The Meaning Behind the Necklace

"Please, Just Let Me Be..."

Hi, I'm back~ ^^ Enjoy Ch. 5~ I hope to update more often than usual T^T -Jojo

Your mother's words- "Alright, I'll see you all again next time!" woke you up from your peaceful nap. You stretched off your bed. Your lower back and shoulders were in pain from your awkward sleeping position, both your legs were hanging off the side of the bed, while your upper body was situated on the edge, in an "L" shape. "The bands must have left. Finally, I'll be able to stay downstairs without Gonchan's wandering eyes stalking the living heck out of me. What was up with him? Staring me down like, what?, every 15 seconds?!" You rolled your eyes. Your eyes found their way to the hands of your teddy bear room clock.

"2:35" (*Sidenote*-Yeah, I know the clock doesn't say '2:35.' I'm fully aware.) You looked away and continued your stretching. You walked over to your office. "Wait...2:35?" You ran back to your room to check if you saw the time correctly. Yep, you read perfectly clearly, well, it was 2:36, now. "Oh god, I'm late." You grabbed your backup duffel, filled with sweat clothes from your closet and rushed down the stairs searching for Kevin.


"Oppa! Oppa! OPPA!", you shouted, running around the whole house. You eventually found him outside on the patio.

"Wae?!" He yelled back as you turned him around to face you.

"I' may have forgotten???...heh..."

"KyungMi?!" You felt his hand grab your wrist as he began dragging you to the garage door.

"Why are you two in a rush?", asked your dad.

"I have practice, Appa! I'll be back soon!" You waved at him, when you were yanked into the garage. You were in passenger's seat of the car in under 45 seconds. "Aren't I just soo~ lucky to have a brother who hates being tardy???" Your eyes smiled. 

Kevin couldn't help but laugh at your childish statement. "Let's go."  20 mintues into the car ride, you remembered to text your group members, apoligizing and asking when they left. You felt so guilty for forgetting, especially since you were the leader. You knew the competition was in a few weeks, and you knew they needed to practice.

"To: KyuRi, Kayli, Kyle, KangDae, and Kelvin" 

"Sorry! I lost track of time...-_-' I'll be at the studio in 10 minutes."

You sent the message even though it sounded extremely stupid to you. In about 2 minutes, they all replied to you in a similar way- "No, it's ok Kimmi. We understand."

"You understand? How could you ever possibly understand?", you questioned yourself. You stared at your phone strangely, carefully reading the texts again. "How could they have known EXO and B1A4 were at my house...?" In all your confusion, you finally reached the dance studio. You darted out of the car and fidgeted with your belongings. 

"Forgetting something?", your brother called to you. 

You rolled your eyes. "What is it now, Oppa?", you complained. You turned around to see a necklace hanging from your brother's thumb and index finger. It was a black, puzzle necklace with the girl's gender symbol, on a silver chain. Your birth necklace, and one of the strongest magnets in the world. You always had hidden it under your shirt so that no one could ever see it and that it would have a less chance of attracting anything. It was the most precious thing ever to you, since your biological father bought it. He had also placed it around your neck, the second you were born. You grew up and had it ever since, yet, you didn't really know much about it, other than your biological father was the one who had given it to you. Little did you know that would soon change.

You hastily checked your neck. It wasn't there. It must have fallen off while you were too busy fidgeting. That was the first time it ever came off. You were horrified it would fall off again, or even worse, BREAK. You snatched the necklace from Kevin's hand, then mentally apoligized for treating it so carelessly. Kevin stopped you from walking away and took the necklace from your hand. He turned you around and gently placed the necklace around your neck and secured it at the back. 

"Gomawo, Oppa~", you smiled grasping the pendant.

"Mmm~ Ka! Jal Ga! Just call when you're done!"

"Ne~ Araso~!" Kevin watched you walk over to the entrance. As he saw you make your way to one of the practice rooms, he said to himself, "KyungMi-ah, there's more to your 'special' necklace than you think. Hopefully, mom will tell you about it soon." He got into the car and drove out of campus.

As you walked into the practice room, you saw surprisingly everyone, KyuRi, Kayli, KangDae, Kyle, and even Kelvin, who was very lazy. When they saw your reflection in the mirror, giant smiles formed on the girls' faces. Phrases from the girls like- "KyungMi, what were they like?, Were they as cute as they look in pictures?, KyungMi! OMG Did they really go to your house?, Did their biceps and triceps look as hot?, KYUNGMI DID B1A4 AND EXO REALLY VISIT YOU? WHY?" 

"GUYS! CALM DOWN! I didn't even pay much attention to them. And all youz know why.", you pointed around at them. KyuRi and Kayli sighed and grumbled. They guys didn't seem to care, obviously. "How did you all even know?-"

"All-Kpop! Duh?! KPOP news spreads faster than you think.", KyuRi responded.

"Why aren't you guys excited? Umm...KyungMi breathed the same living air as idols? Hello~?", Kayli asked the guys.

"Cuz we're guys. Guys don't hyperventilate over other guys. If SISTAR, or SNSD, or even 2NE1 were at Kimmi's house, ask us again.", said Kyle. You heard your message ringtone, your mother had texted you. 

"Kimmi, it seems like B1A4 and EXO didn't work out so well. I just got a call from my secretary. She told me that B1A4 AND EXO'S managers decided to withdraw from my company. I don't know why?! How could this be?! We...we were having such a splendid time, were we not?"

You were too disgusted to reply. You got another message from your mom. 

"She booked me with another boy group and a girl group. Somethin about B.A.P and SECRET? I don't know. I just felt like B1A4, Exo, and I clicked, ya know?"

"B...B.A.P? A..AND..SECRE..SECRET?", you thought. You fainted. 


After about 3 minutes, you woke up. "What...what happened?", asked KangDae. You handed him the phone. 

"OMFG! NO FRIGGIN WAY...", he shouted. He read the message out loud. The guys made their own circle and were fist-pumping and high-fiving. You and the rest of the girls were fan-girling and squealing. 

"How, how is this even possible?", asked Kelvin. 


"Yeah..I'll just leave you here on the corner until you wake up again...Oh, and hey, KyungMi, when you wake will hook me up with one of the SECRET are getting sleepy...very sleepy...", whispered Kyle, trying to hypnotize you. He dragged you over to the side. 

"Get over here Kyle!", yelled Kelvin.

15 minutes later, you woke up and sat up. You opened your eyes and had a blurry vision of your group members working and practicing hard. You smiled. You were extremely proud of them. They didn't need your help, all of them were set and ready for the competition. You would be competing with "Power" and a mash-up of SECRET'S Poison and B.A.P's One Shot. It was like a competition mash-up between the girls and guys. Each team competing would have to do one. 

"Oh, KyungMi's awake!", said Kayli, as they just finished "Power." 

"You guys are doing so well. The moves are spot on! I have such an awesome group. I'm so proud!", you wiped away a fake tear from your eye.

"We're glad our dancing makes you cry fake tears, Kimmi!", replied KangDae. 

"Oh, you guys know what I mean! "C'mon, let's practice the mash-up!" You practiced the mash-up for about 2 hours, then you all called it a day. It was nearing 7 P.M. The guys and Kayli had already left. Kayli left with Kyle since they were siblings, twins to be exact. You and KyuRi were left at the practice room.

"Hey, do you wanna go home with me?", suggested KyuRi.

"Oh, there's no need. Kevin will be coming soon. That reminds me...I have to go call him..."

"Kimmi! You don't have to! Just tell Kevin you'll be going home with me!"

"Ok, thanks!" You texted Kevin saying that you would be going home with KyuRi. Kevin replied with his consent.

KyuRi's mom arrived in 15 minutes. Your family and KyuRi's got along really well. That's because your mom and KyuRi's mom are best friends, just like you and KyuRi. 

"Annyeonghasayo Mrs. Yoo~!", you kindly greeted as you got to the car.

"Hi KyungMi, hop in!", Mrs. Yoo responded. "KyungMi's house here we come!"

During the car trip, all three of you talked about the competition and listened to KPOP. Yes, Mrs. Yoo loves and listens to KPOP, as well. She's cool like that.-

"KyungMi, how's practice going, honey?", Mrs. Yoo asked.

"Practice is going extremely well! Everyone is working hard and giving their best, especially Kyuri.", you nudged KyuRi in the side.

"Oh, that's so great!", said Mrs. Yoo. "Oh~ I still remeber when you and KyuRi took ballet class together when you both were itty bitties. I would dress little KruRi in those frilly tutus, and she would throw a fit when her tiara was tilting. Yet, she was the only one wearing a tiara in class."

"Umma!", yelled KyuRi.

"Calm down, I can still remeber it too, Miss Wanna-Be-Princess~ Mehrong~", you stuck your tongue out at KyuRi. 

"Aishh! KyungMi-ah!", snickered KyuRi.

Mrs. Yoo took out a CD from the over-head compartment of the car. It was a burned CD of KPOP songs all three of you liked. From Big Bang, SNSD, 2AM, Sistar, and B.A.P and SECRET, of course. The first song was "Power" by B.A.P. You laughed when Mrs. Yoo was singing, or at least trying to sing the "Warning, Warning" part. KyuRi sat there shaking her head in full-on embarassment. Both of you danced in your seats. SECRET's "Poison" played next and both of you got rowdy during the chorus part. Then, the masculine, bomb-basting, intense "One Shot" played, your favorite song. You got chills when you heard Yongguk's rap; saddened when you heard Himchan's voice you missed; happy and proud when you heard Jongup's lines, since he rarely got any; laughed at Zelo's adorable engrish, excited when you heard Younjae's soothing solo part, and your heard melted when you heard Daehyun's high-notes. YES, B.A.P affected you THAT much.

You remembered that B.A.P would be part of your mom's company soon, SECRET too. You couldn't believe that, you probably were dreaming. I mean, you, meeting B.A.P one day? That's FAR from reality. As far as you're concerned, you're just an ordinary fan. Well, more of a fan compared to others, if you will. You didn't know if you should be excited or terrified, or maybe both. All you knew was the fact that you were uncapable of ennunciating words, you were speechless. Finally, you made up your mind and told yourself- KyungMi Amity-Belle Kim (Amity-Belle was your middle name, coming from your father), you MUST stay calm when B.A.P comes. Don't overreact, don't get too excited, in fact, don't get excited at ALL. B.A.P CAN NOT know about you and your fan-girling "problem." We wouldn't want them to be scared and disgusted out of their young, perfect, beautiful, manl- I...I...mean wits from meeting the real you, now do we?

"No, sir, not indeed.", you said out loud.

"KyungMi?, did you say something?", asked Mrs. Yoo.

"Hmm? Oh, no, nothing, nothing at all~...heh...", you staggeringly stuttered.

KyuRi knew just what was up with you. A few minutes after, you arrived at the front of your house, your mother waiting at the front of door. You sincerely thanked Mrs. Yoo and sae your mother gesturing to all of you to come in. She saw that you were all confused, so she went over to all of you herself. "C'mon, get inside now. Malaysian food is waiting~" 

"Oh, Saejin, no, we'll pass. Thank you! C'mon KyuRi, let's go. I have work to do at home."

Honestly, you wanted them to stay so you could talk KyuRi about this whole B.A.P fiasco, and hopefully, Mrs. Yoo would rub off her awesomeness on your own mother. Oh, one could only hope.

"Oh, stop it SunHi! If I know anything about you, it's that you like to get all your work done on-time and quickly in a fashionable, perfect manner. Now, this "make-believe, invisible work" you have to do can wait. And after dinner, you and I can talk and KyuRi and KyungMi can do the same. Off you go, inside." She led Mrs. Yoo and KyuRi inside the house. GiSu was waiting inside.

"GiSu Oppa, Annyeong~!" 

"KyungMi! How was practice?" 

"Nothing, but amazing! We are soo ready for the competition. Who knows, we might leave the arena with a  trophy and cold, hard plane tickets in our hands."

"That's my girl." GiSu ruffled the top of your head like a dog. "Let's eat everyone!Everyone sat down at the dining table. "Oh, that's right. Mr. Kang will be coming soon late. He had an important meeting with his production crew. 

"Oh, that's why Appa isn't here?", you asked. You wanted to tell your dad about everything today, but you knew when your Dad had a meeting, it would take forever. Sometimes, the meetings would end early in the morning. "Where's JaeHwa Unnie?"

"Oh, JaeHwa? She went to visit her sister's again. She'll be back on Wednesday. Her sister's getting married soon and she's helping out with the plans.

"Why doesn't she tell me these things?!"

"Maybe, because you overreact when you do hear these things.", answered GiSu. "Now, speaking of people missing, where's Kevin?"

"Present.", said Kevin. Kevin walked down the stairs and entered the dining room. You looked over at KyuRi, and as you expected, her eyes were twinkling and formed into her usual "in-love" smile that would appear everytime she saw your brother. You couldn't help but feel like you were going to barf, even though you haven't eaten anything yet. Your best friend? Having a major crush on your brother? Like, no, just Eew.

The platters of sweet-smelling Malaysian food were empty by the time dinner was done. You and KyuRi volunteered in washing the dishes, Kevin went upstairs to his room to study, your mothers went on talking about woman-like topics with cups of coffee in their hands, and GiSu went out for a jog with Kimchi. 

"How are you feeling with meeting B.A.P soon?", asked KyuRi.

"Do you really have to bring that up, Ri?"

"Umm...Yeah. Duh? BFF over here. And as your BFF, it is my duty to ask you these kinds of things."

"If you entitle yourself as my personal BFF, then you must already know how I am feeling. C'mon we'll talk about this upstairs." Both of you finished up the dishes and went up to your room. KyuRi tried to be sneaky and enter Kevin's room instead, but you and your slick mind caught her just in time. You dragged her into your room. Both of you plopped on some beanie bags with ice cream from your mini-fridge.

"When are they coming?", asked KyuRi. 

"I don't know, I don't care-"

"Oh, you DO care. Kimmi, I know you. And you certainly care."

"Well...Well, what am I suppose to do?! B.A.P is coming, and I don't want them to find out about you-know-what." You sighed. "Ugh, I'm so confused. What if they find out about me?"

"Kimmi, you have nothing to worry about. Just act normal...well..that's if you can...You would like seriously freak out just seeing a pic of them putting their hands in their pockets. There's no way you would stay calm seeing them in real life."

"That's my problem! And thank you Captain Obvious, you're quite the help." KyuRi selfishly bowed her head. "The last thing I want them to think of me is a mentally retarted saesang wanting to collect DNA samples of their hair and skin cells. Curse you, B.A.P for doing this to me."

"Now, no need to curse them out. You know how much you love them."

"How, how am I suppose to contain all these feelings inside me Ri?! Might as well spill it out in front of them."

"No, No, No. Kimmi, you can do this, ok? I don't care how long you want to keep all these fan-girl feels inside you. The only thing I want from you, is that one day, I want you to gather all the courage you can and tell B.A.P how you feel, in some sort of way. And I know I won't have to wait a while, looking at your condition. It's gonna pop out some day, one way or another~"

You gave her a face. "Oh, I can hold out a lot longer than you think."

"Whatever you say Miss~ Mehrong~"

You rolled your eyes.

"Oh! How cute will you be when you meet them~ Kyaaa~ I can't wait! Call me when you meet them!"

"KyuRi! Let's go!", called Mrs. Yoo.

"Ne~ Umma~ See you soon Kimmi! KyungMi HWAITTING~"

You laughed. "Annyeong~"

You watched their car drive away from your window. You sat down on your bed and pulled out your laptop. A knocking was coming from your door. "Mmm?"

"KyungMi..." It was your mother.

"Yeah?" You didn't look her way. Your mother dreaded visiting your room. She felt misplaced and nervous everytime she would come upstairs and see your room door. She knew you weren't close with her, but honestly, she didn't know exactly how you felt. But this time, she had a legit reason to be talking to you. She stood at the entrance of your bedroom door and hesitated to take another step.

"Kevin told me about earlier today, and your necklace?"  You grapsed your necklace. 

"What does she want from my necklace? How does she know about it anyway?", you thought in your head. You found yourself blinking rapidly, your grasp on your necklace tighten, and your breathing rate quicken.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you this before. I thought you had forgotten about your necklace."

"Forgotten? More like confused. All 17 years of my life. Ever since the leaving of my real dad when I was five, your new marriage and the moving when I was seven, I've wondered what this thing hanging around my neck was. And out of all times, this is the time you decide to tell me?", you hated when your mother did this. "What else are you hiding from me?" Your mother was taken aback at first, but she then remembered that there was more you didn't know. She rarely spoke about life before her new marriage, because she knew you would hate her even more. 

"I did it all for you though, KyungMi.", your mother said to yourself. She tried her hardest not to cry. If only you understood what she had to go through. "KyungMi, I'm sorry. I don't think I can tell you yet..." You heard your mother's footsteps leave your room and heard distant sniffling noises. You hadn't looked at her the whole time. Your gaze was focused on your laptop screen, but your complete attention was on your mother's thoughts. What exactly was she thinking?

You felt your throat and face swell up. Your eyes watered, and a teardrop escaped. You couldn't hold it in any longer. You and your mother never had a close-relationship. Each and everyday would you both drift away. You never ran to your mother for help, you were your own help throughout the years. You struggled with depression and insecurity, lonliness, at such a young age. You relied on new people, new family to help you. You could never trust your mother the same, she wasn't you mom anymore...She was just someone who lived with you. Honestly, if you could turn back time, you would, but you could never admit that. There was nothing you and your mother could do anymore, it was too late. You were all grown up now, you grew up by yourself, learned by yourself, lived by yourself. You didn't grow up with a mother, it was just you, and you alone. And that would now be impossible to change.

Your mother walked to her room and pulled out a notepad and a pen from a drawer. It was nearing 12 A.M., but this just had to be done. She began to just write, no stopping, no thinking. Every thought she had would spill onto that piece of paper. The more she wrote, the more she shook in anxiety. At around 2 A.M., she was finished. She got so dizzy and nauseous that she felt she would just end it all, right there. Everything she had wanted to tell you was on that piece of paper. She walked over to your room, and opened the door slightly with a deep breath. She saw you in a peaceful slumber. That was the first time in ages she had seen you so calm and relaxed. Most of the stress you got was from her. She quietly walked over to your bed, and bravely sat down at the edge. That was the closest she had ever gotten to you in about 7 years without you pushing her so violently away. She weakly reached out for a flimsy hair strand and curled it behind your ear. "KyungMi, I'm so sorry. I wasn't there for you when you needed me. You grew up without me. You grew up hating me and not knowing me. I'm sorry I didn't try my best for you, I'm sorry I was nothing to you, I'm sorry I forgot about you. I'm...I'm sorry, I'm s..sor..sorry I didn't treat you as a daughter, KyungMi. I'm sorry." Your mother was shaking so much and her tears wouldn't stop. All her feelings for you were revealing. All her love for you that she held inside and was terrifired to show you was flowing out of her. She grabbed your hand and lay her head against your chest to hear your heartbeat.

Your mother was about to tell you everything she knew about the necklace, and how one other person in the world had the same exact necklace as you, except with the opposite gender symbol and in the color gold. She was about to tell you if both magnetic necklaces were close enough, they would link together with their puzzle-like shapes and with their powerful strength, could never be seperated ever again, but then she...she...

 P.S.- Comments are loved and greatly appreciated!





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ilabya28 #1
n8r_MEE #2
Chapter 10: aaah~ i feel like REAL!! :DD this is not HALLUCINATION & IMAGINATION lol ahaah update soooooooonnn~~
nksabrina2112 #3
Chapter 10: wow what a cute story ~^^ anyway update soon~~~ <3
n8r_MEE #4
Chapter 9: yeeaa i am new :) i read it all..awesome updte soon ^^
jelliesME #5
Chapter 7: thats it???? Haaa okayy updte soon :)
jelliesME #6
Chapter 6: :'( - :D hhaa update soon c:
jelliesME #7
Chapter 4: ahaaa this story really mee :D actually i don't very intresting at exo aha lol ^^ good good!!
jelliesME #8
Chapter 3: ahaaa..she don't know who is going she met later :D lol