❦❧ Review for zining's Woebegone

❝ Scripturient Review Shop ❞ ┇Closed & Revamping┇



Written by zining & Reviewed by cherrylisa


Title: (14/15)

-The title is great and a rare title to be used. I could already sense that it has a vibe of angst and drama from it. It definitely captivated the reader’s attention and mine, also. The title that you chose is excellent and gave out it’s contribution very well to the plot.


Description & Foreword: (9/10)

-The description was clean and neat. It definitely gave me the poetic feeling. Just by seeing your description, one knows what will happen in the end, if they’ll look hard enough on the description. But, if not, they won’t be able to know and they’ll look forward to what will happen to the plot.


Plot: (23/25)

• Originality: (14/15)

-A definitely captivating story with originality not too far from Romeo and Juliet, yet, has a huge twist and heavy feeling of angst that one person cannot handle such emotion due to the way the author has written the story with such melancholic feeling.

 -Wow, that was epic. The plot is truly captivating and not expecting. It gave out the feeling and twist that it needed and nothing was left out to be incomplete. Normally the writers would put they fall in love and then the other die and the other follows. But you stayed on the genre angst and drama. And I applause you. Great job.

• Believability: (9/10)

-The story is believable enough. Through the course of your story, I find it true in reality. The way how you make your story somehow, also happens to the reality. Best friends fall in love, yet, they didn’t become a couple due to that fate is not allowing it. How annoying fate is, sometimes. Anyways, you did a great job in making it true and believable. 

Presentation: (10/10)

-The presentation was good, hell it was great. (Pardon me for my language.) But what I’m saying is that you depicted the emotions so very well. The fonts were nice and easy to read and well-aligned. Great job.  

Characters: (13/15)

-Okay, I’ll cut this short, because if I didn’t, it’ll be long. Very long. I have to tell you that the characters are well-described and well-developed in the story. You did a great job in depicting their emotions a lot. Overall, the main character were great. Except for T.O.P., Bom, the mysterious hacker and Dara. They weren’t given enough definition or description of who they are and what they are to the main characters. Who are they? How did they appear? What happened to them in the end? And yeah, those are my questions that are lingering in my head.

-Try adding their details a bit more.


Spelling & Grammar: (8/10)

-Hmm, let’s see. Just found some errors. Some though. Just some.

*Spelling [Some; 1 to 2 misspellings]

*Adjectives and Adverbs [None]

*Punctuations [Some; especially the comma.]

*Grammar [None]

*Choice of Words {Great}


Writing Style: (8/10)

-Your writing is cool! Very descriptive and very emotional. I love how the way you write those lines with a vibe of full of emotions. I only have one problem with you. The Character’s POV. I know it’s your style, but, it somehow confusing for the readers to see who is talking and will only realize after a few paragraphs. In every novel-based or not, there should be a clue of who is talking and who’s perspective it is. And also the flashback, you should also put a word ‘FLASHBACK’ there so that we would know. And I almost thought all of it was in the past. 

Flow: (8/10)

-The flow is nice and well-paced. Everything flowed so smoothly, but, there was a problem with the last two chapters. There are some unanswered questions that lingers in my mind, telling me why this part is off? So yep. My only problem with the flow is the last two chapters, it’s a bit confusing.

Enjoyment: (15/15)

-I enjoyed it very much considering it’s a deep and heavy angst. YOU SHOULD HAVE PUT A WARNING SIGN!!!! But, nah, that would give away the clue. Tsk. I should have braced myself from the title itself already. I was so into it that I noticed that the food that I was cooking almost burned into crispy ash. (You have to pay for that, you know) Ehem. Let’s get back shall we? So seriously, I have fallen in love with your story and you made me almost cry due to the heavy angst and yeah, three words for you. Love ya sis’.

Bonus: (5/5)

-Hmm, let’s see, why did I give you a full point bonus?...Ah, I remembered now! One point for tugging my heart strings, One point for making me almost cry, and another one for the great enhancement of the story and two points because you’re a great author. Yep. You deserve it. 

Total Score: 113/125=90%


Extra: Hello! Cherry here. Hope you like my review. Thank you for requesting and hope you’ll come back again!

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Chapter 34: So excited for the shop to open again >.<
Chapter 34: Hi there!
I don't know if you remember me from back when your shop reviewed my story :) But anyway, since I'm not a designer OTL, I thought of letting you know about this awesome place where the designers are awesome and will take your request and actually make it^^
Here we go: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/459834/technicolor-graphic-shop-open-accepting-requests-apply-graphic-graphics-poster-graphicshop-graphicsshop

P.S. Hope it helps at least a lil' ^~^
Chapter 34: I know someone who might be willing to make a poster for you... extaosy =) I can't promise but her posters are awesome and she's super nice <3
Chapter 34: Do you really need a poster? I honestly dont look at the poster when I judge a review shop. Actually, I tend to gravitate to those without posters or too fancy layouts (and horrible small pale fonts)
Chapter 31: I want it to feature EXO's comeback too ;__;
But if you wait for that, you'll likely be waiting for eternity lol XD

Chapter 31: Well isn't the new shop name just oh-so bombastic?
A free review? Aren't all reviews here free? Or are you going to start charging people now or something?
quatervois #8
Chapter 31: It's Lee Hi right? Pleeaaase let it be Lee Hi! She's my fav soloist!
Chapter 31: OOOH~ O.O A new policy for reviewers :D That'll be great!!