Fell For Oh Sehun

My Brother's Boyfriend


Jia/Krystal’s POV:

…..Why is he taking so long….aishhhhh….>_<...I look back and oh behold what a wonderful sight…rabid fangirls and fanboys are surrounding my oppa...I almost laughed at oppa’s facial expression (he looks like he fought with 1000 sumo wrestlers) Kyunsoo oppa also looked back and said “Nahhhh don’t worry Krystal he’ll be fine…Yooo Jongin instead of eating like caveman why don’t you help hyung”. Kai surprisingly stood up but immediately sat down while muttering “Nahhhh he can take care of himself”. (I thought he was gonna help oppa)


I was about to flip the table due to my oppa’s friends when….”Worthleth peathanth your king hath now arrived”, somebody said. I look up to find the owner of the voice…..BAMMMM….He looks so handsome…like a truck of handsome bumped him…his hair is blonde (can this get any better)…he’s eyes turns into little crescents when he smiles (like Tiffany unnie)…he has lisp (he is so friggin cute).


“Ohhh look here comes Lispy McLisperson”, Kyungsoo’s voice disturbed my fangirling moment…(curse you “-_-). “I am not Lispy McLiperson you thick bathard… oh thcratch that you owl eyed weirdo”, the so called Lispy McLisperson fought back as he pouted (I wanna pinch his cheeks). “Whooooa dude I saw what you did there…you were supposed to say sick bastard but we all know you have lisp so instead you said owl eyed weirdo”, Kai oppa smartly stated as he fixed his imaginary glasses. “Get some ice for that burn”, Kyungsoo said as he high fived Kai oppa (dorks). “I hate you both”, the bullied one said. “Awww how sweet we love you too”, KaiSoo said with a hint of sarcasm in their voice.


After a few years of sulking “Lispy McLisperson” sat beside me. “Emo boy if you’re done sulking kindly introduce yourself to Luhan’s sister”, Kyungsoo said as he pointed his finger at me. “Oh mianhe I didn’t notith you I’m Oh Thehun at your thervice”, he quickly said as he waved his hand up and down”. I made a mental note that this angel in front of me has lisp so he’s name is Sehun. “Hi I’m Lu Krystal nice to meet you Sehun-ssi”, I politely bowed. “No need for honorifics Krystal ith okay if you call me Thehun oppa I feel old if somebody callth me Thehun-thi”, he said as he’s eyes turn into crescents. “Ummm Sure”, I awkwardly replied but deep inside I’m hyperventilating.



“I MADE IT OUT ALIVE”, I saw Luhan oppa running at our table sweating like a construction worker. “You look like you joined a marathon”, Kai wisely said as he took a good look at Luhan’s sweating figure. “Yahhhh the girls were looking at me like I have 2 heads and 5 eyes!!! Tell me guys does this manly face look like that”, oppa frankly said as he pointed his face.

“No oppa you don’t look anything like that”, out of the blue one of Luhan’s fangirl classmate popped out of nowhere.”SHOOT ANONYMOUS!!! Kim Jenny you scared the lights out of me”, Luhan shrieked as his grabbed his chest. “HOLY MOTHER OF BAMBI THE GREAT LUHAN KNOWS MY NAME”, she shrieked (I think my eardrum broke) “Of course I know you, you’re my classmate”, Luhan explained. “HE REMEMBERS ME”, she shrieked (again) as she ran to her friends (still) shrieking.

“Now that she’s gone we can all eat peacefully”, Kai stated. “What do you mean we you’re not included”, D.O. said. “But waeeee?”, Kai whined. “Because you already ate”, Kyungsoo fought back. “But I’m still hungry”, Kai whined for the nth time. The tanned male was about to grab a piece of bread when a hand spanked his hand. “This is WAR”, the 2 males muttered.


…There I was sitting awkwardly between Sehun and Luhan at the table…I tried to eat my food silently…I swear to God I can see Kai and Kyungsoo choking each other. “Sehun-ah where’s your brother?”, Luhan asked out of curiosity. “He’s heading at the canteen at this very moment”, Sehun replied. “Ahhh ok”, Luhan shrugged. “Speaking of the devil here he is”...Sehun said as he pointed his finger t someone. “Yooo my brothaaaa come here”, Sehun shouted. I looked at where Sehun was pointing and..…….. 


Author’s Note:

Krystal like Sehun now ohhmygod….but don’t worry MinStal shippers I’ ll make sure that Luhan ends up with Sehun and Krystal ends up with Minho.

By the way what do you guys think about Kai and Kyunsoo’s relationship?...kekeke

Comments are very much appreciated.

FACT: EXO’s Maknae, Oh Sehun has lisp.

*Lisp – a speech defect that makes it difficult to pronounce s and z sounds. S is given the sound of th.

PS: I’m sorry for not updating last Friday. I had to review for our test. I hope you guys understand

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Chapter 3: Oh Come on make this Minstal story ! update soon! I love itn
Chapter 3: Oh Come on make this Minstal story ! update soon! I love itn
MinSoojung #3
Chapter 11: Update soon :))
Chapter 11: Update soon, thank you for updating !!!!
Chapter 11: Krystal, I think minho is handsome than sehun. U should fall in love with minho :))))
Chapter 11: Krystal will meet minho again as sehun's brother. Update soon dear !!!!
MinSoojung #7
Chapter 9: love it. Update soon
update soon :))
Chapter 9: Minho cared about krystal^_^ well but just a little-_-,
Chapter 9: hasha, minstal so cute :))