
5th grade Drama(A true story )

Yun Sul POV


Going to class by class... It was tiring... But the time flew right past us like nothing.

And only a few minutes remained until the end of school... And that was when I remembered that I was supposed to go home with Akira today... The jealous friend ^^;;

I go home with her everyday since both my parents work... And of course they wouldn't want me to walk back home and be all by myself... Thats why... And her parents and my parents now each other very well... :Sigh:

I grabbed my bag and binder as the bell rang... The whole class walked out in a line while our teacher shouted out to us "You survived the first day of 5th Grade!!!"

Everyone laughed at this... But... Until near the end of 5th grade, I realized that I hardly even survived it at all....

But that I don't know yet...

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
kissme-minseok #2
i remember this!
Please update soon!
pluckfire #4
please update soon!
I uploaded a chapter on here...<br />
She said I could ^^<br />
So I posted my POV first~~~
Sorry took so long to response and right back!I havent updated yet because my computer so i couldnt get on and i have been busy with some work right now im using a libary computer so yah...............................ill update soon bye!!!
Pinoy808 #7
Kool! But Update!!! PLZss... <3<br />
Lub ya BeStIiI...
@ SHINee_501~ Haha~ Yeah I'm here. ^^<br />
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@ 501islife~ Aww thank yuu~ But puppyluver was the one who made this story! ^^ haha~ I praise her! ^0^<br />
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@ TripleSisKim~ Aww thank yuu~ you're really a nice chingu! ^^ hahas~
kimhyunjoong12 Unnie... You keep on impressing me even with your combining stories skills!!... So you made the second POV huh?... Cool! ^^<br />
And also you puppyluver~ You are really good for a beginner like me! ^^ already 8 subs! (truly the best authors in my book) : ]
501islife #10
Omo! Kimhyunjoong12 Unnie... Also co-authored this story?... Amazing.<br />
Definitely one of the best fanfic authors who make this :)