If only...

Alarm Clock


*ring ring ring ring*

You blandly ignored the annoying ringing of the clock and buried your face into the pillow, covering the red and swollen eyes. You were somewhat glad that your alarm clock had started ringing, even if it meant that your sleep deprived body got even more sleep deprived. Anything was better than having the same nightmare over and over again, inerasable and unforgettable. You slid lazily off the bed and walked out onto your balcony, which overlooked Seoul. Breathing in deep fresh morning air, your eyes darted to an apartment block nearby. You well and truly knew who was in one of them. Finally, you averted your eyes from the building block and stalked back inside, rubbing your eyes tiredly.

After spending about 20 billion years in the bathroom, you walked back out, finally able to conceal most of the horrible baggs under your eyes. You exited your apartment block, and out into the cold world. Shivering, you walked up to the local café.
“One take-away latte please.” You smiled at the cashier.
“Sure!” He replied back and you stood aside, waiting for your order. Soon it arrived and you accepted it gratefully, listening to the small tingling sound of the bell as you walked out into the streets again. You stood for a moment, gazing up at the snow laden pathway. Sighing at the sight of couples giggling to themselves, you crunched through the snow and wandered towards the park. Unconsciously, you had managed to seek for that special bench and sat down. You gazed up at the gray and blue sky, then down at the steaming cup of coffee in your hands. Couples walked up and down, you probably being invisible in their eyes. You silently traced the edge of your thin cardboard cup.

If only this was another dream.
If only you knew that you were still asleep and everything would be alright soon.
If only time could go backwards and back to the days.
If only he was beside you, with that beautiful smile.
If only there was an alarm clock beside you, waiting for the time to wake you up.


A/N: SORRAY I FORGOT TO MENTION THAT ITS SHORT. So, im mentioning now that its short :D

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Chapter 1: I don't get it
Chapter 1: LOOOL!! this oneshot's short, just like jjong :P
Which jonghyun is this??
ooh u thinking of j____ arent u? ;)
after what i told u.... <333