Chapter One- Students Enter

Dream High continues

The TV was on the news channel

"Director, Director! There's rumors that Kirin arts school is in a huge debt during the fact no one is showing up for this year's semester, is this true?" A annoying news caster asked at point blank.

"There isn't anything wrong with the student's going to other branches to get an education venues." Director Han stated, not adding more to the subject.

"Well you hear it hear fans of K-pop the one school for music is shutting down. This is my story and this is me signing out."

She took the mic down and the cameraman made a statement.

"Kim Hye-bin dont you think you were a little harsh?" Cameraman Eddie asked.

"Don't you find it odd that nobody cares about this once great school, there's got to be something going on. I will get to the bottom of it." With that the reporter spun on her heel and left.

At that same time Kim Hyun Joong sat there in silence, remembering his director and in honor of him, he got maybe the most ingenius plan to revive the striving school. In instant he called up every singer actor he could manage to get ahold of. Kim Hyuna is making many things happening for her carreer so who better than to get her to help? He called her and in a moment hesitation, she agreed to help the school out. She said she'll talk to her manager and sing a opening number the the schools introduction dance as long as he helped her with something. Kim Hyun Joong agreed, and went to the Kirin high school as fast as airplabne would take him.

"Jung Guk? Honey, get ready to go to school, you dont want to miss the first day." Baek Jung Guk mother Baek Hye So, wasnt that old he realized as she looked stunning not in i love my mom like that way but she has barely any wreckles at her age, and could pass as a 30 year old.

Jung Guk rolled out of bed and struggled to do his morning routine, since he sprained his wrist and ankle doing stunts in a street rumble.

His abs were still there, but they looked sort of bloated maybe he shouldn't have showed off, after getting beat up their were brushes all up and down his chest. Luckily his face was not hit on, so his mother didnt even know he got beat up for a once again amazing performance on the streets. But this was the first time the dancers got outragged and took their beating and share of the money out on him. Pretty much he was cornered and beat up by the wrong crowd. He would have fought back but what good would it do? He wasn't hurt that bad, heck he only got punched and kicked a number of times but they got bored after a while. They thought anybody that didn't fight back knew they did wrong, and were scared, but they couldn't be more wrong. Now he has money that he saved up to go to the school he always wanted. And his dream to see Kim Hyuna is closer than he thinks. He left for school as soon as he got up, grab a bite to eat, than ran to his bike and rode off to school. As he was pumping down the street, unaware that someone noticed his face as he rode down the street.

A block away lived quiet girl Lee Min lived close to Jung Guk, but she noticed him ride by maybe a few times before, but one day as he stopped during the winter and pulled a scarf around his face and blew out cold crisp air, she thought it was a act of god to see a guy so handsome. He happened to stop right across her bedroom window. He had to the most handsome man she has ever laid eyes on, his hazel eyes covered by his long hair flipping to the side. The smile he had on his face, bright white teeth, she wished she knew what he was thinking. And as time went by she has noticed he didn't live very far... one day she was taking a stroll and happen upon his house only to see him get off his bike. She didnt mean to find him, but she kind of hoped she would see him again. And from afar, her feelings blossomed but she was too shy to say anything to him. Lee Min have seen him at the bus stop from countless times, but she stayed back a watched. Today, she thought it would change and fate will change and of course he'd be there again, this time she'd give him her love letter. As she got there, she noticed he was dancing, not to music and not to anything really but to a rhythm all on his own. It was masterfully skilled and when he noticed her he smiled. She strolled over slowly. Only to have another girl walk up to him and ruffle up his hair.

Maybe he wasn't smiling at me and maybe it was meant for her.

"Oppa Jung Guk, why you here so early?" Old friend Lin Sora pinched his cheeks.

"Um, hey I'm Baek Jung Guk." He smiled and reached his hand to what looked like a small petite girl who happened to be staring at the ground. Not realizing his hand.

Lin Sora slapped his shoulder, "Why are you talking to her?"

"Why not?" Jung Guk asked.

"Don't you know i heard she did witchcraft and vudoo crap." Lin Sora said rolling her eyes.

"So? You can't believe everything you hear." Jung Guk said.

He noticed the little girl turn away and walked off.

"Hey, I didn't get your name." Jung Guk ran by her side.

She didn't say anything as she walked up the street. He ran up to catch up to her again and stopped her in her tracks.

"Wh---why? are you being nice to me?" Lee Min asked startled.

"Weren't you going to the bus stop to ride the bus?" he answered her.

She smiled and turned away again.

He grabbed her by the shoulder.

"You dont want to miss the first day of school." Jung Guk said friendly.

"Nobody would miss me..." Lee Min said quietly.

"I don't know where your confidence is, but since you have the uniform of Kirin High, you must be a special person." Jung Guk replied.

"Ho--how did you know?" Lee Min asked not noticing him wearing a school uniform or anything related to Kirin.

"I start there as of today my uniform's there at the school." Jung Guk smiled again, giving Lee Min butterflies.

So they walked quietly back to the bus stop. Her following behind him. He had broad shoulder but still slightly thin. He has a face of a angel. The smile of one as well. Heck he's a match made in heaven, but he's just another boy who doesn't notice her. The real her.

By the time the bus got there, he was sitting in the back and this girl named Mi-sun who she knew from childhood, but she moved away also she has got to be the best girl dancer she has ever seen. Mi-sun is taller than most girls, she's even taller than Jung Guk not by too much maybe a inch or two.

Ah, so he likes tall girls. He wouldn't like me than.

The bus stopped as some kid was running to catch up to it banging on the side of it. He looked around and smiled directly at Lee Min, than sat down next to her.

"Hi, I'm Lee Sueng Hwan," he smiled than asked, "Where are you heading?"

Lee Min said Kirin art school and he was in awe.

"Me too, i'm going to be freshman today at the best school ever." Sueng Hwan said excitedly. His hands were long, his face gaunt, he had to be about six even and his dark brown eyes were big, he had a handsome face but it didn't matter to her. She only wanted to give her love letter to Jung Guk.

Behind her Mi-sun was looking at the new student with her own awe. She wanted to know him better.

And that's when those four made it to Kirin High together.

By the school's gate were two other new students. two males. Heo Jin Mung, and Park Mi-ahn. they all talked together to get to know eachother their strengths there weaknesses and from that day the bound together to go to any lengths and obstacles that'll get in their way of their possibilities at Dream High.


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seulgikim #1
Chapter 1: If its that bad let me know