Who should I choose?

Seungyeon's POV

Performance over back to " mingling" with Hara and Jiyoung. We walked everywhere and we saw B1A4 and SHINee and talked. I decided to catch up with my friend, Onew when a guy came up to me. " Anyeonghaseyo! B1A4  Jinyoung imnida!" " Your performance just now was awesome!"He said. " He is kinda handsome..." I thought.
Jinyoung's POV
I heard the door opening, turned around and almost died! I saw ANGELS FROM HEAVEN!! KARA! I saw my bias Seungyeon with Hara and Jiyoung . I went over to greet. Hope I made a GOOD impression!
Onew's POV
I saw Seungyeon coming in with her members . As I was about to go over, I saw a member of B1A4 approaching her. I think it is that Jinyoung guy. I felt like punching him. What if he was going to do something  to her? GOODNESS ME! I must be thinking to much! Jinyoung is a nice guy. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!?!?
Seungyeon's POV 
I spotted Onew staring at Jinyoung. Wonder why he is doing that. Anyway, Jinyoung left for his performance and I bid SHINee and B1A4 goodbye and left the room going back to our room. In the hallway, I saw INFINITE fooling around and said to Hara and Jiyoung," Yah! Look over there!" They turned their heads and saw them. By now, the INFINITE members have noticed us. I saw Woohyun staring at me and when I looked at him, he started blushing! I remembered about the time where he expressed his feelings for me on a variety show. It was so CHARMING! 
 Woohyun's POV
KARA! I saw Seungyeon and started staring at her. How could she  make my heart beat so fast? As I was thinking and staring, she looked at me. I started  blushing like mad! BLUSHING! I hope no one notices
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Letterofspring #1
Chapter 4: Ricky likes hammie??????

vinmya86 #2
Chapter 4: yeah..update! :)
Chapter 2: good..update soon please
update soon pls^^!!
Karakarakara #5
Chapter 1: Sorry for the messed up story!