
Why Me?


Kai felt the girls hand squeeze his tightly. “Wae?” he asked.

She quickly loosen her grip and sent him a small smile. “Nothing, sorry.”

“Something's on your mind. I can tell.” He chuckled.

Releasing a sigh she smiled. “It’s just, Mey and Luhan shared their first kiss today after two years of dating. And to think that both gave their first kisses to each other is very sweet, don’t you think so too?” she squealed.

Kai chuckled at his girlfriends reaction before nodding. “Yea, it is.” He smiled and placed their interlaced hands in his jackets pocket. Seeing Kei’s face je snickered. “It’s cold.” Came his reply for the unasked question. Kei nodded.

“I should have snapped a picture.” She pouted as they stood to wait for the bus.

“Why didn’t you?” he asked.

“I was too stunned to do anything. You know how Mey said she didn’t like too much romance and such.” Her pout deepen when she realized that she won’t get another chance of seeing the couple kiss. “Why didn’t you take one?”

“I didn’t know you wanted one.” He chuckled.

“Bus is here.”

“You act like Mey’s mom.” Kai teased when they found seats at the back and happily sat there. “Isn’t she older?”

“I’m older by a couple of months. She’s just a year ahead.” Kei explained, leaning her head on his shoulder before closing her eyes.

“Tired already?” he teased.

“Hmm.” She hummed. “We did some summer journalism. We lost though, Ina and me.” She explained.

“Sleep.” He uttered.

“It’s fine.” She smiled looking up. “I’ll just be using your shoulder for a while, if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all.” He beamed.

Silence took over. No one spoke a word. Kai loved the feeling of being around his other half, so did Kei. Kai’s hand tightened it’s hold on hers.

“Wae?” she asked, eyes still closed.

“Nothing.” He chuckled.

“Tell me.” She insisted.

He sighed and plastered a small smile on his face. “Don’t do what you did today again.” He spoke.

“We were just joking around.” She chuckled. “Though half of it was true.” She replied, squeezing his hand reassuringly.

It was true, it was just for fun. But along the way, some feelings got involve. But nonetheless, everything they said were all true facts.

“I see.” He sighed, relieved.

They soon reached their stop and had to go down. They loved in the same street, much to Kai’s delight. But they had to walk a couple of minutes more before reaching their respective homes.

“Oppa.” Kei called.

How Kai loved it when she called him that. “Yea?”

“It’s almost your birthday.” She mumbled, embarrassed to look up. “What would you want as a gift?”

Kai found it amusing that she didn’t know what to get him. “Anything from you is fine.” He chuckled when she groaned.

“There’s no gift in this world known to man that is called anything.” She uttered.

Hearing this, he laughed. “I know, I just want you to surprise me.” He beamed. Kei stopped in her tracks. “What’s wrong?” he asked, standing infront of her.

She lifted her hand and stared at his dark eyes. “Would you like an early gift?” she bashfully asked.

Kai shrugged making her pout. He chuckled again. The girl never ceases to amuse him. “Either way, I’d still be getting it.” He smiled.

Kei nodded and though for awhile. She sighed and grabbed his collar, pulling him towards her.

“What ar—.” Kei’s lips crashed on Kai’s. He was taken aback when she bravely kissed him, but recovered and kissed her back, smiling.

Once they pulled away, Kei was slighly out of breath. “Advance Happy Birthday, Kai Oppa. I love you.” She giggled when he blushed.

He grabbed her by the waist and leaned on her forehead. “I love you too.” He replied, straight into her eyes before capturing her lips again.

The End

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_Sona_ #1
Chapter 2: This was so cute!!! I LUV it!!!
-xttran #2
Chapter 2: Uwahhhh, lovely oneshot ^^ ★ totally feelin the love
Keihomi #3
it was sweet. ^^