AB with Poker Face

"Kwaenchana? Here I'll help you...there you go", "Gomawo...mianhae for bumping into you", "Aniyo...you caring all the book by yourself until you cant see the way, comehere let me help you", "Jinjja? Thankyou so much", 

but...that was not happen!

She do everything with poker face, slaping or kicking even her voice there's no emotion, the only thing that makes her looks terrifying is her aura, "You stupid moron, look where you going", "Mianhae for bumping into you", "Screw you, ...look what you did", "Mianhae, the books almost covering my way", "Just get back to your ing sewer", there she goes, after swearing she kicking the book until scattered, leaving the poor girl helpless.


"Ahjumma!", I said cheerfully, then not along she came out, "Jein-ah, you came!", "Ne, hows your day, ahjumma?", she guiding me entering the room, "As usual, nothing special...you?", then we sat together, she even already preparing the snack, "Same here, ahjumma...its quite boring", "Dont say that, dear...you stil young, lots of moments waiting to came up", she my hair gently, "I'm glad to have you around me, ahjumma...", "Aniya, I'm the one that should be glad...if you're not helping me that day, I'm not here sitting and chating with you", and we laugh lightly together, I hope the time with her still much longer than I expecting...


I eat alone at the school canteen, as usual all eyes looking or take a glimpse at my presence, but...I dont care, I'm a great student anyway even the teacher deal with it, so screw them! Sudenly, while eating I got acompany from boys...I look at them a bit, the Kingkas school! I dont take another look, keep eating my food until finish with apropriate manner, then I got up and bring my food tray, but...someone hold my hand, "Wait, please stay for a while", I look at him, I dont even know their name, just know that they are kingkas, not even bother to know them deeply, "Who are you?", he got shock with my question, "You dont know us?", "Should I?", when he move his hand, I walk out before he introduce himself. WTF is that?!

Here I am at the backyard school, skiping class as usual...its comfy in here, they got a green wide field and big tree, I can relax and reading my book quitely. I heard the bell ring, but it did'nt bothers me, I know its wrong but I just think...as long as my grade and presence standardized, there'll be no problem. Awe...look it that, a butterfly! Accidently I look up and see it, flying not far from my sitting place, I got up and closer wanna see it more clearly, but before I get close enough it already fly away, feel curious I ran following the butterfly...I dont know theres a rock in front of me, I got stumble and fell down, but I did'nt feel anything, when I open my eyes..."Kweanchana?", HIM...AGAIN?! "Gomawo", I release myself from his grip and walk away, tch...I hope he did'nt chasing me!

"Annyeonghaseyo, seonsaengnim", "Ah...Kangjein, can I help you?", "Here's my homework", "Sure...and here's another task", "Kamsahamnida, seonsaengnim", "Run a long", like usual our homeroom teacher already know my habit and she had no problem with that. After I go out from teacher office, I'll back to class to get my things and go home. Thank God, there's no one left, so I can wrap my things casually..."You stil here...I thought I'll be alone at this hour", I look up to see the voice owner...HIM, AGAIN?! WTH is wrong today?! "I just get my things and leave", luckily I already put all my things in time, so I dont have to stay in here any longer! When I reach the door to open it, its locked...its in locked, REALLY?! Then I look to him, I see him smirk cockily, "Open it", "Open what?", "This ing door", "Why should I?", "I wanna go home", "Its your problem not mine", "Just open this ing door, dammit", "Make me!", he dont know what he wish for, he better not regret it...without leaving my eyes off him, I lift my skirt and reveal my babies, as fast as lightning I throw it to his direction and stick to the wall behind him. Just as I thought, that smirk already leave from his face, I walk closer to his place and reach his blazer pocket, when I get the key I look to his face and there's a little trace of my baby...I touch his right cheek with my pointing finger, theres a little blood showing, I show it to him and it...its a bit bitter.


I know he got shock, cause until I got out from class he still stood there, not even move an inch...I think it again at my room while having my homework. He's one of the Kingkas and I dont even know his name, but...why am I feeling that he's approaching me today? Its so weird...

Lovely morning has come, rise and shine Kangjein! Yeah yeah yeah...its another morning to face, I hope there's nothing worse than yesterday. I prepare myself to go to school, but...I have'nt breakfast yet, maybe ahjumma already cook something.


"Annyeonghaseyo, Kim bu-in!", she got out and see me with her bright smile, "Jein-ah, you came early", with shy and pleading eyes, "Ahjumma...I have'nt breakfast yet, can I get something?", she chuckle at me and leading me to the kitchen, "Here...you can eat it and borrow it for your lunch", a big grind plastered on my face, "Kamsahamnida, Kim bu-in!", we laugh and breakfast together.


School gate already close and now I have to climb from the back gate, at least I eat enough breakfast! Now, head to the class...when I peeping, our homeroom teacher stil doing class attendance, so I enter the class, bow to her and get my seat. Like usual their eyes got on me for a while, what a mass prick! I look back at them and accidently see his eyes, we keep looking to each other until he cut it...good for him, otherwise I'll keep staring until he got hypnotize and kill himself!

As usual, I always the last that giving my homework, "Jein-ah, have a seat...I want to talk for a second", I sit and face her, "Did you know the school rule?", "Ne, seonsaengnim", "So I assume, you know how often you late and skip", "Ne, seonsaengnim...today is my last time for this month", she chuckle and smile at me, "Araso, I wont talk much then...you smart as I predicted, run a long", "Kamsahamnida, seonsaengnim", I walkout from there and go to backyard to having my lunch.

I open my lunch box that ahjumma gave me, the taste and place was so perfect for me, as the wind blow slowly to my face I feel calm and comfortable, I close my eyes, take a deep breath and smile..."You can smile...", I'm back to my usual face and see him, "Of course she can smile Kai, she stil human", I heard them laughing, "I guess we're not alone anymore, since we have another company", "Yeah, since theres no girl in here...lets lunch together!", I want to finish my lunch but their presence ruin my mood, without talk back I wrap my things and go. "Where you going? Lets eat together", he hold my shoulder, I turn around and closer to his face, "I can make another trace in your face", I touch his right cheek that have a little scar and continue, "Or you want it in your body...in here maybe, so deep until you cant live anymore", I trace down my finger to his heart and feel his heartbeat when I laydown my palm, there he goes again...in a shock state, and I lay my feet to go out from there.


"Ahjumma...can I ask you something?", "Go on", I chew my fruit first, "Where's your family?", I see her a bit silent, "I dont mind if you dont want to answer it", she smile bitterly, "They here with me, but...since they busy with their own and always abroad, I cant do anything except waiting for them to come", I sigh and noding, "Do you have a grandchild?", "Three grandchild, two girls and a boy...I think my grandson have a same age as you, Jein-ah, but...I forgot where he school", I chuckle at her, "Maybe...its a good thing you keep waiting for them, cause...I'll be here with you, so you're not alone ahjumma", she my cheek and feeding me with the fruits, "I know...thankyou so much, dear", we smile to each other and continue eating.


BRUGH!!! Argh...my knee, ! When I see it...its bleeding! I look my way and see someone...a girl?! "Are you hurt?", now she smirk and mocking me with her question, I stood up and push her harshly until she fell to the floor, "Are you?", I walk and leave her, "Where you think you're going, ?!", she push me from behind and I almost fall for that, "Do you have a problem with me, y?", I look to her face that become puffy and red like an octopus, but its better the octopus of course! "How dare you hangout with the Kingkas?! Who the hell are you?!", I think she saw me when we at the backyard, tch...such a moron! I twist her hand and cornered her body to the wall, then I whisper to her, "I dont have a problem with you guys, so dont start it...and I dont ing care with the Kingkas, I dont even know you, missy", after that I release and push her lightly, I see her turn around and see me back with her irritated eyes...poor girl. Its stil morning, why I must start it with a crap like this?! Lucky me, there's no one yet in the class...otherwise it'll be more worse!

I intentionally come this early morning to go to the library and finish my homework, but because of that y I got a late start to do it..."Annyeong Boa-ssi", "Annyeong...what can I do for you in this early morning, Jein-ah?", "I have to finish my homework, where's history book?", "Last section, just stright from here and turn right, there's a lot of history book...you can search every history book you want", "Ne, kamsahamnida Boa-ssi", I start to walk to last section, the soon the better...I have to finish it before this place get fullfil with unnecessary noise. Right on time, while the bell ring I finish my homework, now lets go to the class!

After get absen we start the lesson as usual, its preety boring but at least I can relax at this time...nothing to concern about my surroundings, staring, whispering, etc. When I almost got lost in my mind, someone throwing a small clots paper to me, I look and smoothed it...there's something write on it, "Dont get blank, if you do...I'll kiss you until you get blackout!", so childish...I just crumble it back and throw it out the window! I look at the lesson again, our homeroom teacher stil writing it at board, cant believe it...with her petite body, she can fullfill the board with her handwriting without nonstop! DING DONG DING DING DONG DING!!! Finally...

Since the backyard is already not in my list again, I gues I have to go to the rooftop. Reach the rooftop, I place myself at the corner and open my lunch box...not bad, since nobody in here at least I got my serenity. I start to eat and enjoy my surroundings peacefully, after finish it I got myself lay a bit and my eyes start to sleepy...soon I fell asleep. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! Urgh...whats that noise?! I feel my temper got high, but as soon as it comes I try to cool it down...I open my eyes and got up slowly, luckily after eating I already wrap my lunch box. I get my things and see my surroundings, searching source of the noise...WTF is he doing here?! "You wake up?", yeah right...like I will answer it! I turn around to make my way out from here, what a jackass! "Wait up, will you!", he grab my upper hand and make me turn around, facing him...then I look at him, "Let go of my hand", he still not let go until kick his , "I said, let go of my ing hand", then when he bend down in pain while holding his , I push him until he fell down...such an awesome day!


"Ahjumma!", I enter to her place and wait for her at her patio, "Ahjumma!", I call her again, its weird...usually she already came out when I call her once, "Ahjumma!", I call her again, hm...should I come in or check her backyard? I decide to check her backyard...she's not here, where is she? Now I have to entering her house, I look for her in every corner house...but, she's not everywhere! "Ahjumma!", when I start to worry...sudenly from front door, "Jein-ah, you came", oh my dear Lord...I almost got a heart attack, I tought she's gone! I run and hug her, "Ahjumma, where have you been?! I searching for you all over the house, I call you over and over but you did'nt answer me! You making me worry to death! Ahjumma, kweanchana?!", she did'nt answer but pulling me sit down with her, "Take a deep breath dear and drink this...then I'll explain everything, araso!", I did everything she told me, after that she start to explain, "I just came from convenience store across the street to by my needs, then I met my friend and get down to conversation for a while, having a long talk we got thristy and buy a drink, so we continue our speech again but...not long from that my friend get a call from her son, then we decide to end it and back home...end of story", I blow a sigh and smile, "I'm sorry ahjumma...sorry for make you explain everything to me, its just...I'm worry, I'm scared...something got into you and you'll not here with me...", she smile and my cheek, "Dont worry dear, as long as you come to this house and call me...I'll always come and be here for you".


The class start as usual, as I almost lost in my tought about yesterday when I thought that ahjumma was missing...I feel my head got hit by something, when I see it, its a lump of paper. I took and fix it, there's something write on it, "Dont get blank, if you do...I'll kiss you until you get blackout!", its like yesterday, unfortunately I did'nt see the culprit...if I know, I'll knock him/her out! Tch...how much longer this class will make me dying in boredom?! Reluctantly, I took my pen and start to write every single words of the lesson in front of me, while our homeroom teacher finish writing and start to explain everything from the textbook. DING DONG DING DING DONG DING!!! Luckily, after five minute the bell ring...save by the bell!!!

My stomach got rumble and I fasten my feet to go to school canteen, I take my spot and start eating, then I feel the place getting noisy and noisier, but...it did'nt effect my appetite, I'm totally hungry! I did'nt get a chance to go to ahjumma's place, I'm in hurry to finish my homework, I think after finish eating I'll submit my homework. Today's menu is very good, I'll really enjoy it..."Is it good?", I look up and see him, but I just continue eating, "I think its totaly good until you cant even answer me", tch...such a disturbance! "I often see you these days, but I stil dont know your name...I'm Kai, can I know your name?", I swallow my lunch and get a drink, "Kang Je In", I eat up again, then he start eating too. "Yah...Kai, why did'nt you wait for us?", "You sure cant hold up if your stomach start growling, Kai!", Kai look up to his buddies, "Mianhae, guys...there's something cant hold up to be approached", when he said it, Kai took a glimpse at Kangjein, while his friends chuckle and smirking, "I guess your eyes cant resist the eye candy, right now", "He sure do, Suho...like these days, he cant stop himself to act like a wacko lover boy!", I heard Kai and his buddies laught and it start to annoying me! Without any longer, after finishing my lunch, I got up and make my way, "Jein-ssi, please wait...let me introduce my friends first", like usual I cut him out, "They yours no need to share with me...I'm good", and there's a silent...existing, while I walkout from there.

After lunch, I feel my head got a bit dizzy so I decide to go to school infirmary. "Annyeong, Dana-ssi", "Annyeong, Jein-ah...what can I do for you?", "Can I get an aspirin? My head got a bit dizzy", "Sure...here you go", she handed me the medicine and a glass of water, "Kamsahamnida, Dana-ssi", "You wanna take a rest for a while? I think you cant make it for the lesson after you drink an aspirin", I guess she's right, I noding and got rest for a while, not long after that I drift to dream land... "I did'nt notice at first but...your sleeping face was cute and adorable, Jein-ah", I hold tight her hand that gently my cheek, "Ahjumma...saranghaeyo, dont ever leave me, okay?", I smile to her and intertwined our hand... I open my eyes slowly and adjust the light that came to my eyes, I guess I'm dreaming about ahjumma, maybe I should stop by first...wait the minute, somethings wrong in here?! "You wake up, Jein-ah", my eyes make a way to surroundings, there's my hand...my hand got intertwined with his, WTF?! Stil trying to keep up my coolnes in front of him, I let go and got up. I fix myself and put on my shoes, "What are you doing in here and where's Dana-ssi?", I see him smirking, tch...that ing face! "I dont know, I just came here and there's no one in here, while I search for something I saw you...sleeping beauty, cant resist it so I came near you, then...like you see, we end up together...just like that", "Bull...how come your hand got intertwined with mine? Did you do something?", He got up from the bed and come near me, "You mean like this?", he take my hand and do the same, WTH?! "And yes I did something to you...I did this and...this", while intertwined my hand, he my cheek gently and closering his body...then huging me warmly, OMG...screw me, just ing screw me! My body got stiff instantly...I push him and look into his eyes, without notice my hand landing harshly on his right cheek, PLAK!!! He got swayed aside with shock and painfull expresion, "Dont do that again, I dont know what's your problem with me...just get back where you use to be", for the umpteenth time, I left him like that.


"Kim bu-in, annyeong!", I entering her yard and sat waiting for her. "Jein-ah, glad you came...you late", she sit beside me, "Ne ahjumma, something hold me at school", "You look pale...are you sick?", she grab my hand and start examine me, "I got dizzy a bit, ahjumma...dont worry, I already take an aspirin and rest at school infirmary", "Come...lets get inside, it getting windy in here", while holding my hand, she led me to entering the house. "Jein-ah, my son and his family will come this week and we'll make a barbeque party...I'm hoping you'll come, so I can introduce you to them", "Sure, I'll glad to come...I bet, your house will get so noisy, ahjumma!", we lought together, "Of course, we're such noisy family, you know...especially when my grandchilds start to prank us, they make us burst of lought all the time! Just come, Jein-ah...I'm sure you get along in no time, trust me!", "Araso ahjumma, you're such a sweet person...of course we can get along, I asume your grandchilds have a personality like you", I start wondering...


Reach the school, I got my feet directly to school backyard, it still morning so there's no one in here will disturb my brunch time. I'll never get bored in here, this is totally a nice place in school, I take a deep breath...so refreshing! While eating I start to think about ahjumma's family, how will they look like? how long they will stay? can I really can get along with them? what should I wear? how will I act when they prank me? I just got lost in my mind...DUGH!!! Ouch...WTF?! I'm back to reality, something hit my back...I look around and see, a brick?! Then I look up, there's three girls stood not far from my place. I wrap my things and got up, "Why you throw it?", they chuckle and see me with their mocking face, "Cause you pissed me, !", as flash as lightning, I pick up the brick and throw it back to her face, "Now you pissed me, ", all of them got shock and more shock when they see one of them that got hit by the brick start to bleeding, "Yah...you crazy , why did you throw it so hard?! Look what you've done!!", I do the same once again, but I did'nt throw it, I just play it in my hand, "Whats your problem with me? Say it now, or you'll get one too", I start to raise my hand, prepare to throw the brick, "Okay okay...we'll say it! Its just we dont like the fact that the Kingkas play with you, especially Kai!", then the other one start talking too, "Yah...put it down, will you? Look at her, we must take her to infirmary, she bleeding hard!", I walk closer and face them, "The problem's start and end here, if I see you guys again with this matter...all of you will not bleeding anymore, for the rest of your life...I guess you know what I mean", I look at their eyes deeply and immediately the fear start to engulf their eyes...then I walk leaving them behind.

I got late to the class, but still how can they stop me if I always give them the best for my school matter? Yup, even its bitter for them but they have to accept it! Today I make myself drawn hard to the lesson, I write and listen it nonstop...just trying to distrach myself about something, I think it still about ahjumma, I got the feeling something will came up at their barbeque party, I hope its a good thing!



A Week Later at Barbeque Party :

Ahjumma tells me not to came late, so I can enjoy it from the start, but of course I'll came late, I dont wanna disturb her moment with her family even for a bit, I think I'll came late and stop by for a moment, so she can enjoy the family time completely!       

my outfit for the Barbeque Party, since it'll be hot I decide to wear this... -^_^-

"Annyeonghaseyo, Kim bu-in!", like usual I entering her yard and wait for her to come, "Jein-ah...you late!", "Mianhae ahjumma, its your family time...I feel kinda awkward if I come early, but...I came now, right?", I look at her with my puppy eyes, then she smile and chuckle, "Araso araso...kaja! I'll introduce you now", she grab my hand and led me to her backyard, excitedly!

She introduce me to her son and his wife, "Son, here's Kang Je In...she's my friend when all of you not around, she's my cutest entertainment!", we all laugh to hear ahjumma statement, "Aniyo ahjumma...Annyeonghaseyo, Miseuteo and Miseseu Kim, nice to meet you guys!", "Nice to meet you too, Jein-ssi...gomawo for your company, eomma told me everything about you before you came, you totally please her alot!", "Aniyo sir, ahjumma alwasy take care of me, I'm the one that should thankyou", "Okay, stop it you guys...let Jein enjoy the party!", we laught a bit then ahjumma led me again to continue introducing me to her grandchild.

"Hello girls...I got another member for your club here!", two girls turn around, "Halmeoni...whose that?", "Halmeoni...since when you adopt another new grandchild?", we laugh together and ahjumma hit one of them lightly, "Yah...you crazy girl, her name is Kang Je In", "Annyeonghaseyo eonnie...nice to meet you guys!", "Jein-ssi, look like our little Jongin will match with you, dont you think so Halmeoni?", "Yeah, you right eonnie, but our little Jongin is not here, yet", they start to looking around and spot Jongin with his friend, "There he is! Looks like he with his friends, I bet they will start their pranks!", "Be careful Jein-ssi, Jongin is totally crazy when he already make a pranks!", I knew it, my feelings was right...something will happen in here! "Yah yah yah...dont scared her, girls! Its alright Jein-ah, they just joking, dont let them get your nerve!", ahjumma led me again to continue introducing me to her last grandchild.

"Hello boys, I brought eye candy for you here!", I see them looking up at ahjumma and me...OMG?! Instantly my bright smile gone with the wind, but...I remember that I'm with ahjumma right now, I have to act like I use to be, dammit! "Annyeonghaseyo Halmeoni!", the boys greeting us cheerfully, "Jongin-ah...this is Kang Je In, you guys at the same age, right?", "Annyeonghaseyo, Kang Je In-imnida...nice to meet you guys!", "Jein-ah, I leave you guys alone now...if Jongin try to prank you, tell me right away, araso!", "Ne, Halmeoni...gomawo!", but before she leave, "Jongin-ah be nice to Jein, she's my one and only cute companion when you guys not around, araso!", "Ne, Halmoeni...I'll take care of her", when she ready to leave, Jongin call her again, "Halmeoni, since she's a cute companion for you...is there a chance for me to be her lover companion?", WTF is he talking about?! and now all of them aweing at me, what a jerk! "Jongin-ah...you just know her, so behave young man!", while ahjumma gone they laughing at him, when ahjumma already far then sudenly silent take over..."Jein-ss, did you have a double personality or something?!", "I dont have any explanation for you, Jongin", they chuckling at me and start to make a sly face! "Looks like we have a new entertainment in here, right guys?", "Sure do, Suho...should we enjoy it or make fun of it?", I feel something not good, urgh..."Easy Baekhyun...we're facing a not ordinary girl anymore, its more huge!", all of you can laugh now, what a bunch of dimwitt! "Its up to you Jongin, since she got your attention from the start", "I know Chanyeol, but...there's no need to rush, we have a lot of time, right Jein-ssi?", they all totally stripped me with their sly eyes, ! 



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