
Playing the player


It was free period for two hours now and Heesung was walking around the empty hallways.

She was thinking about how troublesome class would become now that Baekhyun joined. And not to mention. He sits beside her too. She can just imagine what all his little stalking fans are planning to do to her. Probably do something typical, like corner her in the girls bathroom and cut her hair or something. And she didn’t like the thought of her getting attention now. 

Sighing she went back to her locker and got a random folder and headed to the school library. She greeted the librarian who sat there behind the desk and was typing something on the computer.

Heesung went all the way back and took a seat in the corner by a table. The corner was surrounded by tall book shelves and a window by her seat.

Ignoring the folder in front of her she turned her gaze out the window unknown that a pair of eyes were watching her.



Baekhyun was sitting in the library bored out of his mind. He didn’t find Heesung after class and his new female classmates were literally following him around. He got rid of them after they went back to the classroom for free period. He decided to go to the library with a few books that his new teacher, Mrs. Choi, had given him and the others before class started. He knew that Mrs. Choi’s class had progressed further than his old one because Mrs. Kwon kept on taking leaves for the hospital leaving them with a substitute teacher who didn’t know anything which slowed their subjects down. And Baekhyun found that very disturbing since he didn’t want his grades to drop. Which they were doing. Slowly. As if they weren't bad enough.

His gaze lifted when he heard the door open and the person who he had been looking for stepped in. He blinked as he saw her greet the librarian with a short nod before walking towards the back.

The schools library was pretty big and it had tall book shelves. And the windows were placed in the back of the library. Baekhyun got up from his seat and grabbed all his books before he silently followed Heesung. He watched as she went left and right past shelves and Baekhyun tried not to knock anything down.

He stood behind a shelf when she got to a corner where there was only one big table with two chairs. Heesung took a seat on the one that was closest to the wall and placed her folder in front of her. She then turned to the window and rested her chin in her hand.

Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows. She isn’t going too study? He thought as he eyed the folder in front of her.

Baekhyung was pondering about if he should walk up to her or if he should walk away, But if I walk up to her… She might think I’m a creep. He thought. How would he explain about finding her all the way back here in the corner without being creepy? But then he looked down to the books in his arms and silently sighed for himself. He couldn’t ask Mrs. Choi to help him catch up in all the subjects since she did say ask their new seatmates. Even if she didn’t say that she wouldn’t probably have time to help him anyways.

Finding courage in him he took a step out from behind the shelf and cleared his throat making the girl slowly look up.


Heesung was so into her thoughts she even got a bit startled when she heard someone clear their throat. At first she thought it was the librarian but got surprised when she saw that it was Baekhyun.

How’d he find me here? She thought and wondered. No one ever comes to the library willingly and no one knows about this corner except her. So it made her abit suspicious.

“Uhm… Hi…” Baekhyun greeted her and gave a shy smile.

Heesung gave him a little nod before her eyes found all the books he had in his arms. Math, History, Geography…

“How’d you find me here?” She asked and intertwined her fingers under her chin.

“Ah, I saw you come in to the library and wanted to talk to you…” He said. “But I didn’t want to call you out just like that…”

Heesung nodded. “So I just followed you… Here…” He continued. “Hope you don’t mind.”

Baekhyun secretly hoped that she didn’t find him creepy at all but gave out a sigh of relief when she said.

“It’s ok.”

“Can I take a seat?” He asked.

Heesung nodded and watched as he slowly walked towards the table and occupied the seat in front of her. He placed the books in front of him and stacked them up in neat piles.

“Why are you carrying them around?” She asked and eyed the neatly stacked piled of books.

“Ah, well.. To be honest.” Baekhyun shyly rubbed the back of his neck. “I was looking for you before.”

Heesung raised her eyebrows. “Why?”

“Well Mrs. Choi said that if I needed help with anything in any subject she said that we’d ask our new seatmates…”

Oh, yeah… Heesung suddenly remembered. She forgot about how Mrs. Choi had told them that if the new students need any help with anything they’d ask their seatmates since we’ve progressed much further than Mrs. Kwon.

Heesung just nodded and Baekhyun continued.

“And I was going to ask you for help… But you just disappeared. So I started looking for you but when I didn’t find you I came here and tried to go through everything myself but… It didn’t go so well.” The boy shyly chuckled.

Heesung felt slightly guilty for him having to waste his time to look for her.

“So I was wondering if you could help… Me?” Baekhyun asked and gave a small smile.

Heesung tilted her head and eyed the boy in front of her through her glasses. Baekhyun felt a small shiver run down his spine. He felt as if she was eyeing him from top to toe and the scary thing was that he didn’t see her eyes.


She finally said and leaned back in her chair.

Baekhyuns smile widened. “Really? Thank you!”

Heesung thought that this would kill some time too so why not? She eyed the stacked books and watched as Baekhyun tried deciding on which subject to start with first.

“Uhm..” He mumbled and looked through his books.

“Let’s start with the subject that your grades have dropped the most.” Heesung said as Baekhyun looked at her and nodded. “Oh, true!”

Baekhyun picked a book up from the pile and placed it in front of her.


Baekhyun nodded and scratched the back of his head. “To be honest… I kinda at all the subjects..” He confessed and awkwardly chuckled.

Heesung raised an eyebrow and eyed the book that was in front of her. Oh, so he isn’t as smart as he looks. She thought.

“Actually… I just finished the whole first biology book and I’m kinda slow in learning stuff..” He confessed once again.

Actually this was the first time Baekhyun had talked this much to a girl before. He was already confessing stuff that even his friends didn’t know about, for example about the studying part. He wasn’t lying though. He was a slow learner.

Heesung nodded and picked his book up and flipped to the first page before sliding it back to him. She opened her folder that she had and luckily, it was her biology stuff. Baekhyun eyed her carefully as she took out an empty notebook and passed it to him too.

“Do you have a pencil with you?” She asked.

Baekhyun raised his eyebrows and started looking through his pockets. “Ah, no… Wait! I’ll go ask the librarian!” He said before quickly running of.

Heesung tilted her head and leaned her cheek in her palm. This is going to be intresting. She thought.

Baekhyun came back after a few minutes with a pencil and eraser. “The librarian gave me these!” He smiled as Heesung nodded.

“Read the first chapter in the book and tell me when you’re done.” She said before facing her gaze out the window again.

Baekhyun slowly nodded before he started reading.

Heesung was silently eyeing him from the corner of her eyes. He was really silent as he read, taking his time to let the information sink in. After a few minutes he looked up.

“I-I’m done…”

Heesung pushed her glasses up her nose bridge and leaned back in her seat crossing her arms across her chest.

“Did you understand anything?” She asked. The boy slowly nodded. “Yeah, but there were a few things I didn’t understand…”

“Like what?”

“I forgot what the greenhouse effect was…” He said with a sheepish smile spread on his lips.

Heesung mentally facepalmed. Holy , this kid is dumb.




Hello, new chap! 

Hope you liked it even if it was short. owo; 

I don't know what to say about this chapter. Because ... I don't know... It was just ._. Yeah ...

Btw, i don't think i won't be able to update for a while because i'll be travelling ^^ !!

I hope you can wait a few weeks ^^;


Please comment! I don't like silent readers ._. Makes me feel like there aren't anyone who reads this.. Haha.. /sigh



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Keep saying that i'll go on an hiatus for my finals but end up updating anyway, pssh.


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Chapter 67: please update
Chapter 67: Hiatus????
Chapter 67: Kyaahhh~~~ >_< squealing on the inside so much! I want them to be together! ;-; plssssss
pinkypn #4
Chapter 67: I'm just waiting for them to finally get together
Cindyw_diaz #5
Chapter 66: Awwww their date~~~ they got couple things~~ >_< Team BaekSung! <3 <3 <3 can they be bf and gf already ;-;
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Chapter 48: Author-nim, do you have like insta or twitter?
please update
Chapter 65: author where are you? i miss the story. :'(