What is this Misfortune?!

My Princé Chårmíng !

" INSANE!" Lee gulped. He was unsure how to react. He couldn't believe his eyes. In front of him was a stack of papers given to him.

" What's wrong?" Siwoo asked Ray who had been silently staring at the papers.  He couldn't manage a word to explain instead he handed a few to Siwoo. Puzzled, he read it and instantly he almost choked up when he saw the page number of the last paper. The bag he was holding automatically slipped his fingers.

" 100 interviewees?!!" Siwoo burst out.

All the people in the commonplace held back from saying anything, but instead they were all just ponting towards Rome.

That figure was not a joke. Bet they couldn't even finish by tomorrow if they were to interview one by one. Looking for a manager certainly wasn't an easy task. The appointed one will not only handle the official members but all 50 non-officials as well. The main problem now was that most of the interviewees were girls.

" It's going to be hard to choose. We wouldn't know which one is really serious to join or just some vixen," Lee sighed weakly. Surely it will be a headache to interview those girls.

All eyes on Ray who was still calculating in his mind. They still need to take care of the feelings of the girls waiting outside or else the reputation will be tarnished due to this nonsense. He then peeped to his side where Kangjun was soundly asleep and as an idea , he grinned.

All eyes then shifted on Kangjun. Suddenly they all knew what exactly Ray was planning.



Your jaw was hanging ajar for 2 minutes as soon as you stepped into the hall. You could see the long line extended from the entrance to the cafeteria which you assumed the distance could be 1 kilometre. You queued as the last person.


Thanks for nothing, Soo-Yoong.


About 2 hours had already past and the interview was smooth sailing. In just seconds an interviewee went in, the person was already sent out less than 5 minutes. Weirdly enough, the faces which were excited before turned sour during the exit.

After waiting for so long, it was finally your turn.  Once you entered, all eyes on you were dull. Clearly, they were already running out of energy after interviewing that many people.

You scanned every single face in the room. Ray,as the captain was still sitting straight as well as Siwoo. However the rest was almost ready to give up. Ray glared at Kangjun who was sleeping by his side.


How dare he's enjoying a snooze when my feet were killing me standing outside waiting!


" Park Ah Ra." Ray called the girl in front of him. " We meet again, I see," he added.

You furrowed your eyebrows as you were dumfounded by his last word.


'We meet again'? Don't tell me...


"Have we?" you asked.


If he was the one, then my waiting is not in vain. Just as he own up to it, I will thank him and be on my way then. End of story.


" Oops, personal matters can wait after this, 'kay?" Lee spoke up.

You glared dangerously. Stay out of this, pal!

" Okay," Ray sighed as he straightened up himself. " Sorry for the wait. Why don't we just cut to the chase? You only need to pass a test in order to be selected. So Ms. Park, are you ready?"

" Well I'm ready but just so you know I have no interest in soccer at all," you said with a deadpan expression. People in the room suddenly became alert.

" We know. All the others were the same."


Hm, maybe I had the wrong impression of them. I thought they will be flirting with any girl but it seemed they are not all that senseless.


"So, what's the test?" you asked.

Everyone in the room grinned and looked at Kangjun's direction who was still snoring.

" That is easy. You just need to wake the Frog Prince right here up."

" Wha-? What's this got to do with becoming the manager?" you asked, thinking how illogical all of this was.

" Believe it or not, this guy has been sleeping here from the beginning and none of the previous interviewees manage to wake him up. You see, one of the manager's responsiblities is to make sure all the members participate in the practice session especially the official ones. If you can't even wake him up, then it's no use for us to even have a manager," Ray explained.


Gah. Just get this over with. I'll just have to try regardless of the outcome.


"Hey, rise and shine," you Kangjun quite softly on his arm. No reaction whatsoever. Scratching your head, you can't believe what a heavy sleeper this guy is. You took a glimpse at the others in the room.

" Yah ! Wake up already!" you shouted while rocking his shoulder vigorously. A moment later, he started to show signs of waking up. He lifted his head up while half asleep and his eyes were red. 


At last!


Hi darling. A kiss, please," Kangjun uttered while half asleep.

The words pricked your ears and suddenly you can feel your blood was boiling. You clenched your fist in anger.

" ert!!" In a blink of an eye, your fist was already flying and landed right on his face making him tumbled down from his seat.

Realizing what you just had done, you looked around in confusion. There were no reaction from anyone in the room. As if they didn't just witness you hitting him. 

" Aaa.." Kangjun suddenly rose up while streching his body.  As he getting back to his seat, he rubbed his face which was punched awhile ago. While grinning, he said," Let's start"


What the heck? Did he even aware that I just punched him? Weird guy


" Err... what's wrong, guys?" Kangjun asked, seeing his friends were all quiet. Am I missing something?, he thought.

" Welcome to Soccer Club, Park Ah Ra," Ray announced, looking amused. Finally he found the one.


Is this for real? 'Welcome to Soccer Club'? Does that mean I'm the new manager? But why...?                              "Great".....another bad luck!



* To be continued*






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Catdawg15 #1
Chapter 2: Good story so far. Keep it up. Fighting subae!
I live about 8-10 hours away from where Rome used to live in Australia. I was so excited when I found this out.