
Save me or let me Drown


    “Okay class, tomorrow we will have a swimming test. Be at the school’s swimming hall at 4pm and if you don’t complete every task that will be giving to you, you will get an F. Understood?” The teacher snorted with her nose in the air. The usually quiet classroom started to buzz. A few giggles escaped the girl’s mouths, grunt could be heard from some boys while some smirked with confidence of showing of their body’s. It didn’t last long before the teacher told them to shut up. Not a very easy task since the girl’s were happily discussing which one of the boys had the best body. Some thought Donghae, the schools prince charming with eyes made for crying and lips for smiling, some others Siwon, the rich prince with the chocolate abs. Those to were rivals, mostly competing about the popular award but mostly girls. It was their little competition to be the one to have been dating the most girls; the list of girls was ridiculously high. You may think that they are the biggest rivals in the school but there are two people in that class that hated each other to death. The math genius Kyuhyun and the dance machine Hyukjae, aka Eunhyuk. No one knows why they hate each other, some believe that their parents hate each others too, others that they were ones friends but betrayed each others. It was a mystery. Usually they would just bicker but sometimes they could become violent. Bloody noses, bruised lips, concussion and much more happened very often. Fighting over small things like what was happening right now happened every day.

   “Hey monkey face I challenge you which one of us can swim 6 lanes the fastest.” Kyuhyun shouted over the classroom when the teacher had left. A rather pale looking Hyukjae turned around in his seat, meeting Kyuhyun’s compelling brown eyes.

   “Why would we do that? It’s completely pointless.” He answered with a strait face.

   “Why not? Are you scared that you will lose?” Kyuhyun mocked with his famous smirk that sends millions of angry bees threw Hyukjae’s spine. “I guess you are. Little anchovy is scared.” Kyuhyun’s circle of friends laughed with him creating more determination of winning inside Hyukjae’s head. 

   “Fine, lets do it. But please don’t cry when you lose, I can’t really stand tears.” Hyukjae send his best gummy smile to Kyuhyun, knowing that it would irritate the other. Now his circle of friends started to laugh. Outside Hyukjae was calm but on the inside he was screaming.

   The hours flew by, and ones again a school day was over. Hyukjae could feel Donghae’s, his best friend, angry stare at him. They were walking home in silent wondering what had gone wrong. Both of them were scared of tomorrow but Donghae was also furious. When they got to Hyukjae’s house Donghae decided to confront him before he could escape inside. He grabbed Hyukjae’s arm preventing him to take another step.

   “Why did you do it?” His voice was low, almost a whisper.

   “I’ll take care of it. There is nothing to worry.”

   “Nothing to worry about?” Donghae turned him around, facing him. Raising his voice he spit out all the anger that had build up under the day. “ Are you insane or what huh? How can you be so stupid to accept the challenge? Do you wanna die or what? Just tell him that you wont do it.”

   “I’ll be fine Donghae.” Afraid of showing his true feelings Hyukjae kept his gaze low.

   “I’ll not let you do it.” Donghae practically yelled right in his face making Hyukjae’s anger rise too.

   “I can do whatever I want!! I’ll meet him tomorrow and I’ll win.” He yelled back before sprinting inside the house leaving a shock Donghae behind. Hyukjae didn’t stop running until he reached his own beloved bed that held many secrets. Curling up into a little ball he started to cry his heart out when the past memories flashed in his mind reminding him what he had lost.



   The dressing room was ugly and for a lot of people the door to hell. It was only a few minutes left until 4pm. The guys with the glorious body’s stood in front the mirrors examining them self’s. They bickered who had the longest manhood, biggest shoulders, best chocolate abs and so on. Hyukjae was not one of them. Even though he had a great body that was rather thin, he still sat on the bench with his head low. His breathing was heavy, his head dizzy. Slowly the panic started to crawl up his spine as the hand on the clock moved upwards. It felt like an eternity before the teacher called out. Half conscious he felt someone pulled him up slowly dragging him towards the swimming hall.

   “You don’t have to do this Hyukjae.” Donghae’s voice sounded distant even though he was right next to him. It was like a wall between them.

   “I know, but I need to.” His senses came back when he felt the strong chlorine invade his system. The panic grew stronger until he didn’t dare to take another step. They were standing next to the pool staring right into its depth.

   “Come on Hyukjae, lets go the benches.” But Hyukjae didn’t move. His mind was filled with the terrifying memories from the past. The time stopped, everything outside his mind was gone, only the memories played in front of his eyes. Neither did he felt a strong impact on him or the scream that Donghae made. The fall threw the air went in slow motion. The picture of a dark sky with millions of sparkling stars was in his mind, a memory. Suddenly water surrounded him on every side. The panic was released and so was the shock. His body was numb not even a scream came out. The eyes was wide open slowly getting more irritated by the chlorine. A strong arm surrounded his waist as he was pulled up, away from the water. Lips touched his, blowing air into his lungs. All he could see was his own hand stretching for someone in the cold dark water that was already gone. A hard painful slap across his face awoke him. All he could see was Donghae’s worrying face. Tears were running down his cheeks, his nose was red. Not saying a word Donghae picked him up in his arms and carried him away. No one told them to stop, not even the teacher. They just left. When they were gone Sungmin, their hyung went furious. The boy who pushed Hyukjae down into the water belonged to Kyuhyun’s circle of friends was the target.

   “You ing idiot!!!” Sungmin yelled at the terrified boy. Everyone else was quiet.

   “He could have died!! Don’t you know that he is afraid of water? Don’t you know what happened 4 years ago?” Sungmin threw a fist into the boys face. Blood was streaming down his nose. It was broken. “When Hyukjae and his family went out sailing that year a storm hit them. Hyukjae was the only survivor. Until now he have never been near a pool, ocean or a boat. If you do that again I’ll kill you.” With a last hit Sungmin left too. The teacher said nothing this time too. Kyuhyun felt guilty because the whole idea was his. Avoiding the stares from his friends he lowed his head in shame. The lesson was cancelled and everyone went home except for Kyuhyun who staid behind. He sat on the bench for hours in the now dark swimming hall until he finally moved. If he hadn’t kept his eyes glued on the ground he might have seen the shadow sneak out from the dressing room. The dressing room was also quiet and dark. Not minding turning on the lights he made his way to the showers for a hot refreshing shower. A loud splash echoed threw the room. Kyuhyun stood still, not daring to move. Something was wrong. Not knowing why he ran to towards the swimming hall. No one was in sight. It was just as quiet as he left it. Walking hesitantly to the poolside he hoped that the splash was just his imagination. It wasn’t. Deep down in the pool was a boy, not moving at all. Diving down after him Kyuhyun prayed that it wasn’t too late. Wrapping his arms around the fragile body he swam upwards. With his last strength Kyuhyun hived the boy over the pool edge. Crawling up himself he sat down next to the boy. Touching the boys lips with his he breath out. The boy’s chest hived upwards. After several tries the boy finally spit the water out. Their eyes locked. Silent took over for a while.

   “Why?” Kyuhyun asked.

   “I just wanted to prove that I was strong enough.” Hyukjae answered with tears in his eyes.

   “You don’t need to that, because you are.” Kyuhyun brought the crying boy into his embrace, hugging him tightly. Together they dropped an ocean of tears that sealed their friendship. After this incident Kyuhyun never left Hyukjae’s side, because friendship is not about leading or following is about walking side to side with hands intertwined in a strong grip.  


Heeej ^^ here is another short one that i wrote yesterday. Comment maybe? ^^  

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Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwwwwwww kyuhyuk
niajae0411 #2
Chapter 1: ermmmmm... I dont get it
Chapter 1: from that day kyu always stick with hyukjae..huhu i love it but i wish it will be longer...or maybe two shot perhaps huhu...anyhow its beautiful authornim..thank kyu for writing this ^^
kira_angel #4
Chapter 1: Can I trans this into Vietnamese?? ^^~
Justove being a translation of sweet and soft fiction like this ~~ :) :) :) ^^~
Eunhae123689 #5
Chapter 1: Awesome-ness
michikokasiumi #6
Chapter 1: waaaaaaaaa... it lil bit rushed, but its a very good story... u should make it chaptered :D
i loke this kind of relationship, like sasuke><naruto relationship if u know manga called NARUTO.. enemy-friend-lover relationship XD
57 streak #7
Chapter 1: Great Story!!