The Girl you Call your Best Friend

"Please, Just Let Me Be..."

Practice was over and tomorrow was Monday. This whole weekend started out perfect and ended with a disaster, but you didn't let that get in the way, KyuRi wouldn't let that hurt you either. 

You and KyuRi were walking the short distance to the bus stop. It was a cool night, decent weather for a short walk with the closest person to you.

"KyungMi-ah~ Are you all better now?"

"Mmm~" You nodded your head just slightly. KyuRi could still sense your hurting.

"Kaja!" KyuRi dragged you to the bus quickly.

"Wae...Wae???", you said confused and locked in her strong grip.

"I'm taking you out somewhere~"

You smiled. You had the best best friend ever.

You looked out the window after 15 minutes on the bus.

"This doesn't look like our town's bus stop...", you said worried.

"Exactly~ It's not suppose to be~ Geez, Mi, Do you even know what the meaning of the word 'fun' is?" She rolled her eyes.

It was K-Town! Paradise for all Kpop lovers. You haven't been here in ages. 

"Let's go here first!", said KyuRi as she tugged you over to Music Plaza. The most known store in L.A. to satisfy your Kpop cravings.

"Wah...", you said as you looked around. The posters, merchandise, and albums! It was heaven! You looked over at KyuRi. There she was, scattering around the store looking for B.A.P goodies. You chuckled and walked over to her.

"Look at all this stuff!" In her hands were B.A.P pens, pencil cases, memo paper, keychains, all kinds of things!

You were amazed at all the merchandise. All Kpop goodies must be located there. "Oh, I am sooo buying you this stuff.", suggested KyuRi.

"KyuRi! I never asked you! This must cost a fortune!"

"Oh yeah? You in pain and crying cost a fortune! It's a truckload of regret dumped all over my back!" "And this here, is what relieves my stress." KyuRi handed you the bag of the paid items. 

"Awww~ Ri~ Thank you", you hugged her. "Jamba Juice. It's on me."

Once you reached Jamba Juice and bought your drinks, you sat down at a table farther away from other customers, just in case someone would be listening in. "So, what will you be saying to your mom once she gets home?", KyuRi cautiously asked. 

"I...I don't know...I don't want to say anything to her...for now...", you replied.

"I understand, but you're going to have to talk to her soon, you know that right?", said KyuRi.

"I know...I know...but it's just that I haven't talked to her...well, all my life...really..."

"Mi, it's going to be hard. No doubt about it, but sooner or later, one of you will break the ice. I want you to prepare for that."

"I will...I just hope eveything will become normal again in time for the competition..." You heard your ringtone. "Hello?"

The person on the other end was speaking in Korean. "Is this Mrs. Kim SaeJin?" "This is the manager of TS ENT, B.A.P and SECRET. I am wondering if you'll be ready to meet tomorrow?"

"Errmmm...", you spoke in disbelief.


"Uhh..Yes..wait...No...This isn't Mrs. Kim, it's her daughter..."

"Wonderful! We found TS ENT'S new intern!"

You threw the phone on the floor and screamed. "INTERN?!?!"

To all readers and subscribers (especially the new ones~ <3): I want to thank you for always reading and supporting my fanfic even though I don't update it as much as I want to OTL. I've been busy working hard at a twitter fanbase- @BAP_2701. Please follow us, Juesyo! ^.^ I wish to update more often now! Thank you for your support, once again!



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ilabya28 #1
n8r_MEE #2
Chapter 10: aaah~ i feel like REAL!! :DD this is not HALLUCINATION & IMAGINATION lol ahaah update soooooooonnn~~
nksabrina2112 #3
Chapter 10: wow what a cute story ~^^ anyway update soon~~~ <3
n8r_MEE #4
Chapter 9: yeeaa i am new :) i read it all..awesome updte soon ^^
jelliesME #5
Chapter 7: thats it???? Haaa okayy updte soon :)
jelliesME #6
Chapter 6: :'( - :D hhaa update soon c:
jelliesME #7
Chapter 4: ahaaa this story really mee :D actually i don't very intresting at exo aha lol ^^ good good!!
jelliesME #8
Chapter 3: ahaaa..she don't know who is going she met later :D lol