
When it rains.



It had been a long day. Working wasn’t exactly as easy as you’d wish for it to be, but at least you had a job. After a tiring shift you just wished to get home, take a hot shower and sleep.

It had started to rain, but you didn’t bring an umbrella with you, so you ran to the bus stop, expecting to get the least soaked you could. You rode the bus and looked through the window with tired eyes. You didn’t really have a bad day but it could’ve been better. You got off the bus and walked your way home, your shoes were totally soaked by then.

As soon as you opened the door you could hear people shouting at each other, great. Trying not to make too much noise, you walked up the stairs to your room and locked yourself there. It was going to be a long night also. You put on your headphones, trying to ignore the sound coming from the first floor, but their yelling was too loud. You cried silently, you didn’t want them to hear you.

It was always the same: Your parents yelling at each other for any particular reason, just because. At first it would hurt so much and you would try to stop them, getting in between and asking them to stop, but they’d just ignore you or ask you to leave. It was useless. You felt useless. No matter what you said, they wouldn’t listen, nor would they care.

But now… now you were used to it and you wouldn’t try to stop them or make them notice how you felt. Of course it still hurt, maybe not as much as before, maybe more, you weren’t sure, but that didn’t matter anyway.

After a while you decided to call him, he said he will come, he would always do. You waited for him under your blankets still sobbing. Now you could hear nothing but the sound of raindrops hitting your window, your parents were probably asleep by now. You felt cold.

Youngjae entered your room without anyone noticing, and laid beside you, taking you in his embrace. You hugged him back and started crying again on his chest. He held you tighter, sharing with you the warmth of his body and slowly your back for you to calm down a bit.

You were so thankful for having him, he would always be there when you needed him, and he wouldn’t judge you for anything and just take you as you are. If you just needed to cry on his shoulder he would go without saying a word. He was everything you could dream of. When you were together it was as if time stopped and you were the only people on earth. You couldn’t live without him. Youngjae was special, and he’d never let you down.

After much sobbing, he wiped the tears from your eyes and kissed your forehead. He then cupped your face and placed his lips on yours, kissing you gently but passionately at the same time, only pulling away to catch his breath and lean in to kiss you again. The feeling of his soft lips brushing against yours was the only thing that could let you hope for a better tomorrow, by his side.

-I love you- He whispered to your ear.

You gave him a shy smile in response. He stared at you for a moment, slowly tracing lines along the side of your face, smiling while doing it.

-And you’re beautiful.

You smiled again and snuggled into his chest, nuzzling his neck, inhaling his aroma. You placed a kiss under his exposed collarbone.



-I… I-I love you too… - you mumbled quietly.

His lips curved into a smile and he hugged you tightly, pressing you closer to him. You could feel his heart beating inside his chest.

-Goodnight, honey – he whispered, resting his cheek on top of your head.

You closed your eyes and fell asleep instantly.


When you woke up, he was gone. You smiled a bit, remembering how caring he was last night, but it didn’t last much when you realized that he actually wasn’t gone, but he was never there. You crumbled and hugged you pillow again, trying to bring him back to your mind. You could feel your insides tearing apart. A single tear escaped your eye.

All the nights you spent together didn’t mean a thing. He was never with you and he would never be, because all this time he wasn’t real.


A/N: I hope you liked this, it's the first story I post so I hope is good enough.

If you read please leave a comment, even if you like it or not and let me know why so I can improve.

I apologize for any grammar mistakes, typos and misspelling, if any, let me know about that too!

And thank you so much for reading!

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Chapter 1: gdi. i was so happy.
then i was so. not happy.
but you're writing skills are really great. keep writing (:
Chapter 1: My heart.....
anyahe #3
Chapter 1: ;____; nice!
Ah, I know what this feels like. It's beautiful, please keep on writing, you're really good at it c:
Chapter 1: aweh T_T
the ending was a bit of a surprise,
but well written :') <3
Magical_Girl #6
Chapter 1: OMG It is SO SWEEEEEETT! <3
Chapter 1: Wahh ;~; didnt expect that
Chapter 1: *cries* I never imagine Youngjae would be that way....