Prompt 13: Sunset



Prompt 13: Sunset


Let the sunset be our wish, the sunrise our shooting star.


   Yixing hoped that this was love, or at least a relationship, which is more than super mega best friends, yet not to the level of dating. He hoped he was what Kris would cherish the most, or we can also put it as being an irreplaceable person. He hoped that he’s the #1 candidate for everything that happens around Kris, yet he doesn’t want to be officially named as his “boyfriend”. Actually, he probably doesn’t even know what is he to Kris anymore.


Because, he’s Yixing.


  The brunette ruffled his hair a bit with the thought of him playing what type of a role in Kris’s life as the golden red rays shone into the room. The villa, which was placed directly beside beach turned from pearl white into golden red as the evening sun slowly soak the building in its rays. Yixing and Kris was still lying on the bed that time, with their s facing towards the open balcony doors.


  Light breathing was the only sound that could be heard in the spacious room as Kris, who goofed around the whole day, slept soundly. Yixing on the other hand, couldn’t sleep at all and had his eyes wide open as he lied beside Kris.  He has no idea what is he doing right now, lying half and on the same bed beside someone very important to him. He wonders should he be contented already and not wish for more, since his motto was to be Kris’s #1 (he can bet his life that he must be the first man to lie on the same bed while being half in Kris’s life).


   Seconds felt like hours as Yixing continued to lie there, hoping something would happen. He still doesn’t know what was the real reason this whole trip was for in the first place, unless it’s Kris’s way to show his affection towards his childhood friend (by shoving his cash into his life). He then slowly turned to his side before reaching for the table clock, only to realize that it was only six. His sleek fingers played with the small little brass bells on the clock before hoping it’ll reach nightfall soon. He wanted to go home so badly, so that he can hide in his room and get his thoughts straightened out.


   As he continued to talk in his mind, suddenly a pair of long arms slides around his waist before wrapping tightly. A smile formed on Yixing’s face as he felt the pair of familiar arms surrounds him, pulling him in to a loose hug. He lightly touched his skin, feeling the triceps and the small scars here and there.  The giant’s soft breath tickled the smaller male’s , making him shudder for a bit. Yixing then gently pulled his fingers around his, locking them together. A warm feeling gushed into Yixing’s heart and mind as Kris still continued to venture in his dreamland.


  In a while, Yixing’s mind began to drift into dreamland before being snapped back into reality as Kris’s phone vibrated. He reached to pick up only to see a message from a girl in their class. She, who obviously liked Kris, wanted to know if Kris wanted to go shopping with her later. Knowing Kris is a total playboy, he’ll probably go as a joke, since he doesn’t like her. But somehow, Yixing doesn’t want him to go,


He only want’s him to spend this day with him, alone.


  A long sigh came out from the brunette as he placed the phone back on the table, hoping Kris won’t touch his phone for the day. Kris then pulled Yixing closer into his embrace, even though he is not conscious. A light chuckle came escaped from his lips, not knowing what is going on right now. He, who has fallen in love with Kris for many years, is apparently being hugged by the person himself, yet somehow he can’t feel the happiness from it. He can’t understand why, just why is he not happy, not thrilled, and not excited. Is it because he knows very well that Kris doesn’t like guys, and he finds this as a normal bonding between friends? Or is because Kris will find his relationship with him as a joke and he won’t take it seriously?


Or maybe he’s just scared of the break-up?


  A sad smile took over the warm feelings he had before as he wanted to cherish this moment for as long as possible, knowing that there might be no more take-two. The sunset is slowly disappearing as stars glistened in the dark-blue sky, indicating the change of time. In the end, the two boys feel asleep with their legs intertwined and their relationship slowly turning into a maze with no end.


I just want to be someone very special to Kris, that’s all.





A/N: Sorry Mr. Grammar I failed you :(

Main pic: kramuk

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blackrosa413 #1
some prompt make me curious and want a full story of it
Chapter 8: promise made me cry, god my baby yixing
kimdeyya #3
Chapter 15: "You know, after hearing you talk about other people and their love stories... isn't it our turn to start one?"
its brilliant how u end this prompt with friends *give my all thumbs up for u
owahh... I love formal and the last one the most, and somehow u make sequel for sunset!
photography made my heart flinched.. I cant take it ;__;
Chapter 15: Friends.i like the last quote.this story is so warm until it'd melted my heart.
Chapter 3: Letter.did Yixing blind because of an accident?he was fine before.omg.your story was amazing.i didn't expect that see that yixing was blind, ,is just so're amazing.
Chapter 1: Chocolate.omg. . .it was so cute. . .chibi fanxing with forever adorable lay. . .perfect
shirocream97 #7
Chapter 3: So...if lay was blind then how did he read the letters?
Chapter 15: I love it like what I do to every one of your chapters
I thought u'd let this chapter be a little angst like before but tysm you didn't do it ccc:
I really hope to see more of your fics starring kray!<3
Chapter 15: LOVE IT! <3