Lilacs and Tulips

Baekhyun's Valentine

"Roses. We're running out of red roses" I huffed as I penned the information down on the inventory sheet of the flower shop.

"Like seriously, people should try to be more original. Everyone's giving everyone roses" I complained yet again as I put down the file and walked to the cabinet to retrieve the water sprinkler.

"I mean, I know it's Valentine's day and all, but why does it have to be only roses?" I continued to mumble to myself.

"Maybe they think that's the safest choice? It's a bit difficult to guess what a girl wants" a voice said in reply, startling me and causing me to over-water the daisies.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to surprise you, but I've been trying to place an order for the last few minutes but you didn't seem to hear me" chuckled a boy with crescent eyes, milky skin, and an infectious smile.

"N-no sir, it's me who should be apologizing! What's your order again?" I rushed as I took out a customer order form.

"Just a simple bouquet of red chrysanthemums please" he smiled.

I nodded and proceeded to the back of the room to pick out the freshest batch of red mums. Then I also fetched some florist paper on the way back to the counter. As I began the flower arrangement, the customer struck another conversation.

"'re spending Valentine's day working...alone?" he asked.

"Yup. Everyone else took the day off to go on a date" I shrugged casually.

"Then why didn't you? Your boyfriend might feel upset that you can't go out together on this special day" he probed on.

I chuckled. "No one's getting upset because there is no one. Besides, it's more practical that I work today. It's the busiest time of the year for a flower shop."

He nodded, seemingly satisfied with my answer. The silence that followed felt awkward, so I decided to lighten the atmosphere by continuing the conversation.

"You made a great choice. Red chrysanthemums. They convey the same message as red roses, but they look more unique. I'm sure your girl friend will like it" I smiled as I inserted tiny branches of baby's breath flowers on the bouquet arrangement.

"I don't think she would" he shrugged, to which I raised my brows in confusion.

"Because she does not exist," he laughed, "I don't have a girlfriend...yet."

"Yet? Then that means you will have one soon. Congratulations" I grinned as I handed him the finished product.

"Soon? Well, I'm not very sure about that. Depends on how long it would take to make her like me back. Oh, can you make me a bouquet of lilacs and tulips too?" he said, handing out the payment for both orders. I nodded before going back to the storage area to retrieve the said flowers.

"So you're giving her all of these flowers?" I continued the moment I got back to the counter, "that's weird. I understand the red chrysanthemums, but lilacs and tulips? Lilacs symbolize the first emotions of love, while tulips are a declaration of love."

"You think she wouldn't like them?" he pouted.

"No, no. It's just that, you said you're already trying to make her like you back. So I assumed that you've known each other for a long time. The meaning of the lilacs and tulips don't seem to match with that" I explained. But then maybe I was just overthinking. Most people like flowers based on appearance and not for the meaning.

"The chrysanthemums are for my mom," he smiled, "while that bouquet is for the girl I like. See, I'd like to ask her out on a date but it's really hard to find out what women like. Do you have any ideas?"

I tapped on my chin as I thought of an answer to his question. Actually, it's a bit difficult for me to answer too.

"Different women like different things" I shrugged as I continued with the bouquet.

"Then just tell me what you like then. What kind of date would you like a guy to bring you to?" he asked.

"Oh, just a simple one. Maybe a nice chat over a warm cup of coffee. I don't really like the extravagant restaurant dinners and cheesy movie dates," I chuckled as I handed him the bouquet of lilacs and tulips, "so...good luck with your girl, sir! And happy Valentine's day!"

He took the flowers and gave a heart-stopping smile. "Happy Valentine's day to you too umm...may I have your name?"

"_____" I smiled back.

"_____" he grinned as he handed me back the bouquet of lilacs and tulips.

"I-is there something wrong with my arrangement?" I panicked as I took a good look at the flowers in front of me. They seemed fine though.

He chuckled before saying, "Hi, my name is Baekhyun. And these flowers are for you. After your work today, please go out with me _____. I know a really good cafe farther down this street. Perhaps we can have a nice chat over a warm cup of coffee?"

"Are you...trying to practice your lines for when you confess to the girl you like?" I asked unsurely.

"No," he laughed again, "I am confessing to the girl I like. Right now. So...will you be my valentine?"


Happy Valentine's day to my readers! \(^o^)/

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Chapter 1: Aww that was amazing!!!! Can't contain feelzzzz
Chapter 1: OMG
Aww it's so kawaii <3
HappyGekikara #3
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh!
DreamSparkStar #4
Waayyyy late to the party but... OMG OMG OMG FLUFFY FLUFFINESS OVERDOSE~~~
I have a weakness for stories that use the language of flowers >.<
evewon #5
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwww :3 I guess no one can resist this ;)
SMfan4evrAKB48 #6
Chapter 1: Just sooooo cute!
Chapter 1: Ahhhhhh sooo cute
-xttran #9
Chapter 1: I'm such a effin er for sweet talkers like you, BYUN BAELHYUN! ♥
You romantic jerk ;)
Jeca101 #10
Chapter 1: Omg<3 I loved it ^^!