
Finding Suzy

The cemetery ceremonial go on in a submission state. Myungsoo didn’t had any relatives left but his friends came from over the place, giving their last goodbye to them. Suzy didn’t cry in the cemetery, not because she’s not sad, but she promised to herself that she will send Myungsoo with her smile, not her tears. Seunghyun is one of the people who come in the ceremony. He came as soon as he heard about Myungsoo’s death from Suzy. After the ceremony over, the people bid Suzy and Ji Eun goodbye. Seunghyun stand up from his chair and offer them a ride to Ji Eun’s apartment, apparently he rent a car there. Ji Eun refuse the offer, somehow she feels that the two of them need to talk, and she didn’t want to become the third party. Suzy touch Myungsoo’s grave gently before she walks with Seunghyun to his rent car. Seunghyun open the passenger’s door, letting her in and he open the driver’s seat afterwards.

They didn’t talk while in the car. It only take 30 minutes from the cemetery to Ji Eun’s apartment, but Seunghyun had other things in mind. He took a glance at Suzy from his rear window.

“Do you mind if we stop for a while? We...we need to talk.”

Suzy turn her head to face him and reply his question


After hearing her agreement, still driving in silence, Seunghyun change his direction to the nearest park there. He park his car, open the door for Suzy, all without saying anything. And then, they walk around the park slowly. Suzy didn’t know what Seunghyun had in mind and she’s afraid to ask, because she never saw this kind of Seunghyun. Suddenly he broke the silence between them. In front of a long bench, he told her to sit there. Without any question, she sit there. Seunghyun take a seat beside her. he didn’t look at Suzy, instead, he look at the lake in front of them. He put his hand on his thighs and clenched them.

They were sitting like that for about 10 minutes. Suzy fix her rumpled hair because of the wind blows. She didn’t realize that Seunghyun keep watching her while she’s fixing her hair. He’s reaching inside his pocket pants and find a hairclip there. It’s a habit that he had ever since he goes out with her. He placed the hairclip to her hair, and fixing it carefully. Suzy can only murmur thank you to him. He smile and look at her intensely. He caressed her hair with his long and skinny fingers. From her hair, he reached for her face and touch her cheek with his thumb, gently. He did all that with a sad and longing eyes. Suzy’s heart become faster because of that. She decided to ask him first.

“You said you want to talk…”

She feel him become tense after hearing her question, he pulled her hand from her face and clenched his hands again.


He turn his head to her

“What will you do after this?”

Suzy played with her finger while answering his question. She don’t know why, but she feel nervous.

“I think I’ll stay a while in here. I need to fix some of Myungsoo’s things.”

“For how long?”

“I don’t know…a week maybe…”

“And then…will you go home to Seoul?”

Suzy look at Seunghyun and furrows her eyebrows. It’s funny to hear such question from him. Of course she’ll going back to Seoul. What’s the meaning of this question, she thinks. Before she could answer his question, he gave her another question that shocked her.

“Do you love Myungsoo?”

Suzy’s eyes got widen. She was surprised to hear the questions, she’s stuttering to answer it.


“For all this time, do you always love him?”


Suzy try to turn her head from Seunghyun, but Seunghyun keep her head so she couldn’t do that. She avoided his gaze but he forced her to look him in the eyes. Seunghyun look at her with his sad and desperate gaze. He’s anxious to hear her answer.

“Answer me Suzy….Do you love him?”

Suzy closed her eyes, she couldn’t face him and his desperate gaze. Tears falling from her eyes when she answer his question.

“Yes…I love him. I love Myungsoo…he’s my first love and I couldn’t forget him.”

Her voice weakened when she continue her words.

“For all this time, he’s always in my heart..”

Seunghyun scoffed. He let go of his hand in Suzy’s head. And then he let out a bitter laugh.

“I knew it. You always seems cold and never reply to anyone’s feeling. Until now, I always thought you had a trauma that forbid you from loving someone. It turns out that I’m right…”

Seunghyun looked at her intensely. Tears start falling from his eyes, his voice’s shaking.

“What about us Suzy? What about me? What’s the meaning of me in your heart?”

He hold her hand and look at her finger where their engagement ring should be there but it was on another finger. Suzy follow his gaze and bit her lips. She change the ring position in purpose not to make Myungsoo suspicious at that time. Eventually, she forget to put it back on the right finger. Or did she?

Suzy slowly pull her hands from his grip. Seunghyun didn’t hold it. He smiled bitterly at her.

“For all this time, I know that I love you more than you love me. I feel it. I thought that I could live with it. Just by watching you by my side is enough for me. Until now….”

Suzy’s face become tense but she didn’t say anything. Seunghyun give her a weak smile and continue his words.

“Seeing you run like that when you hear that Myungsoo was searching for you. Didn’t ask about my feeling when you decided to go. Didn’t care about your work. All about Myungsoo. It makes me think again. Can I do it? Loving you for the rest of my life and knowing that you spent the rest of your life loving one person.”

Seunghyun shake his head

“It turns out that I couldn’t do it. If we married, I want you to love me and only me. I want you to love me with all your heart.”

Suzy bit her lip again. She didn’t know what to say. Seunghyun’s right.

Seunghyun let out a sigh.

“I will go back to Seoul this afternoon. I’ll tell our wedding organizer to postponed the arrangement. And when you go back, you’ll decide whether this marriage is on or off.”

He stand up from the bench and stick his hand at her.

“Come on, I’ll take you to Ji Eun’s place.”

Suzy didn’t say a word and take his hand. The journey to Ji Eun’s place was silent. Each Suzy and Seunghyun, they’re busy with their own minds. A few minutes later they arrived at Ji Eun’s apartment. Seunghyun open the door for Suzy. He’s a little bit surprised when Suzy still standing next to his car instead of going in.

“I’ll accompany you to the airport. What time is your plane?”

Seunghyun shake his head.

“There’s no need. Seeing you in the airport will only make it hard for me to take decision.”

Seunghyun’s eyes start to teary again. He turn his head so Suzy couldn’t see it and rush in to get to his car. But Suzy could feel it. She hold her heart. It hurts to hear that kind of decision from Seunghyun. But all of his words is right. Suzy cried in front of the apartment. She didn’t want to hurt Seunghyun, but she did. She knew that it was so selfish of her.

After a while, she finally manage to control herself. She wipe her tears and fix herself in the toilet before going in to Ji Eun’s apartment. She pressed the elevator button that take her there. She rings the bell and Ji Eun show off from behind the door. Suzy didn’t know why suddenly she cried again, Ji Eun was surprised at the beginning, but then without a word, she pulled Suzy to her embrace. That afternoon, Seunghyun wait for his plane at the airport. He looked at his phone wallpaper before turning it off and walks to his plane.


Four days later

Seunghyun was exhausted. He just finished three operations in a row. Dark circle start forming in his eyes because he couldn’t sleep for the last three days. He didn’t contact Suzy since they separated in front of Ji Eun’s apartment. It’s lunch time now. He played with his lunch in front of him. He didn’t had any appetite but he know he had to eat if he didn’t want to get sick.

He let out a big sigh and take a spoonful of rice, look at it for a while before forcing himself to eat it. He chewed it slowly and started to play again with his lunch. He look around and feel something strange. Beside the cafeteria women, there’s no one in the lunch room. A minute later he raised his eyebrow because a person suddenly came into the room while holding a heart shape balloon. He is about to ask that person when more people started to entering the room. And they all had familiar faces. Instead, they are his family, his colleagues, his wedding organizer, his friends, the hospital employees, and even his ex-patient. They all wearing pink shirt and each of them bring a heart shape balloon. After they’re making a row, there’s a song that come out from the intercom. It was Beyonce’s song, “HALO”. His eyes widen when he saw the next person coming into the room. It’s Suzy, wearing an oversized tuxedo, his tuxedo.


Suzy cried in Ji Eun’s embrace. Ji Eun her hair gently to calmed her. She took her in and help her to sit on the couch. She didn’t say a word and let Suzy calmed by herself. When she manages to control herself, Ji Eun go to the kitchen and make her a cup of hot chocolate. Suzy took a sip of it and put it on the table. She realized that in Ji Eun’s apartment’s now laying few big boxes. Myungsoo’s stuff. She opened one of them, and it was their painting. She put her hand on , afraid that she’s going to cry again. Her gaze fell to her engagement ring. Ji Eun noticed it. So she ask her.

“What happened? If I could ask?”

Suzy keep silence for a while before she’s telling her everything. She ended her story with a sigh.

“I think there will be no marriage. He’s right. How could I love someone else when I promised to God that I’ll be his wife.”

Ji Eun smacked her lips and think hard before she ask her.

“Are you sure that you didn’t love him?”

“Are you sure for all this time being with him, you didn’t feel anything?”

“It may seems rude, but Myungsoo is dead and you are alive. His love or your love to him shouldn’t hold you stuck in the past. You have the right to be happy and to love again. You may keep your memory of Myungsoo in your heart, but locked it tight. It’s over now.”

“I know that we just meet and maybe I shouldn’t be the one who’s saying this. I think Seunghyun is a nice guy and perfect for you. I will only suggest this. Try to remember him and all of the time that you both spent. If after that you only feel sympathy, than maybe the marriage should off. But if you feel something else different, I think you should go. Myungsoo will understand. I’m sure as long as you’re happy than he will be also.”

By that, Ji Eun leave Suzy alone to think about her feelings. That night Suzy couldn’t sleep. In her bed, there’s Myungsoo’s stuff scattered there. His clothes. His drawing. His Ipod. She kissed all his stuff one by one. She couldn’t stop her tears. She hold his last paintings in her hand and embrace it. And then, she looks at her engagement ring and her mind goes flashback. To the time when she and Seunghyun first meeting. How he since the day one they met. How he always took the chance to be beside her. how he forced her to dance with him although he knew that she couldn’t dance. It ended early because she always hit his long legs. He give up and decided to take her out to have a drink.

Suzy chuckled and smile a bit. She remember the first time Seunghyun confessed his feelings for her when the charity event end. She reject him of course like she reject all the other guys. But he continued to pursued her. The way he make a move on her that different from other guys until finally she said yes to his questions. Their first kiss that happen because Seunghyun steal it. He said that the reason he did that it’s because it seems he had to wait for a century to have her permission.

Suzy’s smile becomes wider. And finally, when she remember his proposed and the way he looked at her with his sad eyes, her heart beat faster. Just like when she was thinking about Myungsoo. Suddenly she wants to see Seunghyun. She wants to see his smile. She missed his embrace and his gaze that only fell for her. She missed everything about Seunghyun. And that’s when she realizes that she loves him. She didn’t realize it because Seunghyun will always be there for her. Seunghyun will always beside her. and now the thought of losing him make her realize that she already fall in love with him.

The next morning, she packed her few things and bring Myungsoo’s painting with her. Ji Eun whose been watching her packing couldn’t hide her smile. Suzy return her smile and hugged her tight. She whisper to her.

“Thank you…thank you for everything Ji Eun.”

Ji Eun nods

“Give my greetings to him okay? And don’t forget to invite me.”

Suzy shake her head.

“I don’t know if he still want the marriage…”

Her face become sad, Ji Eun pulled her again in her embrace.

“Don’t worry…love will find the way.”

Suzy nods and finally they let go their hug. She waved her goodbye to Ji Eun and ride the taxi she’s been ordered before. She told the driver to take her to the cemetery and wait for her. They stop in front of the flower shop so Suzy could buy a bouquet of red roses. Myungsoo’s favourite flower. She put the rose bouquet in his grave and touch his picture gently.

“Myungsoo,I thought my puzzle are perfect….but when it’s time for me to frame it, I realize that one part is missing. And it’s you.”

Suzy smile at Myungsoo’s picture.

 “Myungsoo, I met this one guy, Seunghyun. You completed me, but he’s healing me with his own way. I love you Myungsoo, I thought that I couldn’t love again, but Seunghyun had proven me wrong. Just like you waiting for me, he also wait for me. For me to love him.”

“I won’t forget our love Myungsoo, you will always had that special place in my heart. You have completed this puzzle of mine, our puzzle. And now, I will arrange a new puzzle. I promise I’ll be happy Myungsoo.”

And then she stood out from his grave and smile. The taxi driver asks their next destination and she ask him to take her to the airport. To Seoul. To Seunghyun.


Seunghyun still couldn’t believe his eyes, Suzy was standing in front of him wearing his tuxedo.

“What are you doing here? Why you wearing my tuxedo? What’s with all these crowd?”

Suzy smiled at him

“I came to give you my answer Seunghyun…”

“Thank you for loving me for these past three years. Thank you for never complained a bit for these past three years. Thank you for understanding me. Thank you for accepting me for the way I am….”

Suzy wave her hand to the people around them

“I’m sorry that I could only prepare this for the last two days. Luckily they able to help me. I’m sorry if its didn’t match all the things that you’ve done for me…”

Suzy make a step forward so the distance between her and Seunghyun become closer. She smiled again at him.

“Thank you for healing me Seunghyun…”

Suddenly she kneel in front of him. Seunghyun was surprised he couldn’t say anything. Suzy reach for her pocket and let out a red box. She opened it and inside of it was a couple ring that Seunghyun once bought for her from the street market when their first date. She took one of them and hold it. Her eyes started to glistening with tears. Her voice shaking when he ask him,

“Song Seunghyun, I love you. Would you marry me?”

Seunghyun just standing like a fool. He didn’t know what to say. Suzy was waiting for his answer. Her feet and hands started to feel numb. She was about to cry when Seunghyun suddenly grab and take her to his embrace. She couldn’t hold her feelings anymore, she burst in tears in his embrace. She look at Seunghyun that also cries. He took the ring from Suzy’s and put it in his finger just above their engagement ring. He smiled to see that he’s wearing two engagement ring at one finger. He touch her face and whisper to her.

“Can I hear it again?”

Suzy nods at his request

“I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I lo…”

Suzy didn’t have the chance to finish her rant because Seunghyun has sealed her lips with his own. They kiss passionately. Suzy kissed him with all her feelings. She wants to show him from their kiss how she felt for him. Seunghyun was surprised because Suzy never kissed him before. He feels from their kiss all of her feelings for him. He smile and return her kissed with the same feelings. They put their feelings into that kiss, they didn’t realize that the room become crowded because of applause. Everyone cheered for them. Some of them even shed their tears because they feel touched by them.


Two months later

A week later is going to be the most important day for Seunghyun and Suzy because they will get married at that day. Suzy is fixing her wedding dress while Seunghyun waiting for her. She turn around and make a fashion show in front of him. Seunghyun smiled widely when Suzy wink at him. He feels like the happiest man in the world. She turn around again and make a cute expression. Seunghyun couldn’t hold his feeling anymore, he stand up from his couch and kissed Suzy. Their kiss started to became passionate if the designer didn’t warn them.

“Ehemmmm!!! Do that longer and I’ll kill you if you ruined the dress..”

Reluctantly, Seunghyun ended their kiss. Suzy chuckle and smiled when she saw him pouts like a child.

After finished checking the dress, they’re ready to go to lunch when suddenly Suzy’s phone ringing. The caller ID is Ji Eun. Suzy take it and put it in a speaker mode.

“Hi Ji Eun…have you received the invitation?”

“Yes, I already had it in my bag now..”

“That’s great..you can come right? I’ll introduce you to my friends hehehe..”

“Sure…introduce me to your handsome and single friends okay?”


And then they both laughed. Seunghyun shake his head when he hear their conversation.

“Hey Suzy, are you with Seunghyun now?”

“Yes, he’s right beside me. What’s up?”

There’s silence for a moment before Ji Eun answer.

“Umm…my drama will ended three days later. We’re about to shoot the final two episodes. I was wondering…could I give my drama a happy ending?”

Suzy didn’t reply. She turned to Seunghyun. He smiled and took the phone from her hand.

“Sure Ji Eun…I owe you once.”

He said that refer to Ji Eun’s suggestion to Suzy. For Suzy to finally realize her feelings to him.

“Really??? Thanks Seunghyun and Suzy. Well, I got to go now. Can’t wait to see you guys next week. Thank you…”

She hung up her phone. Suzy looked at Seunghyun with a smile on her face. Seunghyun notice it but he pretend not to understand.


“Thank you Seunghyun…”

Seunghyun didn’t say a word. He smile and ruffled her hair. Suzy complained and he laugh.

“Come on, let’s have lunch. I’m starvingggggg….”


A week later

Suzy put her head on Seunghyun’s lap. They had changed their wedding dress into something casual. She smiling when she saw her wedding ring. Their wedding acted like the way they want, it was a perfect wedding for them. All the guest could come, the food is great, the band is perfect. Their wedding kiss is perfect. Seunghyun is busy his wife’s hair when suddenly Suzy get up.

“Ah…Ji Eun’s gift!”

Suzy run to the room where they keep the gifts. She check every one of it and finally find Ji Eun’s gift. She opened it and inside it is a dvd. She was hesitant to play it when suddenly Seunghyun has already stand behind her and put his hand on her shoulder.

“Let’s watch it together…”

Suzy smile and put the dvd on the dvd player. They sit on the couch while watching it. The dvd is the final episode of Ji Eun’s drama. Suzy couldn’t hold up her tears when she watched it. Seunghyun smile and hugged her tight. The drama meant a happy ending for Myungsoo and Suzy. In that drama, Suzy finally remember him and her feelings for him. Too bad she’s engaged with someone else. Myungsoo told her that he’ll be waiting for her at their memento place. Her fiancé realized that her heart is not for him. So he placed a bet and let destiny to decided. In the end, he lose. He let her go to meet her true love. Suzy run to Myungsoo and they finally meet. The final scene took place in a beach where Myungsoo and Suzy walks side by side, holding hands.

Seunghyun smile and hug Suzy tightly.

“I’m happy that the drama ends like this.”

Suzy turn to Seunghyun. He saw her tears and wipe it gently. She smile and kiss him.

“I love you Mr. Song.”

“I love you too Mrs. Song.”

Suzy took a glance at the drama that now playing scenes from their previous scene.

“Thank you Myungsoo….thank you for finding me, finding Suzy.”


aahhhh...finally...one more finished fanfic *throws confetti* thank you for reading, comment, and subscribing this fiction. i hope to see you again in my other fanfics. thankyou very much :)

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wish me luck...i'm gonna post the last chapter of finding suzy today...if i could get any internet connection :*


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Chapter 3: wooow it's really amazing :')
Suzyelfs #2
Dis is great story author nim...it makes me burst to tears..;(
farabigail #3
Chapter 3: aahhhhhh sweet ending <3
ByunJasmin #4
Chapter 2: i cry because of this...
Chapter 2: So sad ! TT The best story ever !!
Chapter 2: this is seriously one of the best story i've ever read. This is such an amazing one. I cry when I read it
Thanks for making such a beautiful story. Too bad they didn't end up together :'(
soelle1000 #7
Chapter 2: Wow! Ur such a great writer! Poor myungsoo tho. :( update soon!
jessicamaylee #8
hi in need of a poster? then please vist my shop and we will do our best to serve you
soomuch_A #9
Chapter 1: I love the story already by reading the first chapter !!!
If there is a story with Suzy and Myungsoo as characters, I usually hope for Myungzy together in the end of the story :)
And I hope that the other, in this story Seunghyun, get another girl, sorry... I'm too selfish, right? Myungzy!
Update soon :)