
The Complicated Love Story...

It was about 9:30 am and you were already ready to meet with Choi Minho. You were so excited about it. You had a nice hot shower, you were changed in some really nice fancy clothes and you were fresh and ready! You had a really good feeling about meeting with Minho today! You were blushing, just thinking about him and his cheesy jokes and flirty smiles and his deep brown eyes... The thought of it just makes you jump in joy.
The time came, it was about 11 o'clock and you were waiting for him at the park bench. Your plans for the day was to go talk some more and have a picnic next to the river. Minho planned it all. You were waiting quite impatiently on the bench as if you were gonna burst. That's how much you couldn't wait!
At last! Minho had arrived with th picnic and everything! He was wearing some very nice clothes which looked as if he really prepared for this ''meet up.''
He was walking casually towards you doing that flirty smile which he always does. You were about to melt. When he came closer, he waved and smiled at you, and you waved and smiled back. He shouted, ' Hi -------! nice to see you again!' 'Nice to see you too Minho!' you replied.
'Are you ready ------?' He asked. You nodded and grinned.
The two of you were strolling to the river, taking pictures on the way. The smiles on your faces were so big, it's unexplainable how big it was.
You finally got to the river! You helped him set up the picnic and everything. The two of you were talking the time away! (with a bit of giggling and laughter aswell)
He packed strawberry jam sandwiches and some cold drinks. You ate and talked at the same time.
And like the last time, time flew by really quick again! But at least you've talked about whta you wanted to talk about.

In the night, Minho surprised you with a mini cruise in the river! You and Minho had a really posh meal there. It was absolutely delicious! You were so full, you were about to burst out of your clothes! (well, it felt like it anyway) He took you home and when you got to your house, you were so full, you puked on him at your doorstep! 'That was embarassing', you thought. But, even though you puked on him, he still gave you a goodnight hug! And again, the two of you said like another million goodbyes to each other! And as usual he always ends it with a really sweet, 'Good night -----! Bye!' With a really charminly flirty smile! You just can't help but melt to it! You went upstairs to your bedroom, refreshed yourself and went to bed...

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