Things Change

Nine Muses - Dolls


The door burst open and Yong Guk stepped in.

"Great. Time to buy a new lock." You muttered under your breath.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"I told you, she was sleeping the entire time!" Daehyun protested.

"I'm not stupid Daehyun."

"I went with him."

"Damn it Seon Hwa! Why would you go to a frat party?!"

"I've never been to one and I've always wanted to. Is that so bad?" Yong Guk sighed as he shut his eyes.

"Both of you are grounded." 

"WHAT?! Hyung!" Daehyun whined.

"Good night." He pushed Daehyun out and shut the door.

"Guess I'll crack the barbeque out tomorrow." You snickered.


When you woke up, it was nearly 11AM. As expected, no one but Daehyun was around. You left your room in your pajamas and went to Daehyun's room.

"The hyungs are working all day, the other three went out." Daehyun answered from inside his room. 

"Sweet. Do you want to go out?"

"I do."

"Go. If Landlord gets home early, I'll stall for you." The door creaked open and his head popped out.

"Will you actually?" He asked.

"Yeah. I was planning on bringing Niel over. I want to barbeque."

"Have fun. I'll catch up with Youngjae." You snickered as you went back into your room and changed into comfortable clothes. After pulling your hair into a high bun, you put your skull ear wrap on and your owl necklace. Then, you dragged the grill out of the garage and pulled it into the backyard. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and dialed Niel's number.

"It's me." You immediately said, not waiting for Niel to answer first.

"Hey! What's up?"

"I'm grounded meaning I can't leave the house. Come over and let's barbeque."

"REALLY?! C.A.P hyung! Lunch at Seon Hwa's!"

"You sure?" C.A.P asked.

"Yessir. Just bring extra meat."

"It'll be a reunion barbeque!" Niel happily exclaimed.

"Not exactly... Whatever. Hurry your asses here. Get Joe to pick the maknaes up."

"Its funny because we were going to kidnap you." L.Joe spoke loud.

"Excuse me?"

"We're on the way to take you out, but I guess the plan changed." Niel laughed.

"Oh geez."


Soon, the six of you were laughing as you and C.A.P grilled the food.

"NOONA!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" You heard a voice.

"Brace yourselves." You warned the boys.

"Noo- Woah, who are these guys?" Zelo asked as he skidded to a stop.

"Zelo, these are my old es. Say hi."

"Er... Hello." Zelo bowed. 

"C.A.P, L.Joe, Ricky, Changjo and Niel."

"NIEL?! ." Zelo ran back into the house. You laughed as you shook your head.

"How badly do you talk about me?" Niel asked.

"Not bad. They just know how much I don't want you to meet them. JUNHONG-AH COME OUT!" He hesitantly opened the door and stepped back out.

"But I thought-"

"It's been two years. I think it's about time." You smiled.

"Did something happen last night? You seem a little more mellow after that party." L.Joe widened his eyes and looked at you.

"No. An old friend just kept preventing things from happening."

"Whatever. Jongup and I are going back to the mall. Are you sure Yong Guk hyung's okay with this?"

"He'll survive. I didn't leave the house did I?"

"That's true. Where's Daehyun hyung?"


"Supposedly upstairs or are you covering for him?"


"If he gets caught, he's dead."

"I know. Now leave before Jongup gets mad."

"Get mad about what?" Jongup asked as he stepped out from the side of the house.

"Jongup, you're here too. Guys, this is Jongup." The five guys introduced themselves.

"Nice to meet you all. Please take care of her while we're gone." 

"Don't worry, we will." C.A.P smiled.

"Go have fun guys." You waved. The two nodded and left.

"They seem like good kids." Changjo said.

"Believe it or not, the taller one's younger than all of you." You told them as you plated the food.


"He's a '96. But that doesn't matter. Dig in!" The boys cheered before grabbing their door. Your phone went off so you answered.

"Hello?" You called.

"Told you I'd find out, didn't I?" Geun Hyeong's smooth voice filled your ears.

"Hey! I thought you were kidding!"

"I don't joke around about that. So, what are you doing right now?"

"Having a small barbeque with my friends. You?"


"What sport?"

"We just finished baseball. We're setting up for basketball now."

"Wow Mr. Sportsman. Talk about being busy."

"Not always. Are you free after your classes on Monday?"

"I'm grounded."

"Landlord find out?"

"Sadly. I don't think I should even be talking to your right now."

"Then farewell. Until we meet again my beautiful."

"See ya." You laughed as you hung up. You sat down in between C.A.P and Niel and grabbed your own food.

"Who was that?" Niel asked.

"Oh, a friend." After eating, everyone went inside and the maknaes offered to wash.

"Yo Seon Hwa." You looked up from the magazine you were reading and saw L.Joe.


"Can I talk to you outside?"

"Uh.. Sure." The two of you left to the backyard.

"Zelo said you were at a party last night, right?"

"Yes, I was. Why?" You were starting to get nervous.

"Did you... happen to see me?" 

"I can't lie, you were in my face." You snickered.

"What were you doing at a Kappa Delta Phi party?"

"Could be asking you the same thing. I know Geun Hyeong. If you didn't notice."

"When did you two meet?" He asked as the two of you sat at the table.

"A long time ago actually. I bumped into him when I went to Hongik to find a friend. And what about you? What were you doing at a KDP party?"

"I'm a part of KDP, do you expect a brother to not attend a party?"


"I attend Hongik now. You didn't happen to see... Chunji last night, did you?"

", did you not see him dancing with me? sakes Byunghun, get glasses."

"He didn't recognize you."

"He didn't? Thank God."

"I guess you were a little too y last night." He winked.

"You're not getting into my pants L.Joe."

"Damn." You rolled your eyes as you both went back inside.


Short type up for now. Might update again later on if I have time! :)

Hope you enjoyed it~! ^^

Please comment? Please? :3

03/17/13 - 6:05PM

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Just noticed how much I'm away from the main plot. . Okay, I'll end this 'arc' soon x) [geez my anime self got dragged in]


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Chapter 38: Hehehe the ending i love it ❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 38: Awww I love the ending.
Chapter 38: Omg! They got back to together. Ahhh so cute. I loved the story
Chapter 38: Yaay ! Good good storyy :) I support these two coupless >:)
Chapter 37: AIGOOOOO I really am not sure I support her with Chunji >__<
Chapter 36: Omo !! Yessssss! Chunjii!!!! Sorry yongguk :( omg , whats the gift ...? I hope it isnt a turning point where she actually ends with yongguk .....:((
Chapter 35: AIGOOOOO =____=
Chapter 35: I really want her to end up with chunji .. :( no offence to yonguk. Chunji and her belong toogether! They HAVE to end up being together , anyways ! I really looooooooveeeeeee this story ! Update soon ! <3 chunji , fighting!! Win her bacck!!
Chapter 34: WAHHH DAEBAK :D
Chapter 33: O_______O OMO OMO OMO :O :O :O