Broken heart best briend

I can't help falling in love with you.

           He was still staring at you. You just lowered your head. He nodded a little and then he walked out without saying anything to you. You could not say anything; you just followed him till he enters the car.

You open the car door and sat beside him as he starts the engine and drove you to fetch his brothers. He was still pissed and you can see it from his face how angry he was. You didn’t want to make him more pissed so you just kept quiet.

‘I’ll send you home first,’ he said.

You looked at him and blinked.

‘I’ll fetch my brothers after dropping you,’ he said again.

You nodded with your sad face. ‘Okay,’ you said.


           A few minutes later, you arrived at your house… You open the car door and get off, then close it back. You at least wanted say good bye or tell him to drive safely but he didn’t even bothered to whine down the window.

 ‘YOU ,’ someone called you.

           You turned around and you saw Daehyun was sitting at the bench in your compound. Hyunseong looked at Daehyun and at the same time Daehyun saw Hyunseong too.

‘Another guy?’ Hyunseong thought, smirked and then he glare at you then he just left you like that.

Daehyun came nearer to you.

‘So that’s Shim Hyun-seong?’ he asked, looking at you.

‘Congratulate me? I’m getting married,’ you said, frankly.

‘But I thought you said—,’ before he could finish his sentence you cut him.

‘Yeah, but it didn’t worked out,’ you said, walking to the entrance door.

‘What?’ he said, following you.

You shook your head while you were looking for the house key in your bag.

‘Tell me? How come it didn’t work out?’ Daehyun asked, he looked tension and angry at the same time.


            You took out your key and open the door and entered, ignoring him. He grabbed your hand and pulled you to face him.

He really looked angry and this was the first time you saw his face was angry like this.

‘Are you okay?’ you asked, concerned.

He leave your hand and then he touch his forehead, closing his eyes then he open his eyes and said,

‘Just a little headache I guess,’ he said, approaching the sofa.

             You quickly went to the kitchen and poured some water for him in a glass and took out a headache medicine from the cupboard in your kitchen. You walked to the living room with the water and the medicine and then you gave you to him. You sat beside him, facing him.

He gulped the water but he did not eat the medicine.

‘Why didn’t you eat the medicine?’ you asked.

‘Doesn’t mean I’m having headache I had to eat that medicine I just need to keep calm and then I’ll be alright,’ he said.

You kept quiet and turned the other side.

‘So when is the ceremony?’ he asked.

‘It’s on the 10th of January,’ you said.

‘WHATTTTT???’ Daehyun screamed.

‘It’s like just a month gap?’ he said, he was in a total shock.

‘I know,’ you said, nodding.

‘How about your relatives? They knew about the wedding?’ he asked.

‘Not yet I guess, my dad will be in charge of that so I don’t have to worry about that at all,’ you said, getting up from the sofa and took the glass and walked to the kitchen.

He watched you without saying anything.

And then you heard your entrance door creaked so you ran to the living room and your parents came in.

Daehyun quickly stood up and bowed to your parents.

‘What are you doing here?’ your father asked you.

‘hm, this is also my house, right?’ you asked.

‘I thought you supposed to be with Hyunseong now?’ he asked.

‘He sent me home,’ you said.

‘And what are you doing here?’ he asked Daehyun, almost glaring at him.

‘Huh?’ Daehyun was a little blur.

‘Ah? Hm? I just came to see her,’ Daehyun told him.

 Your father threw his car key on the table and then he sat at the sofa.

‘Sit,’ he told Daehyun, pointing at the sofa opposite him.

Daehyun looked at you before he sits and then your mother when to her room to change.

‘Daehyun, I think you’ve already know that YOU  is getting married soon,’ he said.

Daehyun nodded.

‘So I don’t is right for you to hang around with her all the time,’ he continued.

You frowned at your father.

‘That’s mean, Appa,’ you said.

‘And it’s not right too, when we parents are out and you two in the house, what will Hyunseong think?’ he asked looking at Daehyun.

Daehyun nodded, lowering his head. He was a little hurt.

‘But you can always come when we are at home? Not a problem at all!’ you father told.

‘Come for the wedding,’ he stood up and then he patted his shoulder.

Daehyun nodded again.

Your father left the living room and went to his room.

You sat beside Daehyun. You knew he felt hurt. You touch his shoulder and then he turned to you.

‘I’m sorry for that,’ you said.

‘No, he’s right! You’re getting married and what will your in-laws think if I keep hanging around with you,’ he said.

You lowered your head.

‘I think I should leave now,’ he said, grabbing his bag.

He walked out and you followed him to send him off.

‘Daehyun,’ you called him.

He stopped and looked at you.

And then you smiled and hugged him. He hugged you back.

‘Okay, if your dad see’s this and I’m dead!’ Daehyun .

You chuckled.

‘Okay, bye,’ he said and then he walked out.

He turned back and waved his hand to you and then a little further and he was gone.


‘Where is Daehyun?’ you father asked from the back of you.

You turned around and ignored your father.

‘I was talking to you,’ you father said.

‘Daehyun went back home,’ you said, sighed.

You walked off; you took your bag from the sofa and climb up the stairs to your room.

You were really angry with your father. You felt like yelling at him but you couldn’t.

You slammed your room door and jumped on the bed and lie down on it.

 ‘How can he be so rude to Daehyun? I mean, Daehyun and me are like friends since we’re young and how can we be like strangers? He used to stay here and come over when Appa and Omma not around and now what?’

You was really angry with your dad’s behaviour towards Daehyun , you wondered if he was okay or not and then you remembered that Hyunseong actually saw Daehyun and maybe he was even pissed.

‘Oh, no! First was Donghyun Oppa and now Daehyun?’ you said.

‘I’m dead!’



Next update will be day after tomorrow


Appa Hyunseong is out with his baby Illayda


The appa's who do not know what to do? HAHA! just look at Hyunseong. How cute is he?


And this my favourite part in Don't touch my girl :)







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Chapter 27: They arr officially married.. ooohhh i'm so happy for them..

taking advantage huh hyunseong.. well you can do whatever you want.. she's your wifey anyways.... just don't hurt her or make her cry...

authirnim as usual you did a great chapter...
Chapter 27: youre the best as usual! i want to something. how to exactly to vote for them? ive tried once, but it didnt work. ;----;
Chapter 26: youre daebak!!!!!
Chapter 26: the confession.... no comment xD
short story.... yes please!! haha
oh does that means this story is about to finish??
Chapter 26: yehett! finally hyunseong told!:D
angelflyer22 #6
Chapter 25: this was a nice, cute, and funny chapter ;) I like the Hyuns together!!
and about Boyfriend's comeback... I'm really excited for it!!! :D
about Kris... I thought it wasn't offical yet but I do know that he's not gonna be at their concert :(
Chapter 25: interesting chapter..
i wonder what will (you) think when she knows that daehyun is (fake) gay..
Chapter 15: Omo there's baekhyun in this! :D hahah sorry I got excited XD
Chapter 24: Oh my this is the kind of hyunseong i reallyvlove..

he'starting to be his old self again..

i love the part when hyunseong hugged her in bed really sweet
I know that their relationship is just starting to warm up and that there are still obstacles to come but i really hope that their wedding wikk come sooner^^
Chapter 24: So sweet!!! makes me miss him more. T^T. I think i saw something at tumblr. Their KOREAN COMEBACK audio. I don't know if it true. ._. And somekind IDK. Minwoo's photo teaser? He's posing with boxing gloves..