Chapter 17

What Happened To Us
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A/N 1 – I suddenly had everything I had to do at work today cancelled and even though I still had some paperwork to do, I found myself writing…but shhh….dont tell my boss

A/N 2 – I hadn’t said this before but thank you sagigirl94, emma13, Chipsss, maggyone, enclose, Lifantasy, _kyuhyuk, lovingkyuhyuk, hyukstar, jewel0404, kyumeh, HaeFishie, kitsunehime, bonna_mag, imKYUbiased, monkeydancer, BabyHyunnie26, annahfr, Mariia-15, haehyukyuhyuk, Just_Why, ILuvSkyDragon, MokonaModoki, jennyloveyeye, himawariamu, EunDooKyu, hippocat, purpleungu, kyuwifey, zoldyk, jewElf_13, forogh, meehyukkie, Kgirlz, minniewookie, anncherry, lala94, kiki-chan, EriiAR, and mennie68 for upvoting this. And thank you everyone for not leaving this. It’s been a year and a month since I started this fic, out of which, seven months it had been on hiatus…I really really appreciate the support.

A/N 3 - It weaves in between Hyuk and Kyu POV's. I hope its not too confusing



Eunhyuk’s eyes flutter open as he is disturbed out of his slumber. It was late in the night and the only source of light in the room was the moonlight filtering in through the curtains he had pulled apart before going to sleep. He blinked his eyes, squinting into the darkness to gage as to what had woken him up.


His breath caught in his chest as his eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, landing on the man sitting on the floor on his left, one hand crooked on the bed, chin resting on it while the other hand outstretched, fingertip lightly caressing him. The pads of Kyuhyun’s fingers gently ran along the swell of his belly as Kyuhyun smiled softly as though he could see the baby inside the womb. He wouldn’t lie that he didn’t feel the need to coil away from its touch. He won’t pretend that he didn’t feel that rush of panic in his veins, and the lurch of his heartbeat. He still wanted to move away but then Kyuhyun spoke.




Kyuhyun quietly walked over to where his wife slept, his eyes instantly stinging as he watched the serenity on his face and the natural pout on his lips. He had been doing this for quite some time, almost every day recently as Eunhyuk would be extremely tired from the added weight on his tiny frame and probably the mental stress of having him near and he would sleep deeply as opposed to before when he had first brought him home.


He quietly kneeled down on the furry rug by the bed, hands folded on the bed as he placed his head on them, sitting there and just staring, staring at his beautiful wife, watching the pink on the chubby cheeks still there even though he was asleep, the sometimes uncomfortable squirm when Eunhyuk couldn’t find a comfy position because of his swollen belly and the rare times that Eunhyuk would unconsciously pat his belly with the most beautiful smile on his face and when he was sure that his wife was deep asleep, Kyuhyun would reach out, tenderly tracing his hand over where his baby slept inside of his moth

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970 streak #1
Chapter 19: Though you didn't mark it as completed, at this point in the story they are on the way to recovery.
If in the future you find the muse to continue, I will be very happy to read it.
Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #2
Chapter 16: This is one of your fics that I postponed reading because of all your warnings.
Although it is really full of angst, I still like it. I can emphatize with how Eunhyuk is feeling. I wouldn't want to go back to an abusive husband.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Ashee21 #3
Chapter 19: Please continue to update faster
Chapter 19: will u ever continue to write this?? or u already give up with this story? i wish u will continue.

son? its must be henry then. its beautiful plot and that angst are really makes me cry.

i love u for sharing this.thanks3 a lot.
Chapter 10: okay, i swear, im crying this chapter.. ahhh. my emotion... they hurt, hyuk hurt more, and i cant take it if my kyuhyuk hurt.

ok, see u next next next chapter.
kikilulu91 #6
Chapter 19: when will u update. God, i can't wait to read when they living with a son. a genius son i guess. thanks for a great story. i just love it and i know i just read it, i just found ur ff, and thanks, and i came for kyuhyuk.
Hime-kun #7
Chapter 19: T<T .... huhu. wae? wae? my stress reliever ~~~~,,,~~~~~~~~~~~ i'll wait ~~~ i'm impatient ~
Hime-kun #8
Chapter 19: well, i'm sure that this is not a read for x-mas and the upcoming new year. Well, here i am reading it. I just found out that i like angst,sorrow, (yes,as in ..), and many more that of a abusive... is that a good discovery?... This was perfect for me... i was looking for this, and this is what i'm looking for, the horror of fear, that even by reading you sympathies the victim, and even the culprit . as the author said, it is not easy to forgive especially when ur so much wounded. ~ . But in time it can heal. HYuk!! don't u worry, i am here for u !! ... <3 <3
DBSJKyuHyukSu #9
Chapter 19: hhwaaaaa... "i love you.. thank you.." omoooo.. Kyuhyun aaaaaa... XD
soooooo damn sweeeeeeet... XD
omooo... finally... lil by little...
i like it... not rush a thing... so the srory will floooow... ^u^
oh! shiiiiiiiiiiiiv... >_________________<
kyaaaaaaaaa.... my OTP kyuhyuksu.... in one plaaace... omooooo... 2days agoooo... XD
so apparently kyuhyuk goin to junsu musical WITHOUT manager with only ONE fan noticed...
its usual for hyuk to go to junsu's... BUT!
Kyuhyuuuuun!!! He has make up on too.. so perhaps he actually has a schedule.. but insisted to tag along hyukkie bcoz ehemm.. its Xiah Junsu ;) ♥♥♥
hyukkie bestiest... who always together with hyuk since forever n still meeting in secret... kkkkk just like dating hahahahaaa... n the possessive Mr.Cho.. cant let it b the two of them I (my fangirl mind) think.. ♡♡♡♡ hohohohoooo... n i loooooove it... ^///////^
go kyuhyun gooooo... ^0^
n that mamacita teaser... Rawr.... hyukkie looks sooo hooot... >///////<