Chapter [1] One

All About Him

"You have now arrived in Seoul, Korea. Thank you for boarding with Korea Air." 

Stretching, as I got up from my seat to retrieve my carryons. 'Oh Seoul~ It's good to be back.'  Walking with my carryons  to get my luggages, the nostalgia filled me. So many memories, I've had here. After months of convincing my parents to let me finish my high school years in Korea, I'm finally back. 

I walked out of the airport with all my stuff, in search of the guy I've had feelings for a decade. Yup, pretty long. Well I'm 16, so do the math. We're childhood best friends.

"Nari-ah!" I turned and saw the one I was going to confess to, my childhood best friend, Kim KiBum. 

"Key!" He ran towards me and pulled me into his arms. Ahh, my heart was beating so hard. 

"How have you been?" He asked as I locked eyes with him and smiled. I can only be really nice to him. Blah, and girly. Love makes you do crazy things.

"I've been good. I missed my Bumbum." I poked his cheek and he laugh. 

"Great, great! Listen, I gotta tell you something." He told me as my eyes widened, was he going to confess too? Catch me, I'm gonna swoon. Oh wait, I'm still in his arms. Haaah, perfect. This is my chance to confess to him, how romantic, at an airport too.

"I have to tell you something too." I bit my lip and took a deep breath, he smiled.

"Ladies first." A gentleman like always, I opened my mouth to start of my monologue of cheesy lines and cliche' sayings that I've been practicing for a good 2 months.


"Car's ready!" I heard a voice from behind me yell. Key let go of me as I turned to glare at the guy who interrupted my heartfelt speech.

"Jagiyah!" I heard Key say. What. Jagiyah? Is this some bromance nickname? He jumped into this 'Jagiyah's arms and man, am I dumbfounded. "Nari, meet my boyfriend, Kim Jonghyun." 

"Ehhh!?" Was all I could say at the moment as the looked at me with confused faces. "I- uh mean excellent! You guys make a cute couple!" This was not the reality I wanted..

The guy I was all about for 10 years, gay. The whole time I was in America, daydreaming and wishing of our love life was pointless. I should've seen this coming, he's too perfect. 

Jonghyun bowed as I bowed back. 

"So what was it that you needed to say, Nari?" Key smiled, his face glowing more now that his 'Jagiyah' was here.

"Oh, I forgot what I was going to say! Let's go get something to eat. I'm starving!" Comfort food get in my belly! 

"I'll take your luggages." Jonghyun said cooly as he took them. Hah, he looks like a dinosaur and he's pretty short? Eh, figures. Key was always afraid of heights but he loved Barney. I thanked him and made my way to the car, I knew which one it was because it had "JongKey" as the license plate. 

Aish. It was one heck of a car ride, seeing Key who was jamming with to radio. I swear, he's in love with Ke$ha. 

"Hey, Key$ha. Lower down the volume." I called from the backseat. He turned to me and gave me a diva glare.

"Make me." 

I laughed and just rolled my eyes. 

Well, I always wanted a gay best friend, who knew it'd be my first love.


Hi guys~ New story. Sorry that I barely did anything for my other Teen Top fic!

I'll try my best to keep up with this one, promise!

Do you guys know any good sites for posters? -___- I'm in need for one!



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Momo431 #1
Ahhhhhh, this is adorableeee <3
Please update!!