Day 1 - The Beginning

3 Days To Love ( 3일동안의사랑 ) ( Mikkasu No Koi )

DAY 1 - Part 1


“ANNEYONG HASEYO! Cho-nun, Hyunra imnida!!“ Hyunra shouted to the camcorder Ryeoki was holding. As they planned, Ryeoki, Hyunra and the SJM boys plus Heechul were at the amusement park. Heeyoung and Leeteuk didn’t come as they weren’t ready to let the public know about their relationship yet. They were, in Heechul’s words, the play-it-safe couple. They were never the crazy, risk-taker couple like Hyunra and Heechul, who bravely and confidently declared their relationship in public, despite the antis and hate comments. 

“Aish, hyung, you don’t have to shout! Sheesh!” Ryeoki shook her head.

“Arasseo, but I love to shout, so, DUH!”

Ryeoki pulled a long face. “Heechul hyung, look at her!”

“Hm?” Heechul glanced at Hyunra. “She’s cute as always, wae?”

Hyunra burst out laughing, making Ryeoki pout even more. “Anyway hyung, where are the rest of the SJM members?”

“On their way, they are,” Zhoumi was the one who answered. Zhoumi, Siwon and Ryeowook were the only SJ-M members there. Hangeng, Kyuhyun Donghae and Henry were still on their way. But not long after that, Ryeoki could see them walking toward the spot where Ryeoki and her friends were standing. She couldn’t help but grinned.

“Hey guys, sorry we’re late.” Hangeng being the spokesperson as usual.

“Ah ii yo [gwenchana]. Wah, Kyuhyun hyung,” Ryeoki eyed Kyuhyun from head to toe.


His usual messy and spiky hair was combed perfectly. The blonde colour of his hair was dyed to his natural brown, just how Ryeoki liked it to be. He was wearing a simple grey shirt layered with a funky jacket over it. He even remembered to put on lenses and left his spectacles at home, as Ryeoki once said she hated how Kyuhyun looked like the winter sonata hero when he had his spectacles on.

[A/N: No offense to those who love the winter sonata hero! ^_^)

“Kyuhyun hyung, chou kakkoi da! [Arumdaun!] ” Ryeoki grinned widely.

Kyuhyun blushed and looked down shyly, mumbling ‘Gomawo’ while doing so. Henry high-fived Donghae behind him.

“Don’t tell me you’re late cause you’re dolling him up,” Heechul hissed at Hangeng. Hangeng could only smile and made a peace sign.

Meanwhile, Kyuhyun was recalling the ‘game plan’ arranged by his hyungs today. First, they would ride the roller coaster and then straight to the haunted house. He had to be there with Ryeoki everytime she got spooked by the ghosts. Once they were done with the haunted house, they would head to the arcade and Kyuhyun had to win something big for Ryeoki, before they all would go to the nearby river and Kyuhyun would make his confession.

Kyuhyun let out a long sigh. This better work, he thought.

So like how it was planned, they head to the roller coaster. When they were about to be seated, everyone chose their partner and Heechul quickly s his arms around Hyunra’s waist, not letting her go. Henry shuffled to Hangeng’s side while Zhoumi moved to take his place beside Siwon. Donghae smiled his innocent smile and slung his arms around Ryeowook’s shoulder.

“So that leaves me with you, Kyuhyun hyung!” Ryeoki said cheerfully. Kyuhyun shrugged and chuckled nervously. Of course it is, it’s planned, Kyuhyun thought.

They had a real good time riding the crazy roller coaster. When the roller coaster was at the top, Ryeoki’s face went pale. “Kyuhyun hyung… I watched the Final Destination movie…there was a failure in the roller coaster system and the roller coaster went off the track when it went down…”

Kyuhyun gulped. He watched that movie too, and the scene in the movie and the situation where they were at that time were strangely alike. Kyuhyun slid his fingers between Ryeoki’s and whispered; “It’s just a movie. Don’t be scared, I’m here.”

Ryeoki screamed like there was no tomorrow whenever the roller coaster went down in high speed while Kyuhyun kept praying that there won’t be a real life Final Destination movie happening right there. When they were finally stopped, Ryeoki jumped out of the roller coaster with Kyuhyun in the tow.

“Hyung! We’re alive! YAY!” she squealed and threw her arms around Kyuhyun’s waist. Kyuhyun stiffened at the hug, but slowly he relaxed and hugged her back. Kyuhyun took it as a good sign for that day.

Game plan still on the go, they headed to the haunted house. The place where the boys thought the fun would begin. But unfortunately for Kyuhyun, Ryeoki wasn’t scared. She was rather amused by the fake ghosts in there. She ran around the house like it was her personal playground with her camcorder and her camera, asking Kyu to take her picture with the ghosts. She even managed to get the Ju-on ghost made a peace sign when taking picture with her. When she wanted to take picture with the Ju-On’s child, Heechul insisted Kyuhyun must be in the picture with them. Kyuhyun, despite his fear, went to stand beside spooky child and Heechul snapped the trio’s picture.

“What a happy family,” Heechul commented.

“HYUNG!” both Ryeoki and Kyuhyun screamed.

Hyunra peeked at the Ju-on child from behind Heechul’s shoulder. That little kid, trained by the haunted house trainer of course, glared at Hyunra. Hyunra quickly looked away and tugged Heechul’s arm. “Yah, let’s get out of here.”

“Aigoo,” Ryeoki perked up. “Prince Hyunra is scared?”

In Heechul and Hyunra's relationship, Hyunra is the 'prince' and Heechul is the 'princess'. Yeah yeah, weird couple. But they liked it that way. Makes them one of a kind, they say. 

“Prince or no prince, let’s get the hell out of here,” Hyunra said through her gritted teeth with watery eyes. That place was really getting on her nerves.

“Aigoo! Don’t cry! Okay okay, let’s get out of here!” Heechul covered Hyunra’s eyes and led her out of the house.

“AH Hyung wait! We’re coming with you!” Kyuhyun dragged Ryeoki out. Apparently, he was scared as hell too, but he hid it well for Ryeoki’s sake. Ryeoki reluctantly followed him, not forgetting to bid the little child goodbye.

Next they went down to the arcade, Heechul and Kyuhyun’s favourite place. Ryeoki hanged around and watched Kyuhyun played as Kyuhyun already promised her that he would win enough points to redeem the huge pink bunny she had been eying at the arcade’s entrance. Beside him, Heechul was enjoying himself with a car-racing game. Hyunra wasn’t there, she followed Donghae to the candy parlour as she never liked arcade.

“Hyung are you winning?” Ryeoki glanced over Kyuhyun’s shoulder.

“Neh,” Kyuhyun smiled. Somehow, the game made him felt very confidence inside. Maybe because games were one of the things he was really good at. “Ryeoki, hyung can multi-task, wanna see?”

“Sure! Wait wait, I’ll record it!” She her camcorder.

Kyuhyun started to sing ‘Blue Tomorrow’ while still continuing playing the game. Behind the camera, Ryeoki made a face.

“Hyung! Why are you singing me a sad song??”

“Oh? Mianhae mianhae! It’s the first song that came into my head! xD”

Eventually, Kyuhyun got enough points to redeem the huge bunny. Ryeoki was thrilled but didn’t get a chance to say anything as her cellphone rang. She picked it up, it was Hyunra calling.

“Yah dongsaeng! Come to the park’s entrance this second, we’re leaving! Hangeng oppa and Wookie oppa said we’re going to the river to watch the sunset! Palli!”

Ryeoki passed the message to Heechul and Kyuhyun, and once they were done redeeming the bunny, the three of them raced to the park’s entrance. Everyone else was already in the vans. The three of them hopped into one of the two vans and found Hyunra and Donghae at the back seat, surrounded by candies and cookies.

Heechul shoved Donghae and the candies away and sat beside Hyunra while Kyuhyun and Ryeoki occupied the middle seat. Siwon started driving as soon as everyone was settled in their seats.

“Tsk tsk tsk,” Heechul shook his head in disapproval when looking at the candies and ice cream in Hyunra’ s hand. “Those are bad for your teeth, you know.”

“Well, it’s MY teeth, why should YOU care?” Hyunra snapped at him with mouth full of ice cream. Donghae didn’t bother to care about the two as they snapped at each other a lot every day. Donghae knew they weren’t fighting; they were just naturally like that.

“We’re here!” Siwon exclaimed happily when they arrived. “Everyone out, out! Palli!”

Heechul rolled his eyes. “GOD, Siwon, do you really have to be like Jungsoo?”

Everyone got off the vans and walked toward the awaiting river. Ryeoki wanted to sit and watch the sunset with Hyunra but Heechul took her away again. He pulled Hyunra away from the crowd and led her to a rocky edge of the river. Ryeoki sighed and chose to sit with Kyuhyun instead.

“Kyuhyun hyung, Heechul hyung pry Hyunra hyung away from me again,” she pouted while kneeling down beside Kyuhyun, who was already sitting by the water.

Kyuhyun was silent for a moment, trying to understand Ryeoki’s words. There were strangely too many hyungs in her words it made Kyuhyun confused. ‘Kyuhyun oppa, Heechul oppa pry Hyunra unnie away from me again.’

“Oh really?” he said when he finally understood it. “I wonder why, haha.”

Ryeoki shrugged and looked down, only to realize she was still carrying the pink bunny Kyuhyun had won for her earlier. “Ah, hyung, thanks for the bunny.”

“Ah, gwenchana. Not a big deal. You like it?”

Ryeoki shook her head, bouncing her ponytailed hair. “Love it. I’m going to take him to LA with me, so I won’t forget you,” she looked up at Kyuhyun and smiled.

“Wait, him? It’s pink, how did you know it’s a he?”

“I just knew,” Ryeoki shrugged again. “I’m going to name him…..Kyuhyun.”

Kyuhyun beamed. “My name?”

“Sou da (Neh). Cuz hyung gave it to me! ^_^” 

Kyuhyun chuckled. “Annyeong, Kyuhyun! Take a good care of Ryeoki while she’s in LA, arasseo?” he told the pink bunny. Ryeoki laughed.

They fooled around with the bunny ‘Kyuhyun’ for some time, before Kyuhyun finally felt he was ready to confess.

“Erm..Ryeoki-ah…I got something to tell you.”

Ryeoki brought her gaze from the Bunny Kyu to the real Kyu. “Hm?”


“Yes, hyung?” Ryeoki looked Kyuhyun right into the eyes, making Kyuhyun felt more nervous than he already was. When Ryeoki looked at him with her big brown eyes, he just felt weak all over. His so-called courage that he was building through that whole day just shattered.


Ryeoki couldn’t stand it anymore. “HYUNG!” she punched Kyuhyun’s arm, making him surprised and nearly jumped out of his skin. “What is it???”

“I uh, I, am going to tell you that…..uh……I’m free on the day of your departure, so I’m going to send you off at the airport!”

Ryeoki’s expression softened. A smile slowly formed on her lips. “Aa…soka [kuraeyo] ? Arigatou [gomawoyo], hyung!” 

“Ah….em gwenchana…” Kyuhyun tried to smile back.

Everyone is so gonna kill me tonight, Kyuhyun thought as the sunset appeared at the end of the river.



Comments are LOVE! ^_~!


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JennyL #1
this... this ..
is awesome!!!
I in love with his story..
you wrote it perfectly!!
update soon!!!
Thanks for the comments guys! ^_~!
omo...<br />
he is really inlove with ryeoki~~~<br />
kekeke...<br />
i hope you confess soon~~~<br />
<br />
update soon~~
LeeMinMi #4
kyuhyun you evil guy! stop bullying my henry !! >.< lol! you'r ein love with ryeoki! xDD can wait to see what you're going to do! hahah! <br />
~~~~<br />
update soon unnie !<br />
sounds interesting~~~<br />
hahaha :">