Forbidden Love

Seungri's POV

Massaging GD hyung is so fun. He was so damn shy and i loved it. 

"So hyung, Am i hot?" I asked and only received a loud moan coming from him. It was so hot, i was hard.

"Hyuuuuuung" I whined playfully and he moaned my name

"Seungri..you're damn hot.."He managed to moan and i and bit his ear

I continued doing my pleasure number and hearing those sweet moans of his. I massaged his awesome back trying to make him feel only pleasure. 

"Okay, you're done, go in the shower" I said smiling and got of GD but he didn't get up

Hyung, did you fell asleep?" I asked looking at him

"Turn around, i'm hard" He said and I laughed

"We're both men, it's okay" I said but turned around

The second I turned back he was already in the bathroom. Damn that was hot. I wish I would do that to him every day. I should do that to YB too...i want to see his reaction.
After 10 minutes GD came back from the shower wearing his bathrobe and smiled at me. I was about to go and take a shower but he stopped me.

"Can we talk?" He asked and i nodded

"Sure, but can't this wait until after my shower?"

"i need to tell you this now"

"Then, go ahead"

"It may sound weird but would you want us to get serious? I mean we kissed and all but we didn't took our relationship to the next level. do you want that?" He asked and i was a bit stunned. Is he asking me to be his boyfriend? 

"I have to go and shower hyung" i said blushing and went to shower

Damn! i don't know what to say! i feel a bit embaressed. i mean, i thnik i like both GD and YB and i don't know what to do! i thought it will be fun but...


Okay, that was weird. He just blushed and ran to the bathroom. maybe i scared him, maybe he doesn't want to get too attached with me, maybe he just wants to take this slow. 
He came out of the bathroom and sat on the bed and opened a book to read. 

"Seungri...sorry if I was too direct...I understand that you want to take it slow"

"Don't worry hyung, go to sleep" He said not even looking at me

I sighed and closed my eyes, I think I made a huge mistake

Seungri's POV

The morning came really slow. I just couldn't sleep so good last night thinking about what hyung said. I just don't know what to do.
it was 8:30 when i got out of the bed. Somehow GD managed to be all over me last night so i had to be careful not to wake him up. I got dressed and went to eat something.
I took some cereals and put them in a bowl and poured milk over them. I was at the table eating and thinking when two hands wrapped around me and kissed my neck. i stopped eating and turned around. It was YoungBae smiling at me. He pulled me into a kiss and I pushed him away.

"Okay, what's wrong?" He said

"Someone might see us" 

You didn't worry like that last night" He said and he was right

"Last night was...strange"

"What are you trying to say? That it was a mistake? Do you feel strange?"

"Kind of"

"Why don't we go and take a walk today? It's a bit rainy but the air is fresh. Let's visit something, shop and have fun" He sat sitting across the table smiling

"I don't feel like it" i said

"Come on, it will be fun"

"What will be fun? I want to join" GD said from behind and we both gulped

"I wanted to take Seungri for a walk, he doesn't feel so good. " YB said a bit irritated

"I want to join, we can make this Seungri day! A special day" GD said jumping around

"No thanks" I said and got up from the table and went to my room leaving two surprised and irritated hyungs behind. I just don't know what do do next



Gosh he's cold! I looked at YB who seemed really irritated. Well I was irritated too but maybe because I knew the true reason.

"What's got into him?" YB asked

"Don't know, don't care. Shall we go for a walk then..I mean if you want" i siad and he smiled

"Of course I want. Come onn, let's go."

"Wait, I have to change and you have too, we're both in PJ's" i said and we both laughed

I went back to my room to change and Seungri was on the bed reading a book. I changed and he didn't said a word, I don't think he even looked at me. Why is he like that?

"Seungri, you can be mad on me as long as you want but don't be like that with Bae"

"Alright hyung" He said

"Did you even hear what I said?"

"Something with Bae hyung"

I went to him and took the book from his hand. He looked confused and tried to grab the book but I kept hiding it. 

"Give it to me" He said

"Kiss me!" I said playfully

"No!" He said and I stopped. I threw the book on the bed and left.

"Hyung wait" He said again but i went downstairs. I sighed deep and felt releived that Bae was read to go. 

Shopping with Bae was really nice, we went in al the important stores and brought all sorts of stuff. We had so much fun. On our way home i insisted that we should take a cab, but he wanted to walk. He said it's healthy and I finally agreed with him. The only problem was that it began raining so the walk turned into a run. We arrived at the villa being soaked. I opened the door and we ran in. 

"Whoa, what's up with you?" Seunghyun said from the table

"Just a little singing in the rain" I siad and they all laughed

What was I seeing? Daesung on Seunghyun's lap? I only smirked and winked to them and I went upstairs with YB. 

"You should take your shirt off, you'll get cold" He said and i did as he told me, I was glad that he did the same. Oh that body was enough to make me shiver. 

"See, you're shivering already, go get your bathrobe, I'll make tea for the both of us and we could watch a movie in my room" YB said and i nodded. This is going to be great

I walked to my room and Seungri was almost in the same possition as I left him. I said "Hi" and he replied with a short " Hey" and I went to get my bathrobe. 
When I was about to leave, he rose from the bed and came towards me hugging me. I looked a bit confused and when he tried to kiss, I blocked him.

"Hyung, i'm sorry...I..." He said 

"Save it for later" I said and went out the door. This will make him want me more, or not
i went to YB's room with a smile on, he already made the tea and he was waiting for me. I climbed in the bed with him and we watched the movie laughing, talking and drinking hot tea. 
Later I went back to my room and i found Seungri sleeping with the book on his face, snoring slightly. I shook my head and took the book away from him. I pulled the covers over him and I turned off the lights. 

"Good night idiot"


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Chapter 18: Sweet
Chapter 10: Gosh Ri is playing with the best friends and they didn't even know...sly Panda
ruthyou7 #3
Chapter 1: Love this story
Yumi-chan #4
Chapter 18: It is a nice story :D. I like it ^-^
Chapter 15: Finally. I so wanted to read this authors version of ToDae. I actually got a little worried that it'll never come. But it is here and it is good. :)
Chapter 10: Oh, I love this story even more and more. :D Its amazing
Chapter 8: Woah this chapter is great! And the pictures are- Kyaaaaa? Who, being not Japanese high schooler girl, says Kyaaaaa?!
Chapter 5: Omg, Seungri. >_< High5 man! XD I so approve, "take both for a spin"
Chapter 2: I'm getting excited about this story :D