Oh, Mih... wait... What did you say what your name is?

Keep Your Eyes Wide Open

"Hey, Sung Heawoo!" Mihwa picked up her phone "You know, your timing is just too perfect." Mihwa said it in an allusive voice while she hold an interesting letter

"It sounds weird. I'll call you back later."

"Oh, there's really no need for that." Mihwa smiled and opened the envelope "I just got home, you know, and I've got an engaging letter."

"L-letter?" her voice sounded excited "YES!"

"So, now you are happy?" Mihwa pulled up her

"I will be mooore happy, if you go... You will, won't you?"

"Why should I? I didn't even know that I signed in."

"Aish, I knew that it won't be easy. You've been already in. Just go. If you want me to go with you I will. Promise!"

"Of course, you come with me. After you sent my application without my knowledge."

"YEESSSS! It's goint to be so fun!" Hea screamed happily and Mihwa couldn't do anything but smile

"But, there is one condition!" Mihwa tried to sound serious

"What is it?" Mihwa's friend just stopped screaming

"You HAVE to help me out in the university."

"YES, YES, YES, YES, I will!" and she started to scream again

"Aish, why are you so happy? I didn't even ask you to marry." Mihwa said it in a care-worn voice

"That's true. But your talent will be recognised." Mihwa heard her smiling voice "But I'll hang up. I'll come over in the evening. Bye"

* * *

"Ehh, where is your mother?" Heawoo asked when she came in the living room

"She went to Europe." Mihwa answered and gave her a cup of tea

"To Europe? Why?" 

"Well, you know she is europian. And granny called. My uncle has a newborn and mum want to help him and his wife." Mihwa smiled but couldn't hide the feeling how much she wanted to go with her mother

"Aaaand, boy or girl? Hea had a big smile on her face

"Girl. Her name is Judit." Mihwa sat down on the sofa

"Juuu-dit?" Hea looked questioningly at her

"Ah well, the spelling a little bit different. It's like Yuudit."

"Oh, that's a cute name." she wondered "Oh, you also have an uncommon name." she looked at Mihwa and winked

"Haha.. sure. " Mihwa stared at her while she took a glup

"It's, it's hot, it's hot!" Mihwa couldn't help but laugh "Hey, it is not the right time we have a lot of things to do. We have to prepare you!" she put down the cup and looked at Mihwa seriously

"For what?" she asked back in surprise

"For what? For the third Kpop STAR!" she was determined "You know I really love you, but you have to impress the judge."

"Okay, okay... got it. So, the idea is...?" Mihwa looked at her suspiciously

"Hurray!" she jumped "So we keep your beautiful long, red hair.. or hmm.. maybe it should be a little redder. I don't know what you are goint to sing but I think you should sing something which show your beautiful voice, also not a slow one.. well.. maybe one of 2ne1's songs could be perfect..." and she lost in her imagination

"Hey, that my choice. And to tell you the truth I've really not thought about it yet." Mihwa lied down on the sofa

"Why? The audition is starting next week!"

"Yeah, that"s true, but you know it isn't that easy."

"Why? You always wanted to sing and creat music."

"Certainly, " she simled " but not because someone said I have to, but for the joy. You are one of those who know me really well: I really hate must-do things."

"Then, this is the reason, you haven't signed in any other talen show yet?" she looked at Mihwa in a sad way " And I thougt that you were only scared..."

"Somehow. But I'm really grateful to you. That is very ture I was scared. As always I am."

"So you are not mad at me?" she looked at her with big puppy eyes

"Shall I?" a second later she broke into laugher "Didn't you say? It's going to be fun, right? And since I'm in, though, I don't plan to win, still I am curious about how far can I get." and she winked at her

* * *

         Mihwa easily passed the first two casting. Both performances were judged by JYP. And now she is going to perform in front of Boa and YG as well.

* * *

"Okay, I'll go home." Mihwa stood up and made her way to the exit

"Hey, hey, hey!" Hea run after her "Stop right there."

"I really can't do it." she blinked at her

"Oh yeah, sure you can. So sit back to your seat and wait for that ing 20 mins 'till you come."

"Hea Woo?" Mihwa looked at her in surprise her friend rarely spoke in this tone but when she used it she was really out of patience

"Sorry, it's just... it was your 15th try to run away." she said that with same resignation

"Did.. you count?" she smiled a little

"Listen, I can't stop you next time because I have to leave you here. One last thing: do not dissapoint me!" Mihwa nodded " Thanks, I'll wait for you in the hall. Fighting! You can do it!" she started to walk away but turned back "Do it or I'll kill you!" Mihwa laughed at her stupid face 

"Got it!" Mihwa winked at her and went back to her stuff

* * *

"Are you nervous?" the riporter asked her

"Oh yes, I'm really nervous." she said it with a smile

"You really didn't have to." the reporter simled at Mihwa "My name is Kim Dong Min I'll ask some queastion before you go on the stage, okay?"

"Oh, o-okay. Nice to meet you," she bowed "My name is Kang Mihwa"

"What a special name..." he murmured "So why did you sign in the competition?"

"Actually the one who sent my application was not me, but my best friend. I wouldn't have the courage."

"But, there must be a reason, how long have been singing?"

"Ever since I can remember." she laughed "Both of my parents really love music, mostly classical, but music has an important role in our family."

"That's really nice." he smiled at her "And what are your plans if you get further?"

"That would be nice, but I haven't tought about that yet. I am still in university, so when I don't sing I have to read a lot."

"Which university?"

"Seoul National University." the reporter looked at Mihwa in surprise

"I guess you are the first one today who came from there. I also studied there, you know. And what is your major?"

"Asian language and culture and korean language and literature." 

"So you are goint to be a writer?"

"I'd like to be." she blushed

"You are in a perfect place for that dream." he said that with a big smile

"She is in the next group, so she has to go now" a staff member came

"Oh then I guess that was the last queastion. Thank you for the interview, Miss." he said and bowed

"Ah, thank you very much." she bowed too

"Come with me." the man said hastily, he seemed really tired "We are goint to take a 15 minutes break. After the break you are goint to be the third performer. That means you nearly have 30 minutes before you go on stage."

"I understood." Mihwa bowed to him

"So here we are. Okay, that man over there will help you with the microphones." he pointed to a man who had a long hair

"Okay, understood."

"Then, do your best." then he bowed and went away

"And now, I am here by myself. Heawoo for this, you have to treat me for dinner." she sat down where were not too many people and drank a little

          In the room there were nearly 20 applicants who were practising. There were rappers, singers and dancers. There was who played the piano or giutar. Everybody wanted to do something incredible to impress Korea's biggest names. Mihwa didn't plan any breathtaking moments. At first place she was here because Heawoo in the other hand she was curious about what she got is enough to pass or not. And she really wanted to enjoy the music.
          She was pretty nervous so she got her giutar and started to play a little.

"Ah, I know this song!" a blonde-hair girl sat beside Mihwa "It's Anastasia, right?" the girl smiled at Mihwa "Hi, my name is Lee Jinae."

"Yes, it's Anastasia." she smiled back "My name is Kang Mihwa."

"Oh, nice name. Wanna sing together?" she looked at Mihwa in excitement

"You know the lyrics too?"

"Sure, all of the Disney. Yeah, that's not Disney, but everybody consider that as one of them so." she started to laugh "Sorry, sometimes I just speak too much when I am nervous."

"Don't worry, I am the complete opposite."

"So, would you like to sing?"

"Sure thing." Mihwa smiled widly and started to play on the giutar

         As the two of them started to sing together some of the others went there and there were applicants who joined in. That cold atmosphare full of nervousness dissappieared and the room was full with joy. Everybody enjoyed the little improvised show. And someone watched it from a distance and in the end he had a smile on his face.

"Wow guys, it was fantastic!" a boy cried

"So you two are in a group?" a girl asked coldly

"Oh no, not really. We've just met."  Mihwa said

"It was a really great performance!" another girl said happily

"Thank you, really!" Jinae said and bowed

        After the little performance everybody started to chat and the room got an easy atmosphare. Mihwa put down her giutar and sighed, after the little music she still felt nervous. She clearly knew what she got was a big talent and she wasn't afraid of doing mistakes with the notes or forget the lyrics. That never happened. She was afraid of the reactions. She had been misunderstood when she tired express herself.

"Okay, the break is over. Kim Daeho and Chang Sangki will be the next, please go get a microphone. And after them Kang Mihwa and Lee Jinae are the nexts." an organizer said

"Understood." said all of the applicants

         The two girl immediately looked at each other. The girl named Kim Daeho was really amazing her high notes was incredible. After her the boy came who was an admirable rapper and he was quite skillful in the dance too.

"Kang Mihwa, you are the next." a man came and gave her a microphone "I'll take another one for the giutar"

"Ah, yeah." she bowed "Everything will be alright, stay calm, and cool. You can do it." she said to herself

"You really should stay calm, 'cause you are special." Jinae yelled from a little distance "So be calm, and forget everything" and she winked at Mihwa

"Thank you!" she smiled and bowed

"Then, Kang Mihwa-sshi..." she herad YG's voice and with trembling hand she took her giutar and went on the stage

"Good afternoon." she bowed

"Oh, you look like an europian." Boa smiled

"Actually, I am half europian." Mihwa smiled back "My mother is europian."

"Oh, it's a surprise!" YG said

"And now you are goint to use a giutar?" JYP asked " She never use it before.. she is always a surprise."

"Not really... " she blushed

"Then, let's see..." YG said

        Mihwa sat down and started to play on the giutar. She chose a song which could encourage her, also this one was from her favourite drama. The song was quite emotional and when she started to play the atmosphare changed. The easy, jaunty mood flew away and it was replaced with concern and wistful. All of the notes was clear and soft, filled with emotions. The style, she used, wasn't too much and too less either. She sang Jonghwa's Comfort song from Heartstring.
         JYP listend it with enjoyment and YG with amusement. Boa was really astonished. And the less then 2 minutes performance ended. She got a huge applause.
         The audience was full of with kpop idols, and there were two of them who were especially happy with the song choice. They were Jungshin and Jonghyun from CN Blue.

"You know, you should use more of the giutar. It was really amazing." JYP said with a serious face "I've heard you before, so I can compare, but either way you use somehow you are be able to move something in myself and that feeling is fantastic."

"Ah, ehm.. As JYP said, you have something which express your emotions. And I really liked that you weren't too much, you didn't wanted to sing perfectly and didn't wanted to show everything you got." Boa smiled "Still I guess there is much more under your belt."

"Thank you!" she bow again with a big smile

"I agree with Boa. Tere were so many who showed us a huge voice after them it was really pleasant to listend your song. That was amazing how you used you soft voice. So it was a really sweet performance." YG smiled at Mihwa

"Thank you so much!" she bowed and wiped her tears

"Ah, Mihwa-sshi, the SM takes you."Boa smiled with a happy face

"Thank you very much." she bowed "Bye!"

         When she came down she put down her microphone. The staff member said something about a good job,  and she went to the waiting room. She was happy. Really happy. She didn't realized until now how much she wanted to pass, and how much she wanted to be in the contest.
          When she got into the room she needed to wait more then 30 minutes when Boa came in and said that the next meeting will be in 3 days at 9:00 in front of the SM studio. Then who was in the room could go home. When they reached the hall Mihwa started to srearch for Heawoo who was sitting somewhere. Mihwa wanted to scare Heawoo, but she wasn' fast enough.

"Soooo?" she asked

" I am in, I am in, I am in!!!!" Mihwa jumped

"Didn't I tell you?" she hugged you " We are goint to have a celebration. Oh right, who took you? JYP, right?"

"You are wrong this time. I'm under the SM, now."

"That's a surprise, but you are in and that's the only important thing here."

"Have you ever doubted?"

"ME?? Never. But you did!" she luaghed "So what would my idol friend like to eat? I'll treat you!"

"Hmm... it's a good question....."

* * *

After a few days

* * *

"She was pretty good." Jungshin said to Jonghyun

"What are you guys talking about?" Minhyuk asked between two yawns

"A few days ago we went to the Kpop STAR audtition. "

"I also wanted to go, but something has come up." Minhyuk said in a sad voice

"Certainly, there are a lot who has a huge knowladge and practise, so it's really hard to choose who is talented." Jonhyun said

"And what's with that girl whom you menitioned?" Yonghwa asked and he took a glup of his morning coffee

"Oh yeah, we wanted to tell you, but I've forgotten. There was a girl who surely has something." Jungshin said

"And it what has to do with me?" he asked with curiosity

"She has sung one of your song." Jonghyun answered

"Which one?" Jonghwa asked in excitement but he wanted to hide this "not as I care."

"The comfort song" Jonghyun scrolled in the newspaper

"The comfort song??" Yonghwa was confused "Well that's not a song which...."

"That was the reason why she passed. Okay, not the only reason but one of them. She was the only one who didn't take a huge breathtaking show, just sat down and sang."

"Maybe that's all she can." Yonghwa said

"Well, you can say she was pure, but not talentless.." Jungshin said

"Oh, I want to check her..." Minhyuk said and he took out his iPad "What is her name?"

"Eh.. If you ask..." Jonghyun spin out his lips

"She had an interesting name, but I can't remember neither. Sorry." Jungshin said

"Well then.. I just check the channel.." and he started to search "Chang Sanki.... Kim Daeho... Lee Jinae... Kang Mihwa... Cho..."

"Mihwa! That's her." Jungshin pointed to Minhyuk

         So the guys, incoulding Yonghwa, watched Mihwa performace in their kitchen. All of them agreed she had a talent. But it seemed Yonghwa had a little more interest than the others. He wasn't sure because she was pretty and talented or she had sung his song, but one thing was sure he was curious what could be that girl and what would Kang Mihwa sing the next time.

* * *

"I should practise in my room." Mihwa sat down in a parc "In two days I need to performe" she said in a hopless voice

         Two days ago was the meeting. That was pretty interesing at least that was what Mihwa tought. Boa gave her a lot of advice how can she use her voice. She also said with a nice tune easy to work with. But there was a task in the university which killed her time.

"Why I have to read all of them? she looked nastily at the five books "They don't even interesting."

          Not to far from her, there was a boy, but not just anyone, but Yonghwa. This parc was a secret place and very few people was aware of the existence of this place. Also it had a bodyguards who didn't let anyone in. Mihwa brought her giutar because she wanted to relaxe a little after a long week, and near to the water the giutar had a special sound. Yonghwa came to take a long walk without any riporters or fans. He wanted to stay in calm but also wanted to leave the house.
          There was a granny who was with her dog. Mihwa played on her giutar when the dog went over to her and it frightened her, so she fell off the bench. Yonghwa was close enough to see that and rushed there to help the toubled girl.

"Aish Coco... you again!" Mihwa said to the dog who her face

"Are you alright? Let me help you!" Yonghwa hold out his hand

"Oh thank you." she stood up

"Oh darling, are you okay?" the granny come "C'om on, Coco, it was your hundredth time when you scared her."

"The giutar!" Mihwa yelled

"It's alright, it wasn't hurt." Yonghwa hold the giutar

"Ah, I am glad!" she sighed

"I am so sorry dear."

"No, it"s alright, afterall I am okay."

          The dog took the next target who was a cyclist, so the granny left them alone.

"Are you sure you are really alright?" he giggled "That was a big fall."

"Hey!" she pursed her eyes "Anyway, thanks for the help. I would go crazy if something happen with the guitar."

"So you like music?" he asked and gave her the guitar

"More or less. It's my life." she smiled

"More or less?" he looked at her with interest

"Well... I have another life. The books. But for them I won't go crazy, actually." Mihwa looked at the books with disgust "You know, I hate must-do things."

"I don't really like them either." he smiled "But once my life is also the music, how about a little playing?" and he point his guitar which was in his back

"Anytime" she smiled brightly

"And your name is?" he asked

"Why am I the first who tell?"

"Well, I can call you the Troubled Girl." he smiled and took off his sunglasses "And I guess you've alredy known my name."

"Yon.... Yonghwa?" Mihwa's eyes wide open

"So you really know me. Then, how should I call you, Troubled Girl or?" he winked at her

"What if I say that name is perfect?" she smiled back

"Then I am going to call you that from now on." he shruged " So what would you like to play, Troubled Girl?" he sat down beside her

"Aish... it's annoying." she sighed "My name is Mihwa"

"Then, Mih.... wait.. what did you say what your name is, sorry?" he asked in shock


.......To be continued :) 


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