New Perspectives

I will Always Love You


--------Sunday Morning in JeRim's Condo-----------



I can tell Wooyoung is worried about Sungki unnie. He keeps staring at the ground with a worried expression.



“I know we don’t talk but I need someone to talk to.”

“What’s wrong?”


Author POV

“A lot of things…….I’m confused.” She said while looking down at her lap.

“When are you not confused?” he asked sarcastically.

“I’m not always confused.” She said now giving him eye contact.

“Yes you are. You’re confused on what socks to wear. Which doesn’t make sense because your socks never match.”

“But this time I’m serious.”

“Enlighten me.” He said while taking a seat on the couch across from JeRim.

“Well……it’s about Taecyeon oppa.”

“What about him?” he asked starting to get curious while a smile slowly appeared.

“I don’t know……something happened.”

“What happened?”

“I don’t know if I should tell Jonghyun oppa first before I tell anyone else.”

“Why? What did you do?”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“Then what’s the problem?” he asked confused.

“That IS the problem.”

“Bwo? Now I’m confused.”

“Ughhh whatever I need some air. I’m going out.” She said while standing up.

“What?!? You can’t. You’re sick.”

“Well, not anymore. Thanks for bringing me the medicine by the way.”

“Anytime. Just be careful not eat anything greasy for today.”


“But take someone with you. I don’t want someone taking you too.”

“Okay…I’ll text Minho oppa to come with me.”

“Okay. I’ll leave first then.”

“Bye oppa.”


Wooyoung left JeRim’s condo. She got ready to go to the park with Minho.


JeRim's outfit:


Once she finished getting ready she sat on the couch and took out her phone.


To: Minho oppa

From: JeRim

Hey oppa…wanna hangout? I know you like photography and I wanna go 2 the park. Come with me :p


---5 minutes later---


From: Minho oppa

To: JeRim

Okay. I’ll meet you outside in 20 minutes


Ugh gotta get my camera……Where is it?........Got it.




From: Jonghyun oppa <3

To: JeRim :D

Let’s hangout!!!


To: Jonghyun oppa <3

From: JeRim :D

Can’t. I’m hanging out with Minho oppa


To: JeRim :D

From: Jonghyun oppa <3

Why? Hang out with me. You’re my girlfriend. Give me attention not that Frog face.


To: Jonghyun oppa <3

From: JeRim :D

No I’m not. U just asked me out on a date. That’s it ;)


*Ringtone: Hey there delililah what’s it like in new York city*



“What do you mean you’re not my girlfriend.?

“I’m not.”

“Yes you are.”

“No I’m not like I said you just asked me out on a date.”

“Aish. Chincha”

“Mianhe oppa, gotta go meet up with Minho oppa.”

“Okay bye, but you’re making it up to me later.”


*hangs up*



I know its mean to say no to Jonghyun oppa, but c’mon. If he wants me to be his girlfriend, it’s gonna take more than that. Back in Seoul it may have been different. He may have had all the girls falling with just a smile, but not me……..Well, yes me but it’s different. I don’t wanna be just another girl. I wanna feel special.




To: JeRim :D

From: Minho oppa

YAH! I’m waiting


“Crap. Forgot about the frog face.” Kekeke for face.


---at the lobby---


“Sorry oppa. The Dino was being annoying.” Minho oppa rolled his eyes.




With that me and Minho oppa got into his car and dove to our designated location.


---at the park---

Me and Minho oppa got to park in the heart of New York city. We went to Central Park.


We just walked around with our cameras taking pictures of random people and things.




“Do you know why Teacyeon hyung came back home at 1:30am shirtless?” he asked eyes me down.

OMG Did Taec tell him?

“Yes Taec told me.” He said while chuckling.

“Yah! Can you read my mind?”

“No. I just figured you would wonder how I found out.” I nodded and waited for him to tell me more.


I waited for 1 minute

1 minute became 5

5 became 10.

I’m going crazy.

Once it reached 20 minutes of silence. I exploded.


“TELL ME WHAT HE SAID.” He just started to laugh like an idiot at my outburst.


After he stopped laughing he finally spoke.


“He didn’t tell me anything. He just told me what happened. He didn’t tell me what he was thinking. He was gonna talk to you about it but umma and appa called. They told him to go back for a couple of days for some meetings he needed to attend. I wanna know why he almost did what he did just as much as you want to know.”

“Oh” I couldn’t think of a proper response.


It’s a good thing he’s gone. It’s best that Taec is out of the country when I tell Jonghyun what happened. Even though Jonghyun oppa may be slightly shorter that Taecyeon oppa, he still can put up a good fight.


“Umma and appa have great timing right? With Taec out of the country you can tell the Dino without murdering my hyung.”

“YAH!!! I think you can read minds. That’s exactly what I was thinking.”

“Chincha?” I just nodded. Who knew the Frog Prince can read minds. Probably one of those weird hidden talents.

“So where’s SungKi? I tried texting her but she didn’t answer.”

“Oh left her phone at home.”

“Where did she go?”

“I think she went on vacation with an ex for a couple of days.”

“BWOH!?!?!?! …….She’s on vacation?” I nodded. “With an ex?” I nodded again. “For a couple od days?”

“YES and stop asking questions. I’m turning into a bobble head.”

“I gotta go.” He said while running away. Before I can even ask why he already left.


Oh well, guess I’ll enjoy this Sunday morning by myself.


----1 hour later----


I.AM.SO.BORED. I saw an empty bench and took a seat. I wonder what the Dino is doing…….


To: Jonghyun oppa <3

From: JeRim :D

Oppa I’m bored…Come 2 Central Park plzzzz


----30 seconds later----

*beep* WOW that was fast.


To: JeRim :D

From: Jonghyun oppa <3

No…..u r mean :(


Aish oppa you’re so sensitive…..its cute


To: Jonghyun oppa <3

From: JeRim :D

Mianhe, I didn’t mean to……forgive me


To: JeRim :D

From: Jonghyun oppa <3

I’ll forgive you if……..u turn around ;)


Huh? Turn around?


I looked back……..and there he was.


“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“I followed you here.” He said while sitting next to me on the bench.

“Why?” Was he jealous I was with Minho oppa? Is he scared I’ll go to some other guy? Did he miss me?

“Molla.” He said calmly. I see how it is. I’ll get it out of him.

“Oppa…..are you jealous?” I asked him cutely.

“Bwo?!? Ani. Why would I be jealous of that gigantic frog face?” He sounded a bit annoyed. Gotcha.

“OMG yes you are.”

“Andwe!” OMG he’s too cute when he’s jealous. I should make him jealous more often.

“The more you deny it, the more I know it’s true.” I said with a victory smile.

“Okay Okay Okay. I’ll admit, I am a bit jealous.” Aish he sounded so defeated when he said that.

“But why did you ditch me and hang out with Mr. Frog? All you guys did was walk around and take pictures. Where’s the fun in that?”

“Because I like it. Taking pictures helps me clear my head. It’s quiet. I would’ve asked you to come with me but I know you. You are such a little kid. You won’t sit still and be quiet. That’s why I asked Minho oppa to come with me. I know he can sit still and not run his mouth with questions.”

“But I can be quiet and sit still.” He said while pointing at himself.

“Oh really? Okay.” Let’s see how long it takes before he cracks.


Author POV

Both Jonghyun and JeRim were now sitting in the bench in silence. JeRim is enjoying the calm and peaceful view of watching people pass by. While on the other hand, Jonghyun is fidgeting in his seat like a little kid. His fidgeting doesn’t go unnoticed. JeRim looks at him and sends him a look. He instantly stops moving and sits still.

Couples are enjoying morning walks in the park. Kids were on their bikes strolling around. People were with their pets, probably giving them their morning exercise. It seems as if everyone is in their own little world. Even JeRim and Jonghyun are in their own little worlds. JeRim is in her world observing all the people passing  by. Jonghyun was in his world that at this moment basically revolves around JeRim. He’s watching her watch all the people pass by. He sees how her facial expressions change as different people pass by. He’s basically staring at her and this obviously wouldn’t go unnoticed.


“Would you stop staring at me. It’s kinda creepy.” She said.

“Mianhe. I just can’t help it. You’re just so….so….” he stopped not able to find the right word. “I’m so what?”

“So……odd.” He said hesitantly.

“How am I odd?” she asked. “Well…you’re just staring at random people. That’s odd.”

“No it’s not.” She retorted back.

“Yes. It is.”

“Well, that’s because you don’t see them like I do. “

“How do you see them?”

“…….You see thay old couple over there?” she said while pointing at them.



“Well, they’ve been coming to this park every Sunday since I got here. Maybe even before that. I don’t know. They look so peaceful together so I never went up and talked to them. If I did, I would probably think I’m ruining their moment. But, even though I never talked to them, I feel like I know their story….The wrinkles on their faces  represent all the struggles they went through when they were younger. But those smiles you see on their faces show how much they love each other. I think the reason why they come to the park is to relive their memories.”

“How do you know?”

“Because they both watch all the couples pass by. And after a few couples have passed by, they look at eachother and they would smile.” Jonghyun just nodded his head and looked at the old couple and smiled.

“Look at that guy over there?”

“He comes here every morning before he goes to college. Every day he sings his heart out about a girl. He met her right there in that spot where he’s sitting. He fell in love with her at first sight. And as they continued their conversation, he fell more and more in love with her. Sadly, she was in an accident and didn’t make it. Neither did their child. He doesn’t sing because he’s sad. He sings because he says that he feels like his love and his child could hear him in heaven.”

“See that man selling balloons?" she said


“Not much of a career right? He has a Masters in Engineering. He can walk into any company and have a job with an amazing salary at the snap of his fingers. But, he chose to sell balloons for a living. He says that there’s no better feeling than giving a stranger a balloon and seeing them smile. He says that he grew up around people who were depressed and full of sadness. He chose to sell balloons because he vowed to always make people happy. Even if that happiness came from a balloon.”

“I don’t understand why you’re telling me this.”

“I guess I like looking at people because each an every person is different. They all have different stories. Some may be happy, some may be sad. But what I think the most interesting is that there is so many people in the world who have gone through similar situations, that never cross lives. If people actually did cross lives and helped each other out, they would be happier. That’s why I like looking and talking to random people. I learn from them, and they learn from me.”

“WOW” he said.

“I know. I’m weird.”

“No. You’re not weird at all. I mean yes I thought it was weird at first, but after hearing you out, I wish more people were like you. But at the same time I don’t.”

“Why not?”

“If everyone thought like you, you’re perspective and your way of thinking would be common. I wouldn’t be special. I like that I only know one person likes thinking like this. I like because that makes you who you are. It makes you special.”

His kind and heartfelt words caused her to smile.

They both spent the whole day at the park. All morning and all afternoon. They enjoyed observing everyone that passed by. JeRim even pushed Jonghyun to go up to random people and start a conversation. One time, JeRim was talking to a little girl that was picking flowers and he surprised her and the little girl with an ice cream. The whole day went by so peaceful. Once the sun started to go down, they got into his car and drove home.


----Back home----

After the car ride they were home. The entire car ride it was silent. JeRim was thinking about all the people she met and how she had a wonderful day with Jonghyun. While Jonghyun, was just remembering the times JeRim would smile at people and they would smile back at her.

The elevator was silent as well. The only sound you could hear was the sound of the bell indicating they reached their floor. Once they both reached in front of JeRim’s door, she turned around to look at him in his eyes.


She stared in his beautful puppy dog eyes. They were both having a conversation with each other’s eyes. They stayed like that for a few minutes before he nodded and she got the message. He said for her to go inside and go to sleep. She gave him one last smile before turning around and entering her condo.


Jonghyun POV

Right when she walked in. I rushed into my condo and shut the door. I put my hand on my chest and felt that my heart was racing. What’s happening to me? Why is my heart beating this fast? What’s this feeling?  I got this same feeling when I handed her the ice cream cone. She gave me one of the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. Can this be actually happening to me. Am I, the Kim Jonghyun, the same Jonghyun who had girls falling for me with that snap of my finger, be falling for a girl myself?………

How can this be happening to me. I haven’t even taken her out on a date yet, and I’m already like this……Speaking of…..I can still play it cool when I ask her out. I have to make this date special. I can’t just take her out just like that. Well I can if I want to but I don’t. I guess I’m going to actually have to plan a date……WAIT the Kim Jonghyun is planning a real date? OMG I guess I am. I should. And I will. JeRim is someone special to me. So I should make her feel special too. If she thought the picnic was romantic, wait until she sees this date I’m planning.

AISH!!!! Why won’t my heart stop beating this fast………But……..I wonder if she’s like this too?

Okay let’s think. What would I normally do when I ended a date with a girl??? Oh right I’d send her a text. Yup that’s exactly what I’d do. But today wasn’t really a date. Okay I’m gonna send her a text…NO DON’T….yes do it… don’t. AISH so annoying. I threw my phone on my bed.



NO what was that??? I checked my phone. It read ‘MESSAGE SENT’. OMG what did I write.

Okay menu……messages……outbox……JeRim


To: JeRim :D

From: Jonghyun oppa <3

2day was fun… ready next time we spend alone time……you’ll be mine ;)


Okay okay that’s good. Cocky but still nice. Good good.

*beep* She replied.


To: Jonghyun oppa <3

From: JeRIm :D

Very fun…dnt be so cocky. U will have 2 do more than that if u want me…….Remember Im a challenge ;) ;) ;)


Oh really I see how it is…..


To: JeRim :D

From: Jonghyun oppa <3

U may be a challenge…..but I am the KIM JONGHYUN……u will be mine in no time ;)


To: Jonghyun oppa <3

From: JeRim :D

Oh really….just know I dnt fall 4 games…….love to stay nd chat but a Charlie brown marathon is on……bye


Aish this girl……….is really something



To: Jonghyun oppa <3

From: JeRim :D

Goodnite oppa remember 2 dream of me ;)


WOW from showing me a new perspective in life to playing games just like that. This will be fun.


Author POV

Monday came and school started. Both Minho and Wooyoung were worried about SungKi being a way with Kim Bum. Taecyeon is still in Seoul with his parents. JeRim still hasn’t told Jonghyun about the almost incident. But has intentions to tell him soon. Jonghyun and JeRim continued their little game. One second they’re acting all lovey dovey and the next they’re teasing each other.

Tuesday came and Jonghyun was acting weird. He tried to avoid JeRim all day. Taecyeon was still busy in Seoul with his parents. Minho was busy with soccer. He got into the team and was immediately names Assitant Captain at the tryouts. He was so busy with practices that he forgot today was the day SungKi would be coming back.



This is so boring. I’m all alone. Jonghyun oppa is avoiding me. Minho is at soccer practice. Taec still isn’t back yet………Which reminds me, I need to talk to him before I say anything to Jonghyun oppa. Wooyoung is being……….himself. Annoying as hell. Unnie come back at take care of Wooyoung. I can’t handle him and all his aegyo. Just this morning he made me cook breakfeast for him just because he was lazy. UGH he needs to stop his aegyo. If this keeps going on….I’m gonna beat him until he has no more aegyo left in hos whole body.

“UNNIE!!!!!! COME BACK!!!!!” I shouted to no one.

Coincidently the song ‘Baby Come Back’ started playing on the radio.


“Baby come back, any kind of fool could see

There was something in everything about you

Baby come back, you can blame it all on me

I was wrong and I just can't live without you”


“That really sets the mood.”



DOUBLE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I said, words can't express our happiness. To show our gratitude we posted this chapter

early. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I wrote it. When I finished writing this I was like 'DAMN this is deep'

LOLZZZZ Hope you enjoyed this sorta "fluffy" moment between Jjong and JeRim.

Don't forget to comment and to subscribe!!!

Love you,




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Oh my god I just noticed we hit 2,000+!!!!! Thank you guys so much!!! Saranghae


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itismerobyn #1
i hope i'm not being too greedy or anything, but i need more cute Wooyoung moments! He is my ultimate bias. BUT i love this story so update soon? hehehe (:
itismerobyn #2
please update soon ^.^
I love this story <3
jesica27 #3
Chapter 18: SO.................
HAHAHAHA but its o.k

you have a good story
Chapter 12: mysterious guy! haha hmm someone from 2AM maybe?? XD
just read the foreword and it seems interesting! subscribed; will continue and catch up with the chapters ^^
Hookedonkpop #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^