
You're useless, Darling.

The sharp tip of a pocket knife slightly touches Himchan's wrist as he whimpered. 

"s-should i do this or not....?" He, himchan said softly. almost softer than a whisper.

the tip of his lips twitched upwards, "you should. no one would care anyways, right?"

"you're right... Yongguk, Junhong, Jongup, Everyone.. everyone wouldn't realize this.."

He nodded, then leaning close to Himchan's left ear, whispering, "Remember, no matter how hard you try you will be invisible as always. and remember this also, Honey. you're not as good-looking as Daehyun, can't sing as awesome as Youngjae, Can't rap as good as Yongguk nor Junhong, and you can't dance as flawless as Jongup. what a shame, isn't it?"


"Yes, yes you are, my dear Himchan." he showed an unpredictable smile as he Himchan's bruised and pale cheek.

Himchan breathed out a shaky breath, removing the pocket knife away from his wrist. "what about them?"

"Them? who? your so-called friends?" He scoffed as Himchan nodded. "himchan, himchan, himchan. you're not as smart as me, aren't you? they only wants your popularity. there are no such thing called Friendship."

He, himchan was lost in a deep thought. he hugged his knees closer to his chest, rocking back and forth, back and forth. he bit his lower lip to prevent from crying. Himchan burried his face between his legs as he sobbed silently.

"tell me.. tell me what should i do.." Himchan breathed out.

He took the pocket knife back and trailed his long, skinny finger to it. "do what i said. Cutting ourselves won't enough."

Himchan stared at him, hesitated at first but eventually take it from Him.

"You're right again. i'm... just a burden to them, aren't i..?" 

He half-smirked, "i'm always right, Honey."

Himchan gulped as his hand starts to tremble uncontrollably. he raised the pocket knife to his already-bruised wrist, touching the tip of to his skin once again.

He caressed Himchan's heek softly as he whispered. "nothing to worry about, Darling. you, are useless. B.A.P. will be perfectly fine without you. Heck, the world is perdectly fine without you."

inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.

"would it be hurt....?" Himchan's palm start to sweating. 

"No worries. im here with you, aren't i?"

Himchan nodded then deepeen the pocket knife so now, the edge of it has pierced through his skin as blood start to trickle down.

"it hurts..." Himchan whimpered.

"You're doing good. go on.."


he grinned slightly, hands full of bloods. "i said go on."

Himchan's eyelid weakened as he starts to lose his energy.

now,he's fully grinning like a psycopath, showing his shiny teeth under the moonlight. "That's it. say goodbye to your life, Himchan."

"It hurts, himchan.."


Then He, Himchan, breathed their last breath. 




"breaking news! a member of a famous idolgroup, Kim Himchan has passed away. Daehyun, his Bandmate founds this out last night, in their bathroom. Himchan was found holding a pocket knife with a bloody hand. It was too late, he lost too much blood."





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Chapter 1: this is so good! poor himchan though. that sweet guy... T.T
Chapter 1: Wow. It was good, but it ended too abruptly...at least that's what I think. Good job though^^
Seems interesting. Update soon^^
Himchann >///o///<!