First Meeting...

I love you.


It was a Saturday, one of the days SHINee had their dance practice that lasted basically all day but there was only 3/5 members in Seoul at the moment as Key was now working in a studio as a stylist a lot in Incheon and Jonghyun had found another new girlfriend that he went on a vacation with for a few weeks.

"Aigoo!-" Onew sighed as he plonked himself down onto the sofa in the studio to rest "Its unfair how Jjongie and Bummie get to miss all of the work and only us three have to work our butts off sweating in here all day,,," Minho nodded in agreement and he joined Onew on the sofa "But hyung they are still working hard~" Taemin said from the other end of the room still dancing like a machine, the color of his tie dye t shirt a darker shade from the crazy amount of sweat coming from his body " Taemin-ah, you should rest. You could get dehydrated!" Minho shouted over to the maknae and then threw a bottle of cold water over towards him " Kamsa Hyung~" Taemin replied as he plodded over to the sofa where the other two where situated "So have you heard about the new member of Girls Generation?"

"WHAT?! Another member sheesh theres alot in that group, who is it? Is she pretty?"Onew asked sarcastically as Minho playfully hit his shoulder "Hyung you shouldnt be evil towards them, i mean they're all quite pretty" 

"Her name is Tiffany Hwang if i remember correctly and i saw her picture from when she auditioned she has the cutest eye smile ever!~ i cant wait to see her, in fact rumors have been going around that she will be coming here today!" Taemin said happily."So we will be the first to see her?!" Onew almost shreiked getting excited about meeting a new girl

*BRING!!!BRING!!! IM SO CURIOUS YEAH~* Taemin's ringtone started to play, silencing the whole room "Anyeong?~" 

-Other end-

"Tae, you okay, ive been trying to call you all day. Umma gets worried you know! Have you been eating??"


"Ah mianhe umma i was practicing all morning so i wouldnt of heard it, hows work over there, please come back home soon umma, pleasee~! Chicken maniacs cooking is terrible~ We miss your cooking!"

"Yah !!" Onew threw a cushion at Taemin hitting him square in the face 

"Aishh, Hyung~ theres no need for that, now im gunna have a bruise!" Taemin cried

"Minnie... Its a fluffly soft coushin.."Minho stated, staring at Taemin in confusion

-Other end-

"Taebaby~ dont forget to brush your teeth before you go to bed,,, Oh gotta go now bye you three be good until i get back"

*line goes dead*

"Well... Should we start practice again?-"Minho began, breaking the silence "- i mean,,, we only have a few more hours left now today anyways, then we can go out tonight for a meal?"

"Yes! we havent gone out for such a long time thanks to managers hyung and our schedules~" Taemin shouted

" Aresso, The almighty Dubu will take you both out tonight,,, only if we practice super hard for the rest of the time"


Around two hours had passed and the boys where concentrating so much on their dancing that they didnt notice SNSD's new member stumble into the wrong studio and she didnt even notice herself as all of the other studios looked the same, Onew twisted his body around about to do the ending of sherlock when his eyes fell onto the most beautiful creature in the world, their eyes made contact and onew felt his heart almost drop, she had the most beautifulest eye smile in the world, her long pink locks sitting on her shoulders and her pretty skinny figure was amazing... she looked like a princess in Onew's eyes...


"Ouch!" Onew screamed once Minho's strong hand collided with his face as he fell onto the floor loosing his balance, "OMG Hyung!! are you okay ?! i didnt mean to! It was your fault for not concentrating too though!" Minho spoke really fast and nervously incase he really damaged his face

"omo!-" Tiffany whispered to herself whilst running over to Onew in a heap on the floor "-Uhmm.. are you okay? I'm really sorry i didnt mean to disturb your practice i just got the rooms mixed up, im new here!"

"Hyung!! OMGOMGOMG WHAT DO WE DOO!!!? WHAT IF HES NOT OKAY ?!" Taemin squealed at Minho and Tiffany "Don't worry i think he has just passed out by the looks of things, he's obvisouly been working really hard but he will probably have quite a bad headache when he wakes up so you might need some Painkiller-" Taemin had already sprinted out the room screaming for some painkillers "So... he's gonna be all right?"Minho said trying to act manly "Nae~ he should be up soon"Tiffany answered...



Onew had awoken after a few hours, probably from the really bad smell of sweat invading his nostrils...He opened one of his eyes to see a familiar ceiling, slowly turning his head to see girl on a chair, eyes closed beside Onew who was laying down on the sofa now looking a little shocked. She, no her, no wait! He didnt even know her name, he couldnt beleive it. THE most beautiful girl in the world was BESIDE him ! SLEEPING... 


Of course having the ONEW CONDITION, he slipped off the sofa and hit the floor causing Tiffany to wake up in a fright, "OMO?! Are you okay? I'm pretty sure you dont want to pass out again so please, calm down. My name's Tiffany Hwang Mi Young, nice to meet you, i'm really sorry for interupting your dance practice"Tiffany explained apologetically, so that was her name Tiffany Hwang, gawsh it sounded so beautiful, so did her voice, she had the looks of a goddess. "Ah sorry and it wasnt your fault i should of watched where i was going-" Onew muttered embaressedly "-Anyway, my name is Jinki Lee but you can call me Onew, thanks for helping me out though, you're r-real-really... Pretty" Onew almost whispered, it took Tiffany a while to realise what he said and when she did her face went a slight shade of pink

"Th-thank yo-you" She answered as she rose up from her position on the sofa now knowing that he was okay

"Well... i had better g-go now or manager-shii will get angry, it was really nice meeting you, Onew" she spoke as she was leaving the practice room, once she got to the door she quickly turned her head to face Onew and waved with a cute smile.

Onew hadnt realised that he had a huge grin plastered on his face " Way to go 'LADYS MAN'" Minho said in a sarcastic tone walking back into the practice room with some painkillers and a bottle of water " Shut up,.. frog face" Onew said angrily. Minho handed the pills and water to the leader glaring at him...

"So... you wont want her number then?" Minho said with a grin and Onew spat water everywere ( including Minho's face) "R-r-rea;-really?" He sputtered then realised that Minho waas soaked in the water that had just been in his mouth..."Oops.."

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Stephy2510Shinee #1
Chapter 1: Awwww~..^~^ OnFany Fighting!!
Update soon!!!!!
This is cute c; Update soon!
heesica10 #3
update I love Ontiff/Onfany
heesica10 #4
update I love Ontiff/Onfany