Not Supposed to Happen

Not how it's Supposed to Go


Kai's POV
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S IN THE HOSPITAL?! HOW? WHEN? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER?" I screamed at Chanyeol though the phone. I threw the phone down and ran as fast as I could to the hospital.
'Stupid pride. God damnit. Why couldn't I just tell him that I loved him too?'
It was a rainy day when we were all gathered up in the living room. Kyungsoo pulled me aside and into the kitchen.
"Kai.... I... I really love you!" Kyungsoo hyung said. I didn't want to tell him I loved him too! I wasn't ready for a relationship!
"I..... I'm sorry I like someone else" I responded hoping he wouldn't catch the lie.
"Oh.. Ok then I'm sorry" Kyungsoo hyung said running out the door.
"Wait hyung! Stop! You're gonna get sick!" Sehun screamed.
It was too late he was already out the door. I went to my room I shared with Kyungsoo. And laid on my bed.
'Did I do the right thing?'
Flashback end
'I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I love you. I'm so so sorry.'
I got to the hospital and when I walked into the emergency room I saw everyone else waiting too. Sehun was crying while Suho was was trying to calm him and Chanyeol was crying with Baekhyun. Just then the doctor came in.
"Family and Friends of D.O. Kyungsoo?"
We all raised our heads.
"I'm so sorry, we did all we could.", Sehun burst out crying again.
"He is not dead.", the doctor said.
 Chanyeol shot up, "He's ok right? He's alive right?"
"He is alive.", He responded.
 All of us looked relived at the moment.
"But," He continued. All of our heads shot up. "He is in a coma. The car struck him head on we're lucky it''s just a coma.."
I dropped to my knees.
'Kyungsoo-hyung.. Is in a coma?'
"No..", everyone looked at Chanyeol, "you're joking. He can't be in a coma.. Please.. Say that you're joking!"
"I'm sorry." The doctor responded as if this happened daily.
"Can.. Can we see him?", Suho said in a broken voice.
"Yes, please follow me" he lead us to room 408. Inside there lay Kyungsoo hooked up to a bunch of wires. It looked like he was sleeping and was gonna just wake up and make us breakfast like any other day, but we knew that wasn't true.
'I'm so sorry Kyungsoo. Please wake up. Please forgive me.'
I sat in the chair next to his bed. Taking his hand I then started to cry.
"I love you too."
I don't know how long I sat there next to him saying those words. I just wanted him to wake up and say them back to me.
It's been a month since kyungsoo hyung was in that crash and he still hasn't woken up yet. I never left his side except when forced by the others.
"I'm so sorry"
Feeling a pain in my chest I collapsed on to the ground.
"Kai! Kai wake up!" someone yelled.
It hurts. Maybe if I sleep I'll see Kyungsoo hyung. With that the darkness took me over.
Unknown POV
" Birthday..Sorry..awake...hear....letter..."
I felt something on my lips and my cheek. Tears?
I don't know why but I started crying as well.
Unknown POV
'Why does it hurt so much...'
"Oh my god! Get the doctor! He's up!"
'So loud'
"Kyungsoo? Can you hear me? Kyungsoo wake up!" "Kyungsoo hyung! Kyungsoo hyung!"
Where am I?
What's that beeping sound?
Who's talking to me?
Wake up?
Slowly I opened my eyes to see Sehun and Chanyeol staring at me calling my name.
"Where am I?"
"YOU'RE AWAKE HYUNG!",  Sehun yelled in my ear.
"Se...hun?..Chan....yeol?", My voice was horrible.
"YOU REMEMBER!" Chanyeol screamed.
The doctor came in the room and shooed my two  out. He did some tests and soon left. After he left Jongmyun, Zitao, Wufan, Sehun, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Yixing, and Luhan came in and started asking me questions.
"Hyung are you ok?"
"Kyungsoo do you remember anything?"
"Kyung are you comfortable? Do you need me to get you anything?"
"Kyungsoo-hyung are you hungry?"
"Kyungsoo-- Hyung! Why are you pushing me?"
Jongmyun spoke, "Ok everyone out I need to talk to Kyungsoo ALONE."
Soon everyone but Jongmyun left the white, smelly room.
"Kyungsoo I need you to answer this seriously," I nodded.
"Do you know what today is? April 8th, 2014?", Suho shook his head.
"Kyungsoo today is January 14th, 2015; you've been asleep for nine months now."
'I've been asleep for nine months? Today is January..14th..Isn't today?'
I laughed like a maniac, I didn't care if I just woke up.
"I'm guessing Kai is celebrating his birthday while I'm in the hospital?"
Jongmyun just looked at me with these weird eyes, like my dog just died and he was the one that did it.
"Kyungsoo there might be something you want to know about Kai.", I shook my head at him.
"It's ok I'm ok with not seeing him. He's probably out having fun with everyone else."
"But Kyungsoo you need to know that Kai is go-" The doctor came in at that time telling Jongmyun that visiting hours were over and he had to leave.
Jongmyun turned around and looked at me one last time with that look in his eyes and left.
The doctor did some tests and left my room closing the door behind him. As soon as he left I left out a breath I didn't know I was holding and heard the heart machine go up a notch. I laid back down and put my hands under my pillow; a weird habit I developed when I was little something only some people know.
I closed my eyes and was about to fall asleep when I felt something under my pillow. Lifting my pillow up I saw a slightly crinkled envelope with the opening looking like it was opened more than once after sealing it. I felt a circular indent on the part I was holding and wondered what it was. On the front of the envelope was my name a handwriting I've seen many times before. The handwriting could only belong to one person.
I debated opening the envelope as I was still mad at Kai. After a while of debating I slowly opened the letter being careful not to rip it anymore.
Inside the envelope was a letter and a.. ring?
I slowly took everything out and laid them out on my lap. I unfolded the letter and noticed tear marks on the paper. I started reading;
Dear Kyungsoo, 
I don't know when you're reading this but I probably won't be around when you are. I see you haven't gotten rid of your sleeping habit. This is funny; how everything ended up like this. Hey Kyungsoo? Can I tell you a secret? I'm just going to assume you said yes. My secret; I have two actually. Which one do you want first the good or bad one? I'm just going to start with the bad one so the good one can hopefully cheer you up. 
Guess what Hyung! I have Emphysema. Haha I'm dying hilarious isn't it? By the time you read this I'm gonna be gone. So I have to write to you in a stupid letter and stick it under your pillow; the place I know you'll find it. The doctor says I don't even have till your- our birthday. Haha I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. Soon my lungs are going to stop working and I'll just die. Hopefully I choke up so bad I'll live till you wake up. I'll all be ok in the end. You'll see my beautiful face again no matter what. I promise!
The second secret is that I love you. I love you so much Hyung. I'm so sorry I caused all of this. I should've just told you I love you. I really did. I was stupid and my pride said no. I'm sorry. I know this isn't enough but I will show you that I love you don't worry.
Anyways the nurse is bugging me to eat my lunch. Ew hospital food is disgusting. When you wake up I want to go eat Kimchi spaghetti. You should wake up and make me some. I want to see you in the kitchen again. Laughing  with some sauce on the corner of your lips so I can kiss it off of you. Just like in those dramas you make me watch with you.
I always wonder if you'll ever wake up and I'll get cured. Then we'll be married and live happily ever after just like you wanted to when we were watching that cheesy drama together. Will you marry me?
Wake up Kyungsoo I need you. I need to hear you say I love you again. I need to hear you say that I'm stupid. I need to see your beautiful eyes again. I need to hear your beautiful voice again. Please Kyungsoo-hyung wake up before I die. Please. Promise me you will?
With all my love and heart,
Kim Jongin
I dropped the letter like it was on fire. Tears dropped onto my sheets as I wiped them off with the back of my hand.
Stupid Jongin. He would do this. He would make my cry just when I woke up from nine months of sleeping. I looked at the ring scared to touch it.
I picked it up and looked at it. It was a simple silver band. On the front side it said "Jongin and Kyungsoo". On the inside  of the ring it said "Will you marry me?"
"Stupid, stupid Jongin. Of course I will"
I looked at the photo. It was a picture of Jongin and I on the couch smiling. I was laughing and Jongin.. Jongin was looking at me with his beautiful eyes. The only emotion I could see in them was.. Love?
I turned the photo around and saw some scribbles on the back. I recognized them as Jongin's handwriting. 
Hey Kyungsoo,
I see you're not awake yet. But anyways I told you that you would see my beautiful face again!
"I love you"
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this hic is hic so hic sad authornim

cry me a river or an ocean maybe T_T

this is beautiful
Chapter 1: /silently sobbing under the mattress/ dear this is wonderful. I hope you write more with all your prompts and all. <3 STILL LET ME HIDE IN THE BATHTUB AND DROWN MYSELF IN KAISOO SORROW.