “I will tell you this a hundred times, a thousand times, whenever I can. I promise. I will love you, and I will never ever let you go again. I won’t leave you because you are my love. I promise to love you forever until the day I die.”

Chanyeol looked down to his best friend, who was sobbing into his shoulder uncontrollably.

“I’ve always loved you Chanyeol, I always have and I always will. It will never change.” Baekhyun confirmed, squeezing Chanyeol’s hands.






I posted it! I finished it!  Don't mind my author note spelling errors, it's late. I should be sleeping. So, BaekYeol now have a happy ending. *shoots rainbows at you*

I hope you enjoy it! Comment me your feels and subscribe and if you really really really like it please upvote!

And now, I'll late night spam you with Baekyeol.








So... yeah I also managed to fit in my emotions for you all who subscribed before I even posted this crappy fic. I'm so y I want to cry...

Thank you beautiful people!


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Can I delete this? It's terrible. I cry.


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KaiSooisforever #1
Chapter 1: How dare you make my feels explode with the Baekyeol gif spam and then GD at the end?! Oh lord❤
KaiSooisforever #2
Chapter 1: Huda, this is seriously amazing! Oh my gosh rainbows are flying everywhere and Baekyeol are so adorable and I teared up reading this and what have you done to me seriously ermagerd~ *claps for you*
Chapter 1: Yessssss!

Was waiting for this update, thank you very much~! :D