♥ -Falling

U and I [XQChallenge]


Slowly, without force, her eyelids had lifted. It was still cloudy, slightly windy. After a while, she had realised she had been sleeping on Wooyoung’s bed. She sat up, dazed at what happened last night. A note had been left by her side.
“Good morning!
Or do you usually get up in the afternoons on a Saturday like I do? ^^;;
Parents are downstairs, and they know you’re here.
Feel free to introduce yourself! J
I’ve gone to take the exam, will be back at 2pm! Enjoy your gift~
P.S. You promised ♥”
She had shown an expression of cluelessness, before looking at the note he was planning to give her. Aside from the note, there was a slim long box. It looked like it hadn’t been touched at all. The gift was completely coated with a box all around it. She lightly lifted the outside box, amazed to see it was an iPod player for her. She pierced the iPod out of the box slightly, turning it on to see that a few songs were already uploaded on his player. They were all songs sung by the boy who had brought her this music listening device himself, Wooyoung. Songs could be seen such as ‘I Can’t’ and ‘I Will Give You My Life’ were synched into her iPod, only able to hear his voice.
She got off of the soft mattress, neatly folding the blanket at placing it on the bed. Then she figured out she was still wearing Wooyoung’s jumper. Her school jumper and shirt was placed on a hanger where she could easily just take it off. But she wanted to wear the jumper instead. She didn’t know why, but it was special to her. She made her way downstairs, still up with a fresh morning face and greeted his parents. It seemed mind tensing because they had known she was sleeping at their house for the night. But they respected her because she had helped Wooyoung to get into the academy, which they were alright with.
After introducing herself to the two, she was stuck in deciding whether she should go home or if she should stay. Her eyes hovered over his note once again, seeing the words, ‘Will be back at 2pm!’ She thought for a second. Because he said that he would be back by then, did that mean he expected her to stay? She only beamed at the note, seeing how friendly he was. Who could not like him? Every time he would give her notes, a gift came along.
She pressed play on the iPod player, letting the song playing softly through her headphones. *Jang Wooyoung, you are so selfish – only putting on songs on my iPod with your cute voice.* she thought, smiling foolishly at her music player.
I dream about U and I endlessly. her eyes caught on another piece of paper which were stacked on countless notes he had also been writing on. She only cringed at the thought if he had meant Ji-Eun herself. The time had read 12.23PM. She was getting impatient, looking at the digital device from time to time to see how much longer she had to wait for him to come home. She heard his parents greeting her goodbye as they were going to work and she felt like the daughter-in-law. The warm smiles and the generous offerings to watch TV or grab something from the kitchen to eat were kind-hearted.
She came down the stairs slowly, turning on the TV. There were not many things to watch, but she was still alright with the channels. With her legs crossed, she focused on watching the drama. Being so into the film, she lost track of time. The drama was indeed interesting that she could merely take her eyes off of it. 
BOO!” the frightening, surprising sound came out from nowhere, making Ji-Eun jump, sensing the person’s hands on her weak shoulders. She turned around in wonder to who it was.
“Wooyoung!” she playfully hit his arm, being half scared to death. He only laughed at her reaction.
“Is this what you’ve been doing for the past five hours?!” he asked, glancing at the TV with a drama series revealed. “Aigoo, poor you. Why did you wait for me?” he questioned, taking the satchel off his body and throwing it on the sofa. “Why are you still in my jumper? You want to keep it?” he smirked, delighted at the thought Ji-Eun had still kept on his blue outwear. Shades of pink that lay on her chubby cheeks was all he received as a reply.
“I’m hungry.” she blew out a sigh while telling him. Wooyoung’s eyes widened;
“You haven’t eaten yet? Let’s start cooking then!” his fingers locked around Ji-Eun’s thin wrist, dragging her into the kitchen.
“How was the exam?” she requested to know. Wooyoung had been looking in the food cupboards for something cook.
“It went pretty well, but there was something I wasn’t sure about after taking the exam…” her eyes woke up to his unsure answer.
“What were you stuck on?” he only turned his head to learn at her, smiling.
“I wasn’t sure whether you had got your iPod or not.” he laughed, only being pushed lightly by the tutor girl.
“It must have cost a lot; thanks.” she confessed, before preparing to eat. He took out three packets of Ramen, ready to boil the Korean noodles along with the seasonings. Eventually, they sat down and ate their lunch, enjoying what was on the TV while at it. Out of nowhere, Ji-Eun had a sudden idea, spastically tapping Wooyoung.
“Take me to your sports school!” she said, with half full. He only took a napkin and wiped her slightly reddish lips.
“They gave us a tour so we’ll find our way around the building.” he explained, only chuckling lightly at the younger girl who was nervously sitting there while he had wiped .
So many things had happened over the past few days. This sports academy changed everything for them. It changed how close they were, their feelings for one another but something that Ji-Eun’s mind wandered to the most; this sports academy meant that Wooyoung would leave their present high school if he got accepted. She was disappointed, Wooyoung was the only one who was there and cared for her. But she didn’t want to ask him about her thoughts, in the end, there would still be disappointment. His finger poked her soft cheek, his eyes asking her what was wrong. She smiled and resumed eating her Ramen.
After eating, they decided to set off to see the school. “You’re still wearing that?” he pointed to the blue jumper and seeing her uniform sticking out of her schoolbag. She jumped and nodded. For a strange reason, she felt herself around Wooyoung. Happy than usual, energetic and just Ji-Eun. There was no use hiding who she was with him.
They arrived at the academy after taking a trip on the subway. The building was as ten times as big as a football field and the entrance was blocked with minivans and coaches, ready to take a team of sport players off somewhere. They entered the building, seeing students in classes taking the exam Wooyoung had taken a few hours ago. He gasped quietly, tapping her hand. She leaned it, wanting to listen why he seemed so excited.
“There’s a view all the way at the top of the building.” he whispered to her, leading her all the way upstairs to the top floor, which was roofless. She shouted, in wonder and awe at the clouds in the sky, and the wind that was blowing against her cool cheeks. She ran towards the edge of the sky view, almost landing onto the floor, but having a strong pair of arms wrapped around her waist, protecting her from falling. He only stifled a laugh, faced as close as ever to her figure. “You need to stop falling… Because I will catch you when you fall. Always.” while telling her this in a whisper, his breath traced down her neck, giving her Goosebumps.
“Wooyoung ah.” again, that voice could be distinguished from anywhere. The two who were embraced in each other’s arms faced towards the door which was sealed onto the floor. It was almost as if fate was meant to do this to the three.
“Hye-Jeun? What are you doing here?” Wooyoung softly and reluctantly let go of Ji-Eun. He was stuck between two people. Hye-Jeun, the beautiful girlfriend who did absolutely nothing wrong. She was just trying to do her job as the girlfriend, not letting Wooyoung get into the wrong hands. Ji-Eun, the innocent student who was only tutoring Wooyoung for the better of his future. But because of this, the two had started to develop heart-felt and stronger feelings for each other in conclusion.
“I came here to look for you since I knew you were doing the test. But I guess that doesn’t matter anymore. Just let me talk to Ji-Eun for a while.” Hye-Jeun said, seeing Wooyoung give Ji-Eun a worrying look before walking his way out of the top floor. Now it was only two girls on the edge of the building, both uncertain of what was going to happen next. The clouds were turning grey, forming the light raindrops to fall softly. Hye-Jeun made the first move, walking up towards Ji-Eun. The innocent student could only step a few paces back in fear. Hye-Jeun was going to go soft on this student, telling her to back off politely, until her eyes casted down to the jumper she was wearing. Wooyoung’s jumper.
Wooyoung was deeply worried. Who knew what the two would do up there. He quickly exited out of the school building and watched what was happening up there from the academy fields. It was clear, since it was spitting lightly – he could just merely see Ji-Eun on the edge of the academy building.
“I’m not going to hurt you or anything. But I suggest that you shouldn’t stay with Wooyoung for long. You and him aren’t the types that mix. I’m not saying this because I don’t like you with him, but because he chose me to be his girlfriend and that is my job. How can I be his girlfriend if you keep getting in the way? Don’t you think it’s the best to stay away from him?” she asked rhetorically, before making her way down the stairs. But Ji-Eun felt that strong feeling - the urge to tell her something, that she thought was right.
“Don’t you think he should make that choice? I mean, for all you know, he could be in love with someone else.” she confessed quietly.
“What did you say?” she questioned, slamming the faced-down door, walking towards her as if she was going to really hurt her this time. The rain started to fall heavier and heavier by the second. Again, there was fright in her figure. She stepped a few more paces backwards, before tripping over a heavy object, sending her to fly backwards and off the edge. Before she knew it, she was in the air and gravity was pulling her downwards. Hye-Jeun ran towards the weak small gates, seeing Ji-Eun falling to her death, screaming to live.
“JI-EUN AH!” Wooyoung’s alarmed loud voice called out to her. He dropped his bag, running as fast as he could. The wind rushing through his face, as the clock was slowly counting away when she would fall from such a high building. He let his arms out, reading to catch the blissful screaming girl who was falling from an unsurviving height. The impact hit him so badly; he felt his world going black for a few seconds. They were on the concrete floor, too hurt to talk. Then Ji-Eun got up, realising she survived the fall.
“Oh my god, Woooyoung! Why did you do that?!” Ji-Eun requested an answer, feeling her head bleeding heavily. She grabbed his shirt with her fists. She didn’t care, she was just burning with anger at Wooyoung for doing such a foolish thing. Wooyoung’s arm was bleeding, merely seeing the flesh being ripped off. He was wheezing heavily in the cold rain, unable to breathe because of his painful heart. “Wooyoung... Why did you save me…” she entwined her hands with his, squeezing it slightly. He groaned, opening his eyes again.
“As much as you fall, I want to be there… Because I care about you…” he breathed heavily, weakly being able to inhale and exhale.
“I care about you too… A lot! But please, just keep your eyes open…” it was the only thing she wished for at the moment, for Wooyoung to stay alive.
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I love this story
I will always support you but please continue this story, OK??? ^^
Please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue
mehmehme #3
(y) !! <3 !!
Chapter 4: It hurts! Oh god (;_;)
talitha #5
update soon please :D
Omo He died!? what will happen!? Update soon :)
Meyling #7
why wooyoung died?
@foreverwoou;<br />
Thanks for commenting and supporting me to carry on this storyline ^-^<br />
Please look forward to Chapter 5! :]<br />
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@500sunny500;<br />
LOL, I love Ramen! ^^ Just reading or seeing food will make me hungry >v< Thanks for commenting and supporting me to carry on this story! ^^ <br />
Please look forward to Chapter 5! :)<br />
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