Promise Or Suffer?

I can't help falling in love with you.

            The next day, you were getting ready to meet Hyunseong’s family again and this time would be an official one. You put on a decent dress; you didn’t put any make up on your face, you prefer being simple and then you trotted upstairs to downstairs then entered the living room.

             You look around and your parents were nowhere. You bet they were still getting ready. You walked to the door and open it and then you stepped out from your house and walked down to the compound.

             The trees in your compound started swaying as a gust of wind blew. You like the weather; it makes you feel better for a moment. You smile even though you were a little nervous inside about the meeting.

‘Do you like it?’ a voice behind you said, and you turned and saw you father.

‘Like what?’ you asked.

‘The weather,’ he said.

You nodded.

‘But I hate the day,’ you said sarcastically, looking at the trees swaying.

He ignored what you said.

‘Get in the car,’ he said, walking to the car.

You followed him without saying anything, and then you get into the car.

You mother entered the car, she sat beside you father. She turns behind to you and smiled.

You smile to her, sitting quietly.


You just kept quiet in the car all the way to the restaurant.

You didn’t want to say anything.

You wanted Hyunseong to be yours but not in this way.

You wanted him to love you but you bet he still loves Bora.


        Your father parked his car carefully at the parking lot then all of you got down from the car and started walking to the restaurant.You walked after your parents and of course you were afraid to face Hyunseong but you have no choice, you had to meet him.


‘Oh? Annyeong Haseyo!’ Mrs. Shim greeted all of you.

She stood up and hugged your mother and then she hugged you.

The moment you saw Hyunseong, what he said earlier came to your brain.


‘Tell your mother that you don’t like me’


              But you did say that, it's not like you did not say aword. You were thinking what you will answer to him if asked you. Your father, he shakes his hand with Hyunseong and his father. Hyunseong sat on the other side, he didn’t bother to look at you or greet you but he greeted your parents. Then slowly all of you started to settle down.


‘I was thinking if we could have their wedding ceremony as fast as we could,’ Mr. Shim said, sipping his tea.

‘I was thinking about that too,’ you father said, grinning.

You were shocked and same goes to Hyunseong. He looked at you, he was pissed most probably. You can say it from his face expression; he didn’t like it at all.

You didn’t know things could happen this fast. They didn’t even bother to ask you and Hyunseong about the ceremony at all. They keep discussing about it.

‘Hyunseong-ah, you should bring her for a walk instead of just sitting here,’ Mrs. Shim said, smiling brightly to him.

He nodded then he stood up and walked out.

‘Go! Go after him!’ his mother said to you.

‘Er? Should I?’ you asked blankly.

‘Yes,Go!’ she said again.

You nodded a little then you followed him.

But he didn’t even bother to look at you to confirm if you were following him or not.

‘Where on earth is he going?’ you thought.

Then you realize he brought you to the roof top.

               It was still windy, but it’s darker right now. He was looking far away at the city. You walked up and stand beside him. He waited for you to say something. No, not something but explain to him how did things turn out to be like this.

‘I know you must be thinking why I am here?’ you said, facing him.

He expected you to say more.

‘I told my parents, what you told me to tell them but they didn’t listen to me,’ you said.

‘You’re just going to suffer,’ he said, biting his lower lips.

You raised your eyebrow, wondering why he’d say something like that.

He loosens his tie, then he hold on the fence.

He looked really stress.

‘Why didn’t you tell your parents you don’t want to get marry,’ you asked.

‘I have my own reason why I can’t tell them,’ he said, still looking at something else.

‘And what is it?’ you asked again.

‘I don’t have to tell you,’ he said sarcastically.

There was a pause. For half a minute or so, neither of you nor him spoke.

You sighed then you look at him.

‘Oppa,’ you called him.

He didn’t react for that.

‘I don’t know what happen between you and Bora Unnie and I don’t know what makes you turn into a different person,’ you said.

He slowly looked at you.

‘But I will try my best to bring the old Hyunseong Oppa I knew very long ago,’ you said.

Then you smiled to him, brightly and confident.

He just looked steadily to you.

‘And this is my promise,’ you said, grinning.

He smirked and then he his lower lip.

‘Do you think it’s that easy?’ he said, almost glaring.

‘You don’t even know what I’ve been through so just give up,’ he said.

‘I don’t want to ruin your life so just run away or marry somebody else,’ he added.

You didn’t like what he said at the last part.

‘I have no choice either. If you don’t want to get marry with me? Why not you try all that??’ you said in higher tone.

‘I don’t want to disgrace my parents,’ you added.

‘I’m telling you’re just going to suffer,’ he said again.

‘And I’m telling you, I will bring back the old Hyunseong Oppa I knew,’ you smirked and then walked off.

 He watched you walking off and you didn’t turn to look at him.

He didn’t know what to say or what to do. He had no choice then getting married if things are going to be like this.

He sighed.

‘What am I going to do?’ he said, closing his eyes, feeling the air on his skin makes him calmer.



So can you change him?

Try your best! Fighting!! Hehe

 I’m controlling your life in this fic so wait and see. Hehe

Love you!

Oh yeah! One more question?

Which boyfriend member do you think suit to be your cousin?



YoungKwang? Or just either one of them.

Or our maknae Minwoo?




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Chapter 27: They arr officially married.. ooohhh i'm so happy for them..

taking advantage huh hyunseong.. well you can do whatever you want.. she's your wifey anyways.... just don't hurt her or make her cry...

authirnim as usual you did a great chapter...
Chapter 27: youre the best as usual! i want to something. how to exactly to vote for them? ive tried once, but it didnt work. ;----;
Chapter 26: youre daebak!!!!!
Chapter 26: the confession.... no comment xD
short story.... yes please!! haha
oh does that means this story is about to finish??
Chapter 26: yehett! finally hyunseong told!:D
angelflyer22 #6
Chapter 25: this was a nice, cute, and funny chapter ;) I like the Hyuns together!!
and about Boyfriend's comeback... I'm really excited for it!!! :D
about Kris... I thought it wasn't offical yet but I do know that he's not gonna be at their concert :(
Chapter 25: interesting chapter..
i wonder what will (you) think when she knows that daehyun is (fake) gay..
Chapter 15: Omo there's baekhyun in this! :D hahah sorry I got excited XD
Chapter 24: Oh my this is the kind of hyunseong i reallyvlove..

he'starting to be his old self again..

i love the part when hyunseong hugged her in bed really sweet
I know that their relationship is just starting to warm up and that there are still obstacles to come but i really hope that their wedding wikk come sooner^^
Chapter 24: So sweet!!! makes me miss him more. T^T. I think i saw something at tumblr. Their KOREAN COMEBACK audio. I don't know if it true. ._. And somekind IDK. Minwoo's photo teaser? He's posing with boxing gloves..