
Who Would Have Thought?


The next thing they knew, lunch had already arrived. Ailee bit her lip nervously as she took her time packing her things. I wonder what his reaction was once I left?

“Ailee! C’mon~ stop being a slow poke! It’s lunch and I’m hungry~ Ppali wa!” her closest friend, Minjung, said as she stood by the doorway.

The latter chuckled and shook her head. “You can go on ahead Jung-ah. I’ll be right there; I just need to get some things from my locker.”

Ailee held her breath as she watched Minjung look up in thought. Honestly, she wanted to be alone so she could take as much time as she could to delay herself from seeing Jihoon. She sighed in relief as Minjung pouted and said, “Arasso… I’ll just save your seat then. See you at the table!”

With that, she walked out of the classroom and Ailee set her hands onto her desk, putting all of her wait onto them. She closed her eyes tightly and bit her bottom lip. You were so confident about it earlier Ailee, so why are you chickening out now?

“Ah, I’m going crazy…” Ailee muttered as she zipped up messenger bag and slung it over her shoulder.

The girl slapped her cheeks lightly as she made her way out of her classroom and began to head towards her locker. Her eyes scanned the hallway to make sure she wouldn’t run into him and smiled in relief to see that no one from their group of friends were there. She made her way around the semi-crowded hallway and stopped at her locker. Pinching in her code, Ailee opened her locker and tilted her head to the side as she noticed a red sticky note in front of her.

The girl with the famous eyesmile.

What would you do if you found out who I am?

Are you ready to go for an adventure?

If so, then get ready! In order to find out who I am…

Please head to the auditorium.

~ Secret Admirer

She brushed some of her hair out of her face as she slowly took off the note. Noticing something attached to the back of the note, she raised an eyebrow as she looked at the small square. On it was the letter ‘I’. What is this…? Should I go along with this? It wouldn’t hurt…right? I mean this person put a lot of effort into it. Ailee looked up and down the hallway to see if her admirer was looking straight at her. Seeing that no one was paying attention, she quickly grabbed the things she needed for her Music Composition class and quickly made her way to the gym.

A pair of eyes watched as she disappeared through the crowd and smiled widely. Everything’s going to plan… Jihoon pumped his fist in the air as he looked down at the other sticky notes in his hands and nodded his head in determination. Let’s do this Jihoon! She’s already following along. But…you need a little energy boost. He opened his backpack and grabbed his package of Ailee’s chocolates. Plopping one in his mouth, he closed his bag and quickly headed to his next destination.

Ailee puffed out her cheeks as she looked around the front of auditorium. Seeing that there was no sticky note on it, she assumed that she had to go inside. Once she did, she automatically saw a stool in the middle of the stage. Before she could take a further step, the sound of a guitar playing filled the empty auditorium. She watched as two of her friends stepped out from behind the guitar. Ailee laughed as they smiled at her. The girl motioned for her to come down, and she did. They helped her onto the stage and sat her down before they began to sing.

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love in every way Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed Lucky to be coming home someday

“Yah! Park Jaehyung, Choi Youngjae, what is this about?!” Ailee exclaimed once they finished their small performance.

The duo chuckled before Jaehyung handed her a red rose with a pink sticky note onto it.

“That’s for us to know and for you to find out~” Youngjae smirked before they waved goodbye and headed off the stage.

She shook her head in disbelief as she looked down at the rose again. Taking off the post it, she read the note.

Uwah~ you’ve actually went along with this?

I’m very thankful for your cooperation.

Did you like the small performance I prepared for you?

I would have done it myself, but I still have a few more tricks up my sleeve!

Now for your next destination, please head to the cafeteria!

Turning the stick note around, she noticed that there were two letters this time. A ‘B’ and ‘N’ hm? I wonder what the message is supposed to be…

Ailee folded the note with care before slipping it into her pocket. She smiled softly as she held the rose close to her and smelled its scent. Who are you?

As she made her way to the cafeteria, she set the rose in her bag so it wouldn’t get lost. Once she was there, she noticed that most of the people were already done eating and there were only two figures sitting at their table.

“Jung-ah! Miyeon-ah!” she called out as she approached their table.

The two girls looked up and smiled widely. “We were waiting for you. Anyways, we have to go to Lee-seonsaengnim’s classroom to talk about electing the next student council. Enjoy your lunch!” Miyeon said. 

Minjung pushed a bento box and a bottle of iced coffee towards her as they gathered their things and left her alone at the table. Ailee puffed out her cheeks and plopped down onto the bench. Setting her stuff down, she immediately took off the note and read it.

Jajjang~! Here is a lunch that I made for you.

I’ve noticed that you haven’t been eating properly because of how busy you are nowadays.

We can’t have someone so pretty fainting on us, now do we?

Of course, another thing to keep you going is iced coffee!

I think everyone knows how much you love coffee. Kkk

Anywho~ do you have an idea of who I am, yet?

If not, then…you’re almost there beautiful!

Ailee stuck the note onto the glass bottle and slowly opened up the lid. Once she did she gaped at the food in front of her. Did this guy actually cook this?! It’s so…so cute! Then she noticed another sticky note on top of her meal.

I didn’t actually cook the whole thing…

A close dongsaeng of mine did, but hey! I helped them in making this.

If you do say yes to me, I promise to get better at cooking so you don’t have to move a muscle.

We can even cook together ~

Kkk Enjoy your meal!

Once you’re finished head over to the rooftop!

She chuckled softly before taking a bite out of it. This is really good… Looking outside of the cafeteria, she could see everyone participating in the Valentine’s Day event that the student council had put together. Ailee found some familiar faces of her group of friends, but Jihoon was nowhere in sight. She tilted her head to the side as she thought of places where he could be. Now where could that pabo be? Quickly finishing up the delicious lunch prepared for her, she shrugged.

“I can find him once I’m done with this.”

Ailee nodded to herself as she got up from her table and packed the bento box. Continuing on with her small Valentine’s Day Adventure, she took a sip of the iced coffee while going up the staircase connected to the rooftop. Once she arrived, she saw two locks attached to the far end of the gate. She automatically made her way towards the fence and took the note off the blue lock.

I know what you’re thinking and yes I know this is totally cheesy.

BUT! I’ve always wanted to do this with you after I figured out my feelings for you.

Once my identity is revealed, I will unlock our locks and we’ll head out to Namsam Tower to do it for real.

Seriously though, you’ve really captured my heart, Ailee.

You don’t know how much you make me go crazy whenever I see you.

Now, you’ll be heading to your final destination.

It’s up to you to figure this out.

A place so serene. Somewhere quiet.

A field of colors surround us as we stand in the middle.

A hiding place where few of us can escape our studies.

Good Luck!

I’ll be waiting~

“A place so serene…somewhere quiet….a field of colors….a hiding place…” Ailee muttered to herself as she looked at the note again and leaned against the fence. In her hands were the letters she collected: I, B, N, and an M.

“Just where could this place be?” she thought out loud as she turned around looked over the campus.

She could hear the faint cheers of the student body as she watched the pocky game from above. Her eyes scanned the school’s huge campus while thinking about the last place. Scanning around the area in front of her, her vision suddenly stopped at a small area behind the library. There, she found a small part of a flower garden. Flowers. Multi-colored flowers… A field of colors! Ailee’s mind went on hard drive as she connected the flowers and the note.

Could it possibly be the school’s garden?

With a determined look on her face, she hastily made her way to the school’s garden behind the library with a pounding heart. I’m finally going to find out who you are. Once she arrived, she followed the path of flowers, until she stopped in the middle. In front of her, the fountain glistened in the sunlight. She looked down and noticed a bouquet of red and pink roses sitting in front of her. Picking it up, she read the note.

You’ve finally made it to where I’m hiding~

Do you like the flowers? It suits today’s holiday, doesn’t it?

Anyways, here is the last two letters you need to complete my little message for you.

She paused and took off the two small squares that had an ‘E’ on each. Ailee looked at the pile of letters in her hand and continued to read the note.

Once you’ve figured out the message, read it out loud.

I’m here somewhere, just waiting for you to figure out what I want to say to you.

When you’re done, add this as well “forever __ ____, my smiling angel"

Ailee pouted slightly as she looked at the letters once more in her hands. She sat down on the rim of the fountain and set down her things. Spreading out the letters in front of her, she began to put his message together.

Jihoon looked from the cherry blossom tree he was hiding behind. He smiled lightly as he watched her read his note. I have to thank the gang for helping me… His heart pounded rapidly as he watched her concentrated face. As quietly as he could, he made his way around the trees and flowers, trying not to be caught by her. Out of the corner of his eye as he hid behind the tree directly behind her, Jihoon saw Ailee smile widely as her cheeks began to turn pink. She looked up and smiled shyly. with his note in her hands, she took a deep breath and said, “Be Mine. Forever be mine, my smiling angel… Now come out! This is really embarrassing saying this out loud…”

Closing his eyes, he tried to calm his beating heart. His grip on her gift tightened as he mentally prepped himself. Opening his eyes, he stepped out from behind the tree with a warm smile. He watched as her eyes widened and jaw dropped.

“J-Jihoon?!” she exclaimed.

He rubbed his neck sheepishly as he took slow strides towards her. With her gift in front of him, he presented it to her.

“Open it.” He said softly.

Ailee could feel as if she could die happy. She couldn’t believe that Jihoon was the one who set this up all for her. What was even more surprising and touching was when her eyes fell upon what was inside the gift.

“Omo…” she gasped as she lifted up the necklace. Her eyes met his as she put it in front of them.

“How did you…?”

Jihoon chuckled and took the necklace out of her grasp and motioned for her to turn around. She followed his instructions and he swept her hair to the side. Ailee shivered slightly as she felt his presence close to her and when he moved her hair aside. He tried to keep his hands firm as he shakily put on the necklace for her. She held her breath as she felt their close proximity. Jihoon smiled as he latched it on. Gathering all of his courage, he s his arms around her waist and held her close to him. Ailee’s eyes widened and blushed widely as he hugged her. She could feel his chest rumble as he chuckled at her reaction.

“You always looked at it whenever we went out. So…what do you think? Will you be mine?” he asked softly.

Ailee turned around and blushed even more as he tightened his grip on her. Her eyes met his with her hands resting on her chest. Both of them could feel their hearts beating in sync as they stared at each other. A small smile graced her features as they continued looking at each other with warm eyes.

“What do you think? I confessed to you first, no?”

Jihoon chuckled at her remark and bit his bottom lip. “I think this can seal the deal…”

He tilted her head upwards with his hand and lightly kissed her on the lips. Ailee eyesmiled as she noticed Jihoon blushing. “You’re blushing Hoon-ah.”

Jihoon buried his head in the crook of her neck and took in her comforting vanilla scent. “Shut up… you are too.”

She patted his head and cupped his face. “Don’t worry, I think it’s cute.”

He smiled at her before pecking her once more. Ailee smiled into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Their kiss deepened as Jihoon gained more courage. He ran his tongue over her bottom lip, asking for permission. Ailee blushed even harder than she already was. Shyly parting her lips slightly, she felt him slip his tongue through them. The two of them fought for dominance, but Ailee gave up and let him explore . As much as she was addicted to his kisses, she reluctantly pulled away because of the lack of oxygen. Both of their faces were red as they pulled away and met eyes with each other. He set his forehead against her and looked at her deeply in the eyes.

“I’m serious with what I said in those notes. I promise to take care of you and be the best boyfriend you would ever have. You’re mine now. You’ve made my days at Seoul High brighter. I still question myself how I ended up falling for such a wonderful girl like you.”

Ailee eyesmiled as she heard his confession. “I was always yours to begin with. I promise as well to be the best girl you’ve ever had. Just like that little performance you put together, I’m lucky to have fallen for my best friend. Who would have that we would have fallen for each other?”

She wrapped her arms around his waist as the two of them hugged in the middle of the garden.

“WOO! Congrats guys!” a voice exclaimed and the couple quickly separated.

Jihoon and Ailee looked at the entrance to find their friends standing there with huge smiles on their faces. Jaehyung had his arm wrapped around Youngjae’s waist with smirks on their faces. Miyeon and Minjung were spazzing on either side of Jaehyung and Youngjae. Behind the four was the rest of their gang. Ailee smiled in amusement as their friends approached she and Jihoon, surrounding them in a circle. Her eyes stopped on a certain person who was smiling at her.

“I’m guessing you were the precious dongsaeng that helped Pabo-hoon with the bento?” she asked.

The girl nodded and said, “Did you enjoy it unnie?”

Ailee nodded and said, “I did, you and your oppa did a great job. I loved it Sunhwa-ah.”

Sunhwa giggled as Jihoon ruffled her hair. “Gomawo squirt.”

“Anytime oppa, I mean you did help me out on confessing to Sungha-oppa. I had to pay you back somehow.”

The couple smiled at the maknae of their group and sighed in contentment as their friends goofed around in the garden. Ailee leaned her head on Jihoon’s shoulder and sighed happily.

“Saranghae…” she said as she stared at Minjung and Miyeon teasing Sunhwa and Sungha.

Jihoon looked down at her and smiled softly before setting his head on top of hers.

“Nado, saranghae Ailee-yah.”

The both of them smiled widely as their friends motioned for them to join in on the fun. Jihoon slipped his hand into hers before walking towards the back of the garden where Youngjae had managed to turn on the hose and stared soaking everyone. Both of them laughed as they got splashed and had the same thought, Best Valentine’s Day ever…



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_Aecha #1
I really like this fic >.<
Chapter 3: omggg! so cute! <3 i'm shipping them so hard after reading your fanfic!!! daebak!
peonelopie4 #3
Chapter 1: Looking forward to his response.