First Encounter

No Regrets


Nara sat there with confidence waiting for her turn to be interviewed by Mr. Su himself. Days ago her friend had given her a recommendation letter and told her about the required position. Mr. Su, the CEO of the Su Enterprise was looking for a teacher for his young brother with special needs. According to her friend, the kid had a slow development comparing to the kids his age. He didn’t very much talk to anyone including his brothers. Before Annie could even suggest they take him to see a psychiatrist, her friend already confirmed that they had been doing so for years. Still, Mr. Su wanted a specialized teach to assist his brother so he wouldn’t be too far behind when school started. Now with days later, Nara sat here in the Su’s building ready to meet the big boss.

“Mother, I can’t help you.” Through the owner’s voice, Nara could tell the guy was trying to keep himself calm.

“But I am your mother.” The beautiful petite woman shouted at the young man in the ripped jeans and button down shirt. Their argument brought Nara back to the bitter memories she tried so hard to put behind her.

“Nara, you can’t do this. I am your mother.” A beautiful elegant looking woman in her forties grabbed hold of a younger version of herself. The younger one peeled the older woman’s fingures off her arm.

“And I am his mother so I have to find him.” She walked out hearing her mother’s last words slowly distant away “Then you will be disinherited. You hear me? You will have nothing.”

That was two years ago yet Nara still remembered the scene vividly how she walked away from her mother and her wealthy back ground. Her mother was wrong. She might lose her inheritance but what she gained was worth more than that like her self independence, her own life without anyone planning it for her. The only things she had been missing were a mother to love her and a son for her to love. She still hadn’t forgive her mother for taking her son away, neither did she talk to her mother since they last time they saw each other. It took her a while to save up enough money to hire a private detective to find locate her son but still, she had no luck.

“Enough the two of you, get in here.” The door was swung open. The lound crash of the door against the wall and the deep authorative voice got Nara’s attention while they set everyone else frozen in place. Nara caught a glimse at the man no doubt, Mr. Su himself. No suit jacket, just a striped grey trouser with crispy white shirt tucked in decorated with a greyish tie some shade along the trouser’s color. The young man followed his mother into the office. “Back to work.” Mr. Su ordered. Immediately, the assistants went back to their pre-interrupted tasks.

Nara tried to strain her ears but she couldn’t hear anything behind that huge polished wooden door. Moment later, the young man stepped out heading toward the group of female assistants. He flirted and winked at them as if nothing had ever happened and the problem was that these ladies flirted right back with no reservation.

As if he could feel someone was watching him the man suddently turned around catching Nara looking at him, well more like frowning at him with disapproval. He assessed her from head to toe like an appraiser evaluating the value of an object and that idea really irritated her. True that her business suit was a little old with color fading but it still looked sophisticate and elegant embracing her slender curve perfectly. He was taken back by the y boy cut for female on her as he liked his women long hair but that didn’t stop him finding her attractive. One looked at her would think of a baby playing dress up due to her young babyish looking face yet he found himself drawing to her. He put on his brightest killer smile as he walked toward her and no doubt many hearts had melt due to this cause.

He sat down in the chair on her left. “Hey there baby. Here for a job? Anything I can help you with?” He leaned a little closer where their faces were just inches apart.

The warmth of his breath gently caressed her face distracted Nara but thank goodness the smoke mixed with alcohol and leather scents attached her oversensitve nose causing her to stay alert. She gracefully moved away putting more distance between them. Of all the men she had met, he would be the most annoyingly dangerous one. “No thank you. I am sure you have enough problems of your own to be concerned with.” Nara avoided looking at him though she knew that it was rude not to look at the person to whom she spoke with.

The man just laughed out loud. Nara’s heart fluttered at the rich velvety sound of his laugh. “You are interesting.” He commented.

“But not interested.” She added.

“Oh my…what a sharp tongue you have.” But before she could retort, he sweetly asked. “What is your name?” She kept quiet hoping he would go away if she showed no interest. Unfortunately for her, the man was very persistent. “Then I will you Baby.” He looked at her closely. Her babyish face, smooth skin with the innocent eyes wide open when he named her told him that the name was the right choice. “Baby.” He whispered slowly.

His nearness along with the caressing voice made Nara feel uneasy. Her face must be tomato red right now as she could feel the rising heat on her cheek. “My name is Nara, not Baby. Please do not call much with such name as it is inappropriate. I assure you I am much older than you.” Oh she knew how her baby face was deceiving, still she was fuming because he stirred up an unknown feeling within her and she couldn’t put a name to that. With her being mad like a fire breathing dragon, the guy didn’t show any fear and kept smiling. Gosh how she hated that smile. She hated it so much because it looked so good on him. There should be a law written to ban such smile on such face, she thought.

“How old are you then? No wait don’t tell me. You can not be older than 20. Am I right? Baby?”

He brought his right hand up playing with his shadowed jaw line pretending he was in deep thought. Her eyes couldn’t help but followed every tiny area his fingers went through. She wondered what it would be like to run her fingers along his jaw line. Such a sinful thought Nara, she scolded herself. “It is rude to ask a lady her age.”

“Then how would I know who is older between the two of us. I am 27.” He said studying her.

He is older than me, she thought. It would be her 25th birthday this coming July. “And acting like a 7 years old.” She told him. That was the best her mind could come up with as she tried not to reveal anything.

By looking at her reaction, he knew for sure she is younger. “Can a 7 years old fall in love? If so, I am telling you this 7 years old is falling in love with you Baby.” 

Nara suddently jumped at his declaration. She blushed so red that she could tell she looked like a cooked lobster at the moment. “Mister…Mister…” She stuttered.

“Jimmy.” A different voice from her own. “Stay away from her. Can you for once leave my employee alone?” Mr. Su reappeared with the petite woman. The woman looked so much happier now than before. The man with the name of Jimmy looked at Mr. Su then turned his gaze back to her. For a very long time until his eyes left her.

“Jimmy, I need to talk to you.” The woman spoke up breaking the awkward quietness.

He shrugged. “There is nothing I want to say to you.” He walked toward the elevator. Before the elevator door closed,  he popped his head out and winked at Nara. “Bye bye Baby, we will meet again.”

On an impulse, Nara was about to pick up her shoes and throw at him but she was taught to control her emotion. Feeling someone was looking at her, Nara looked up finding two pairs of eyes staring at her with each had its own expression. One pair was cold and angry while the other was disgusted and jealous. Jealous? For godsake why would she want to be jealous of Nara.

“Miss Jang. Are you going to come in for the interview or just standing there looking stupid?” Alec regretted his words the moment he saw the anger in her eyes. He admitted choice of words was harsh and impolite. It wasn’t her fault that his brother was behaving ridiculously.

Nara bit back the retort. “A lady should always stay calm and act properly.” Her mother’s words she remembered. Nara stood up then followed him into his office after he dismissed the older woman.

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ahmefrance83 #1
Chapter 2: Where is the update of your lovely story Authornim?
ling15 #2
Chapter 2: hi I just read your story and I love it so much especially I' m big fan of alec su and jang nara. please continue your lovely story and update it. I gonna read it for you:)