Night Steps

The Choice of Love and Regret

The guard mushroom approached Sehun sneakily, meaning that he didn't spot it until the very last second.  Before he could draw his sword, the creature had already began on his blood, increasing its energy and experience.

"GET OFF ME YOU EVIL MUSHROOM!!" Sehun screamed, shaking his remote violently in attempt to get the creature off.  Luhan, who had been dozing beside him for the past ten minutes or so, awoke from the sudden outburst.  He looked up and laughed when he saw the situation the younger boy was in.
"NOOOO! I CAN'T DIE! NOT NOW~!" Sehun had 8% energy remaining whilst the mushroom's was rising by the second.  Sehun was screwed but had no intention of giving up.
"5...4...3..." The game counted down, making the boy more panicked by the second, "2...1." At 1 the screen flashed, the avatar screamed and was teleported back to the last checkpoint.
"WHAT THE HELL?! I WAS THERE, I WAS SO THERE!" He turned to Luhan, who was currently forcing himself not to laugh and let out a loud huff.  "You saw that, right?" Sehun demanded whilst glaring at him, "You saw how close I was?"
He nodded his head vigorously, knowing not to argue because things didn't end well when the youngest was angry... Sehun threw his remote across the room angrily, luckily it landed on Luhan's bed.  He sat on the wooden bedroom floor, legs and arms crossed, turned away from the elder.  He even stuck his bottom lip out for emphasis of his suffer and sadness.  Sehun had been playing that level for way too long and he was literally at the ending when he died, so he was in full pout mode.
After a short moment of silence, Luhan sighed and Sehun could hear the soft padding of his careful footsteps as he made his way towards him.  Luhan ruffled his hair playfully, expecting some kind of reaction from the younger boy.  It was obvious that Sehun was having his moment, therefore he only received a huff back.  Luhan sighed at his childish behavior and sat down to face him so that their knees were touching.  He looked into the other's eyes and tilted his head to one side, sadly.
"Aww Sehunnie...Don't be like that..." Sehun would usually smile when Luhan used his nickname but he was too annoyed to do anything or show his hyung any sign of forgiveness, despite him not actually doing anything wrong.
"You weren't even paying attention, you were asleep" His voice cracked unintentionally, making him sound more upset and Luhan frowned.  He leant forward and pulled Sehun in so that the younger was snuggled into his chest.  Sehun sighed, appreciating the warmth of Luhan, and wrapped his arms around the other's body.
"I'm sorry Sehun-ah.  It's just that know I don't really like them kind of games plus I'm already really tired... We've been- I mean, you've been playing that game for... two and a half hours?"
Sehun suddenly snapped out of his pouting act and pushed himself away from Luhan with a surprising amount of force "What time is it, hyung?"  Looking slightly hurt from the form of rejection, the elder boy felt his pockets for his phone and failed to find it.  After searching around, he found it on his slightly cluttered bedside table.  Once it was switched on, his eyes widened and Sehun knew in was in trouble.
"I-If you run home...y-you should be okay..."
" Luhan-hyung! What time is it?"
"Half eleven..."
They both got up from the floor and hurried around Luhan's bedroom like maniacs, collecting Sehun's belongings.  Luhan threw him his rucksack which Sehun caught surprisingly well, however he had no time to admire the catch because time was creeping along.  Once he'd managed to get his school bag open, he began filling it with school books.  A piece of folded paper suddenly fell from his homework record, Sehun groaned when realizing that it was a difficult set of Maths equations due in for  tomorrow.  After a second of worrying, he shoved it in anyway, making a mental note to get that done before the next Maths lesson.
The teens did a quick search of Luhan's bedroom incase they'd missed anything, they only found the thrown remote which Luhan handed back to Sehun with a roll of his eyes.  Once it was safely in the younger's bag, the pair ran downstairs.  Sehun thought it would be good idea to go down two at a time, however this ended badly and he ended up falling onto the hallway floor, dragging Luhan down too.
"Sorry" He mumbled, "You were the only thing for me to grab onto..."
Much to Sehun's surprise, the other smiled and patted him firmly on the back, "You just need to calm down, Sehunnie."
Once Sehun they'd reached the front door, Luhan began worrying about safety, reminding the younger boy that the streets are a dangerous place at night.
"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you home?" Luhan asked for the third time.
Sehun pulled his coat on and gave Luhan a reassuring look. "No, hyung, I'm not a baby... I'll be fine ~ And I don't know about you but I have homework to do"  Luhan didn't find this funny and massaged his temples to try and keep calm.
"Oh Sehun. You'd better make sure to do that." There was anger evident in his tone yet it didn't bother Sehun, he'd seen Luhan in a much angrier state.  Besides it didn't really matter if he did or didn't do his homework because Luhan always ended up looking over and correcting it anyway.
"Make sure you do it, Sehun!" He called as the younger strolled along the stony path of his front garden
"Yeah, yeah... You can trust me ~" Sehun waved with a cheeky grin, "See you tomorrow!"  The bushes along his fence gradually began to block the view of his best friend.
"Okay!  Don't sleep in again!" Sehun could swear he heard the smile and playful sarcasm in his voice, making him chuckle.  He dawdled until he heard his front door of Luhan's house close gently, then he picked up the pace.
It was darker outside than Sehun expected.  Most of the street lamps in this neighbour hood were either ridiculously dim or broken altogether, making the streets look scary.  The eerie setting was making him feel slightly scared so he decided to listen to some music.  He pulled out his phone from the pocket of his jeans and groaned at the state of his tangled headphones.  Whilst untangling them, he let his mind wonder, covering important issues that were begging for his attention; How told off will he get when he gets home..? Whether or not his Mum's working late today... Will Jiyoung, his younger sister, snitch on him..?  The thought of his sister smirking and laughing at his misfortune made Sehun walk even faster.
He finished with the headphones and quickly put them in his ears, letting the current playlist play.  He isn't the normal teenage boy who listens to hip hop and American stuff.  Sehun much prefers K-pop, in fact, the number of K-pop albums he owns is insane.  Luhan likes it too, but he listens to more Chinese ballad music...mainly because he's Chinese.  Sehun doesn't particularly like it though, he much prefers listening to music that he can understand.
He skipped the strange Japanese rock sound that began playing and the song changed to B.A.P's Rain Sound.  He smiled and nodded his head along to the beat, occasionally singing a few lines.
The song finally came to an end and the volume faded out so that Sehun could clearly hear his own footsteps along the cobble pavement.  Feeling a little awkward after singing out loud, he stopped his playlist as he rounded the corner.  Silence, minus his steps, fell upon the night but Sehun noticed a strange pattern in his footsteps... It was as if they were echoing for some unnecessary reason.  To prove he wasn't going mad, Sehun slowed down and realised that he wasn't walking alone.  Not knowing what to do, he froze.  Sehun's breathing became rapid as he heard the other's footsteps closing in
"You shouldn't be out alone at this time of night"
Old A/N
Hey guys... So here's my intro chapter but why do I feel it's too short? ^^;  LOL It ended on a cliffhangerrrrr!! Can you guess who it is?  Okay, so from reading this you should've come to realise that there is a very, very strong friendship between Sehun and Luhan and this plays a huge part in this fic (which is going to be pretty confusing at times) So please pay lots of attention throughout the chapters xD Although, I've only written up to chapter 4 and I only have a rough plan... *facepalm*
I'm not too sure how often I'm going to update but I plan for it to be be faster and slightly more scheduled than my Xiuhan (sorry guys... I should probably update that soon > < Don't kill me ~!) And also, I'm hoping my writing skills have improved...?
In other news... I'M GOING TO SEE TEEN TOP IN LONDOOOONNNN~~~!!! YAAAAAAAAAYYYY!! Wahhh~ I'm too excited XD  I'm going with my best friend but because we're both quite small, we might not have a good view...T-T
Thank you to those who have subscribed or show interest ^^' Please comment about what you think so far ~~ *Throws love*
And now to go and learn my damn French script *sigh*

EDIT!! THIS IS VITAL - 26/03/14

I didn't like the POV being from Sehun so I'm changing it and reuploading each chapter, alright?

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4 chapters and 60 subs O.O thank you so much


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Chapter 1: Alright then ^_^
WiXiuLoveMi #2
Chapter 4: I squealed like Sehun when Jongin was getting changed >///< hehehe
This is so adorable!! Update soon pls author nim
Chapter 4: you're doing o/ls or a/ls?
barawa #4
Chapter 4: Cant wait what luhan reaction if he saw jongin in sehun house..i bet luhan will be jealous...hahahh..update soooooon author nim
Chapter 4: ;DDDDDDDD they are so cute this is so cute and how they are so friendly to each other when they just met for ugh 2 hours or less than that
Chapter 3: Woahhhh xD sehun wanna be hyung xD
WiXiuLoveMi #7
I really like the new perspective :) Sehun's so cute
Chapter 2: T___T omg that is so cute i thought jongin was going to be such a bad boy reject sehun and sehun had to force him to come home but awww so adorable i hope jongin's gang wont found him and hurt him
Where is chapter 2???
WiXiuLoveMi #10
Chapter 5: Is something bad gonna happen?? XD Kai's once again being adorable >< Nice update though! It was really interesting for a filler AND OMG I CANT WAIT FOR HUNHANNNNN they're one of my fave OTPs of EXO >/////< Update soooonnnn plz asdfghjkl