


Another boring afternoon. The EXO members have been doing everything to not let boredom kill them. Jongin has tried sleeping AGAIN for the nth time. But he can’t seem to do so. Tossing and turning for the past few minutes. Xiumin, Chen and Tao are playing with a soccer ball in the living room, passing the ball to any one of them. But they just stop when Chen failed to catch it and too damn lazy to pick it up. They just then lie on the very clean rug, which was patiently washed by Kyungsoo. He’s always cleaning stuff up. All day, everyday, if they don’t have any schedules lined up for the day. Like right now, he’s washing all the dishes, utensils, bowls, and kitchen ware. Basically anything found in the kitchen, again and again. Yixing decides to join him. He helps with the drying. Yixing is carefully wiping everything clean despite knowing the fact that his efforts are futile, since they’ll still be washed again. Luhan on the other hand is sprawled on the couch solving the rubix cube which he constantly asks the maknae to scramble every two minutes or so, timing each attempt. He’s beaten his previous record thrice, just today. Sehun, whom was called by Luhan, doesn’t seem to mind although his stone face states otherwise. Chanyeol kept bugging Suho to do something, anything, with him. But the leader seemed to be preoccupied with the daily paper in his hands. As a solution, the very first idea that came to him, he ordered Chanyeol to clean the bathroom. At first the giant was reluctant, whining in his bass voice. But because of boredom, he obeys. He turns around and drags Baekhyun, who was sitting cross-legged on the floor far away from everybody else, along with him to the bathroom. Baekhyun doesn’t protest because he’s really bored, too. He has no other choice, really. It’s either that or he dies of boredom. And he’d very much like to live. Even if it means that he has to clean bathrooms all day. Fortunately(?), there is one person who is very happy for all these happenings. Watching from upstairs with the gummiest of smiles is the Duizhang. He seems to be enjoying the show that his group mates are unconsciously putting up especially just for him. This is better than reality TV, he thinks. Because as a matter of fact this is the most real reality he can get. The only reason reality shows have such great entertainment value, Kris has realized a few years ago, is that they still follow a script. No matter how natural each episode of a certain show appears, there’ll always be a script that they follow. This doesn’t seem to bother other people, though. For them, it’s better that way. But Kris thinks otherwise. That’s not reality anymore. And for that he’s really thankful for this event happening in their dorm. A couple of minutes pass by. The laughter that Kris has been trying to hold in finds its way out of his mouth. Everyone else stop whatever they were doing and turn to look at the tall figure above them just laughing like there’s no tomorrow.

“Holy hell. Duizhang’s gone insane.”


A/N: /kills self. X_X

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OhKrisus #1
Chapter 1: Lmfao. Kris gone insane? Sounds plausible. I would too if I were bore enough and watching those clowns like a creeper. xD Nicely done; it was cute. ^^