I Won't Let You Have Her

Fight For Love

*Your p.o.v*


"Get out ."
I stare at the guy standing infront of me in disbelieve . I hid my hand behind me as i clentch it into a tight first , holding my anger .
"Excuse me ?"
"You heard me . Get out of here ."
I let out a huge amount of breath as i take a step towards him . 
"Whats wrong with you ?"
"I had enough of you .. N-now get out."
"This is my apartment . Appa bought this for me . "
"No , Appa bought this for us . As a husband , this apartment goes under my name ."
"... Fine ."
I stomp to my room as i pack all my stuff . 
I knew arranged marriages isn't gonna last . I mumble curse to both of my parents as i zip up the luggage , pull the handle out and drag it with me . I walk pass him as i throw the house key on the table . 
"Have a great life , Kim Jonghyun."
With that , i slam the door close and walk towards the parking lot . The tears that i've been holding onto falls down like a waterfall . 
'And i thought we had something ..'
*His pov*
"I'm sorry .. "
I whisper softly as she left . I walk to the side table as i grab the photo frame thats been standing there . I smile looking at the picture of us . My arms around her as i place my lips on her cheeks .
I wish i could tell her everything , but it'll be better if she don't know . I walk to the room we used to share . I look around , reminiscing the moments when we first moved in , jumping and throwing ourselves on the bed .
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of phone ringing . I look at the caller id .
'Its time .'
I grab the phone and put it against my ear .
"Yongguk ."
"Jr . Lets end this ."
"Where ?"
"Usual place . Midnight ."
With that , the other line hangs up . I grab the phone as i contact the others .
"Yeoboseoyo ? Jr hyung ?"
"Lets finish them once and for all ."
"Where ?"
"Usual place ."
"Arraso .."
"Yes . Tell the others to get ready ."
"Oh we are so ready ."
"See you man ."
".. Cha ka man !"
"Bwoh ?"
"What about _____ noona ?"
"Shes gonna be alright . They won't find her ."
Not listening to another word , i hang up and walk towards the door . I grab the leather jacket hanging behind the door , put it on before walking out of the apartment . 
This might be it . This might be the last time i'll be here . This might be the last time .. I'll see her . I walk towards my motorbike , put my helmet on and ride off .
Its now or never .
*Your pov*
I knock on my bestfriend's , SungHee , apartment and wait for the door to open . When the door open , i throw myself at her .
"Omo _____ ..What happen ?"
"... H-he kicked me out ."
"Impossible . He isn't that type of person ."
"... It doesn't matter anymore . Are you gonna let me in or what ?"
"Oh yeah , come in ."
As i was about to step in , my phone vibrated , signalling a text message .
'Zelo ?' 
Weird , eventhough we're cousins , we rarely contact each other . Why now ? Curious , i read the text message as my eyes widen in shock . 
"SungHee . I have to go . Take care of my stuff !"
With that , i run to my car and drive off . I mentally curse myself for leaving him . 
'I knew something was different .'
I grab my phone , laying on the passenger seat as i call my cousin , that sent me the text earlier .
"Noona !"
"Yah Zelo-ah ! Why didn't you tell me earlier ?!"
"Mianhe noona , Yongguk hyung didn't tell me anything , I heard it from Himchan hyung .."
"Aish . Nevermind . What time are they meeting up ?"
"In 5 minutes time .."
"BWOH ?!"
With that , i throw the phone on the passenger seat as i speed up . Negative thoughts running through my mind . 
As i reach the place , i heard the sound of punching and groaning . 
I curse as i run to the sound . My eyes widen at scene being played infront of me . Jr , Kim Jonghyun , being surrounded by a group of guys and other guys , bleeding and laying on the floor .
"Stop !"
I shouted , anger filled inside of me . I run towards them as i glare the 5 guys . My eyes widen as i recognize one of them .
"Y-yongguk ?"
My ex boyfriend whom i regret dating so much . 
"________ . Its been a long time babe ."
My gaze shift to the guy lying on the floor , bleeding . I push through them as i kneel down to him .
"Oppa ... Why are you doing this ? I thought you're better .."
"I-i'm sorry ... I can't let him .. H-have you ."
Before i can reply , the guys pulled me up , away from him . I try to struggle out of their grip but to no avail . One can't win to five . 
"_______ !"
"Oppa ! Help !"
I watch as he tried to stand up but fell back down when Yongguk kick him in the stomach , hard . And thats when i exploded , i push the guys away with all the streghth thats left in me as i run to Yongguk and kick him at his weakness part (ify'knowhatimean) . He groan in pain and eventually falls down . 
"B*tch !"
He shouted and slap me in the face , hard making me fall down to the ground .
"You f**king b*tch . You don't deserve to live !"
Just as he was about to kick me , the sound of siren makes him stop . I look to the side as my lips curves upwards into a smirk . 
"Don't move , its the police ."
The five guys desperately run away as the police chases them . I slowly crawl to him as i lay him down on my lap . I wipe away his bloody face and comb his hair to the back . He shut his eyes tight and clentch onto his stomach.
My eyes starts to become teary to see him in this condition . But then , my eyes widen at the sight of a few guys limping towards us .
"J-jebal .."
I whisper as i hug him tightly , attempting to protect him . But then a hand grab my shoulders making me lift up my face and look at the guys . I recognize earlier , laying on the floor , injured when Jr was being surrounded .
"We're Nu'est . We're his brothers ."
A blonde one speaks up . I furrow my eyes in confusion when i realise Jr doesn't have any siblings .
"Not in that way , we've been friends ever since young . We're very close , like brothers ."
"Oh .."
But then , another figure catch my attention and soon , my mouth curve upwards into a smile . With all my strength left , i stand up as i limp towards him and throw myself around him .
"Zelo-yah ..."
"Noona , gwenchana ?"
"Neh .. Gomawo Zelo-ah .."
"Ani , mianhe noona . I didn't know they were this bad , and i thought they were my true brothers ."
"At least you did the right thing right ?"
".. Neh ."
I shift my gaze to Jonghyun as he slowly limps toward me . Alert , i run to his side as i wrap an arm around his back while he wrap his around my shoulder for support .
"Oppa .. Gwenchana ?"
"Neh .. Mianhe ______-ah ."
"Ani , i should be the one apologizing . I didn't know Yongguk ... Would do such thing . I'm sorry . "
"Its not your fault _____-ah . I love you , and i would do anything to protect you ."
I lift my head up to him as a tear fell off my eyes . He wipe it off with his thumb and cup my cheeks using his free hand . He leans in and plants a kiss onto my forehead .
"I love you too oppa ."
Wassup guys ? How was it ? Sorry for the grammatical errors . I was in a rush . B.A.P & Nu'est ; My two favourite Rookie group . Hehe ~ Thanks for reading and hope you'll spare some time to subscribe or comment neh ? Khamsamida ^_^
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Woo ~ My two fav idol group having a gang fight ! Can't wait babe ~