
Who should I choose?



GO:" Ahh...jinjja?" 

Lee Joon:" Wae hyung?"

GO:" Let's say I also know someone who likes her too you know that person too!"

Lee Joon:" Who?? I won't lose too that guy!"

GO:" Soon my friend! Maybe tomorrow you will find out at the major idol shoot!"

Next day

Narrator's POV

"Wake up guys!! Important shoot with other boy bands in less than 1 hour!" The MC of the show said. MBLAQ woke up and noticed the cameras. They hurried out not putting any makeup or even changing. They got on to a bus and left to a place where the would get to know about other boy groups. 

After an hour 

MC:" We are here with 5 idol groups and 5 mystery guests!" 

Idols:"Yay!"( Sleepily) 

MC:" Come on have some energy the mystery guests are girls and they are very PRETTY! Now Introduce yourselves!

After hearing the guests were girls everyone felt very energetic 

Idols:" Anyeonghaseyo! B1A4,Infinite,MBLAQ,SHINee and Teen Top imnida!"

MC:" Now that's the spirit! First off  we will find out everyone's ideal types! If anyone has the same ideal type, you can battle it out in the water. Not saying that the girl will choose you or anything it's just for fun!"

After a few people,it was GO's turn. 

GO:"My ideal type is KARA Han Seungyeon ."

MC:" Anyone wants to battle it out with him?"

Just then Lee Joon, Jinyoung, Woohyun, Ricky and Onew stood up. 

MC: Wow! Daebak! This is gonna be exciting!

GO: Let's just show off our talents instead of going in the water! 

Others : Okay!

The mystery guests have arrived but will be hiding somewhere and watching the boys.

Ricky and Lee Joon showed off their incredible dancing skills while GO, Onew, Jinyoung and Woohyun showed off their melodious voices. All of them were equally strong.

MC:Wasn't that amazing?! Okay now the guests you have been waiting for have arrived but you all have to split into groups of six and find one of them.

Jinyoung, Ricky, GO , Lee Joon, Onew and Woohyun got into a group and started searching while talking about their ideal type. 

Ricky: Hey! I think someone is there!

They all walked over and saw their ideal type standing in front of them.

Everyone: Wow!

Seungyeon :" Anyeonghaseyo ! Lets go back to the filming location "

Everyone walked back in silence. 

Seungyeon :" Why so quiet? I thought boys talk a lot I must be wrong I guess."

GO:"Ani! We were just amazed by you."

Just then they returned and saw everyone there. 

MC: " Welcome back! The guests as you can see is KARA!!

KARA:" Anyeonghaseyo! KARA imnida!"



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Letterofspring #1
Chapter 4: Ricky likes hammie??????

vinmya86 #2
Chapter 4: yeah..update! :)
Chapter 2: good..update soon please
update soon pls^^!!
Karakarakara #5
Chapter 1: Sorry for the messed up story!