Epilogue: Life After

Wayward Lover
Epilogue: Life After
Epilogue: Life After

"When a lie is repeated often enough, it inevitably becomes the truth."

Picnics. Outings. Short adventures. All for him. She was once his only comfort. She was once his only support. She was once a fool... acting as if she knew all the remedies to his problems. "What would you know about my grief?"

"I don't, Jae. I don't understand it. All I can do is be with you when you're sad."

He is no longer sad now. Does that mean he no longer needs her?

• • • • • • •

"Master..." A tarot card hovers over his sleeping form like a stalled leaf snatched up in a whirlwind. "Master Jaejoong... rise and shine!" His dark sleepy eyes open and the card explodes in a blinding flash, giving birth to two human figures.

One man.

One woman.

The Lovers.

They stand by his bedside dressed from head to toe in stylish black.

"Sky and Dragon... at your service." The Lovers' voices compliment one another.

"It's Sunday... I still want to sleep..." Jaejoong makes his displeasure known.

Catching the irritation in his voice, Sky and Dragon grins mischievously. "We don't dare ask for forgiveness. We'll gladly accept our punishment... after the wedding."

"Wedding?" He sprang up. "Whose wedding?" The silken covers slip from his bare chest and gather happily around his waist. "Tell me. There's to be wedding today? Whose wedding? Why wasn't I informed?"

"We were sworn to secrecy... but you know how that goes, master. Wouldn't it be a great surprise if you joined us?"

"It's my dear brother, isn't it? He's gone against his better judgment and mine."

"What's wrong with him marrying her? There's no rule against that, is there?" The Lovers look at each other and exchange mental notes.

"Of course there's not. It's just common sense. You just don't marry a replica of your mother who you've accepted as your sister."

"But she isn't your mother, master. She just looks like her. She isn't your sister, either... master."

"Will you two stop calling me master? It sounds more sarcastic than respectful."

"It's pretty entertaining so we're sticking to it."

"It is, isn't it? Ki's actually right about this one."

"Dragon, I better get back to Kou and see how she's handling those butterflies. You'll help our master get ready, won't you?"

Before Dragon has a chance to respond, a sudden white puff of smoke appears in the middle of the room. Guess who it is? "Did someone call my name? Because Kou is me." The World, in her white butterfly dress, waves the smoke away and looks around to spot Jaejoong still lazy in bed. "Oh! Good morning, my loveliest boy, my favorite son, my adorable baby."

The Lovers take a few steps back from the bed in case Jaejoong explodes or something. "I don't think it's a good time for that, Kou..."

"Ki told me it would be funny if I—" Sky hops into action and quickly covers Kou's mouth with a gloved hand. "We should really get going, Kou. There's still lots to do before the wedding." Sky beams Dragon a message with her eyes while mumbling a quick teleportation chant.

Make sure he doesn't blow up, gets dressed properly, and shows up at the ceremony.

You can count on me, love. I never fail.

Sky disappears with a wiggling Kou in her arms. Dragon cautiously approaches Jaejoong. "So... how about it, master? Let's get you dressed and ready?" It's seriously like trying to coax a baby.

"No. I don't want to." Jaejoong falls back onto his fluffy pillow and turns so that his back is to Dragon.

"Aww... don't be jealous like that. It's very unbecoming. I promise... after Junki, it'll be you, master. You'll be next."

"What are you two? Matchmakers now?"

"We try to live up to our name. Don't worry. We'll find you a nice girl. But if you prefer boys, we can work with that too."

"My brother... he put you up to this, didn't he? Or was it Ki? That fool... I'll kill him."

"Oh?" It sparks an interest. "Are you attracted to Ki? With Sky's help, I may be able to arrange something..." Dragon dodges a flying pillow.

"To stop all your humorless jokes... what will it cost?"

"I'm glad you ask, master." Dragon gives Jaejoong a wide grin. "But first, let's do something with that bed hair. It's fine if we were going out for wild singles night but for a wedding? We'll have to fix it."

"Don't touch my hair, Dragon... I mean it... just don't.

"Without her, life goes on. Happier and livelier than ever. It's the right thing to do, isn't it? Not wanting loved ones to suffer... sometimes it's better to be forgotten.

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this brings back memories. i'll read this again.
gelle1221 #2
Chapter 24: I may be asking for too much . .

But, I want more update
*puppy eyes*
Chapter 25: No Xinling doll you have to rebel against the hellish soci- I mean uh the greater beings. Glad as to know that Jae is getting answers. Now I have to re-read everything because I barely remember vampire twins
How appropriate, a story about jae on his bday
I wish that there was a bet, so that I can place all my $ on you winning this bid and then I sleep in beds of $$. ^^
Any reason why this story specifically for Mr. Kim's bday?
Chapter 24: This is vampire Jaejoong right? Is this his "Xinling", the doll?
The real Xinling is trapped in water, contemplating about her life choices. "shining innocence" -she deceived the necromancer, "played her part perfectly" to quote... sheisfarfrominnocent lol
She loves the necromancer or no? That is what confuses me
gelle1221 #7
Chapter 22: Now I'm confused
gelle1221 #8
Chapter 18: This is a dream come true -- having to read this story again with new, ethereal, and magical chapters. I always loved its being subtle.
Chapter 23: Poor Ki XD he had to see that. Ki is one of my favorite characters because of his rich personality. Ki calls the the Emperor TOP but the emperors name is Seunghyun, [I know Top's real name is Choi Seunghyun] is Seunghyun nicknames Top in this story? Or did I miss something? This story is unique in almost every aspect and it's awesome to read. Although I used to get confused [I don't anymore, hope I don't jinx it] this story is very ... idk how to describe it... through I guess. It's really good. This is the calm before the storm, in a few more chapters everything is going to crash at once. I'm interested to see how this plays out, which side will find her first. I wonder how long this plot took you, how long did you take thinking about this? This takes time and dedication and careful planning, everything ties together in the end like part one of this story.