
Love outside the window


Summer was sweeping away. The hot, blistering, colourful, lazy, hazy summertime was over. Fall was at the door, knocking violently. Rain was pouring down on Paris streets, down into the sewers. Shoes becoming drowned in the massive puddles, no one was spared. Not even Hyukjae, a young college student. Jumping and sprinting in different directions trying to avoid getting drenched was his daily routine every morning and evening. The ireful wind ripped and pulled in the poor boy’s clothes. It was tossing him around like a little toy. Not a single soul was in eyesight. It was only the college student who outbraved the horrifying weather that had been drenching the town for the past two weeks. But the sun was soon back bringing love with its beam of light.
   Hair wet, drenched clothes were Hyukjae when he arrived to his little home. His clothes were stripped of quickly, a task of avoiding spilling water on the floor. A trail of water drops led to the tiny bathroom into the bathtub. Thick steam fogged the window and mirror as the hot water warmed his freezing body. Washing away all the dirt and stress that he had build up under the day he stood under the water for an hour. With new energy he got dressed into his favourite study clothes, a pair of white sweatpants with yellow smileys on them and a big white jumper saying New York City boy. Even though he wasn’t from New York, he still loved the city. Hyukjae was originally from Seoul in South Korea, living poorly with his family never disturbed him but the desire to be free from all bonds he ran to New York when he was 16 years old. Finding out later on that being free was not as great as he first thought he returned back to Seoul a year later. After a while the desire kicked in again and with his parent’s permission this time he moved to Paris to study. 2 years had passed in the city of love, but no love had come to him. It was like to catch smoke with his bare hands. Hyukjae wanted love, but he was afraid, terrified actually. Afraid to becoming too attached and create bonds with his love. Attachment in his eyes was a weakness.
   Days went by like the wind. The dark clouds swept away and the sun was once again on the sky. Paris streets were filled with people again, enjoying the heat before it was gone. Surveying the street below his window Hyukjae drank his morning tea. It was Saturday, with laugh and sun. Under his dreamy eyes a lonely man caught his interests. It was his aura that compelled him. It was something different. Something the other humans on the street hadn’t. The man was leaning against the wall under the shadow of the compartment building smoking a cigarette, watching just like Hyukjae the buzzing horde of humans. The man’s dark clothes and brown jacket melted in to the background, and his movements was minimal like he wanted to be unseen. But his strong, compelling aura still made people interested. From his window Hyukjae could clearly see the disgusting stare the man gave to the people walking by. Feeling himself drown in the mans mysterious aura he turned around, hoping the strange cold feeling that was creeping up his spine to disappear. Emptying his mind he went strait to his study desk, opening the textbook on page 109 and began the long reading. Seconds became minutes, minutes became hours. For Hyukjae it had felt like the sun had dashed over the sky leaving Paris in darkness.
   Sunday swept away like sand and Monday was at the door, knocking violently with it’s shining sun. Hyukjae was running around his apartment looking for his backpack. The clock was ticking away with every step he took. Cursing’s and frustrated yells was heard from the little apartment but was replaced with a victory glee. He dashed outside, down the many stairs until he was standing under the warming sun taking in the heat. His body became warm and cosy. But something was suddenly off; the warm feeling was gone. Not the sun, it was still shining on him with its thousand beams, it was something else. Searching for the source of the creeping danger up his spine he turned around, only the see the man from Saturday morning staring at him with his dark, mysterious eyes. Unable to look away Hyukjae felt him self drown in those dangerous eyes. He felt like a pray. A little mouse trapped in a corner by the big, murderous cat with no escape. Hyukjae’s body felt numb, his nerves were tense. Time ticked away in those deep depths. A sudden bump into his shoulder knocked him back to reality. His survival instincts told him to run, and he did. Days past like that, every time Hyukjae would look outside his window the stranger’s dark eyes would meet his. A new routine was build. Hyukjae would keep his gaze low every time he stepped or walked inside the old apartment building. The window was covered with a white curtain. Even now and then his eyes would travel to it, hoping to see threw it. His fingers were itching everyday. He wanted to rip the window open and yell to the stranger to go, to stop popping up in his mind when he was studying. But that never happen, instead he was silent and hopped that one-day it would all stop.
   2 weeks had gone since Hyukjae first saw him and he was now sitting inside the classroom waiting for his teacher to come when he felt the familiar danger creeping up his spine. In fear he looked around, just his classmates were around. The feeling grew stronger. By instinct Hyukjae looked outside. In the shadow by the wall surrounding the university stood a figure, a very familiar figure. It was the man again. Not knowing if it was his imagination or reality Hyukjae slapped himself across the face earning a few stares form the other students. The feeling was still there, refusing to leave. Hyukjae closed his eyes and counted to five, forgetting about the danger and the stranger, in those few seconds he felt himself calm down. The feeling of danger was gone when he opened his eyes. Looking outside the window again down to the wall he hoped that it was just an imagination. The figure was gone to his relief. His mind had just played a trick on him he thought.
   It didn’t stop there. When he went shopping for food he saw him again, standing across the street smoking his cigarette. No wave, no small nod with his head, just deep black eyes. The man was everywhere. Outside every window, smoking a cigarette. Hyukjae was frightened at first, but after a while he got used to it. It was inside his daily routine. But then came the day that it was broken. It was raining heavily, pouring down. Just like before no one was outside, just Hyukjae. He was running home from college again. The man was not outside his window that morning, maybe it was because of the rain, Hyukjae didn’t know. Over deep puddles and never ending rain he finally arrived soaking wet to his street. About to cross the street he felt himself being tossed to the building wall the strange man used to be leaning on. Looking up at his abuser he felt the air slip threw him. It was the stranger. Their eyes locked, no words where said. Hyukjae’s heart pumped rapidly over the clear danger in the man’s eyes. They screamed danger but he couldn’t bring himself to run, even though his instincts told him so. He wanted to be near him, to touch him. His hands craved for hi skin. Without thinking Hyukjae wrapped his arms around the man’s neck crashing their lips together. Soon they where lying on Hyukjae’s bed, body’s tangled together as the stranger ravished his skin with a sinful mouth.
   “What’s your name?” Hyukjae asked him.
   “Kyuhyun.” He answered simply continuing his way down Hyukjae’s happy trail. Reaching his destination he took him fully allowing a moan of pleasure escape Hyukjae’s mouth. Sweat pearls ran across their synchronized moving bodies. Every powerful Kyuhyun did send waves of pleasure threw both of them. When they reached their Kyuhyun whispered in his ear.
   “I’m a slave for you.” Not understanding the full meaning of those words Hyukjae felt himself falling asleep in those possessing arms. His normal life was over; a more dangerous one was ahead. 
The ending i know... totally weird, don't even understand it myself. the only reason i wrote "i'm a slave for you" is because i was listning to sorry sorry answer.... comment maybe? ^^ 
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Chapter 1: interesting the way you describe things and situations :)
Chapter 1: waaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaa this is great story....sorry sorry answer as hyukjae solo totally suit with this huhu...long time no see u write kyuhyuk story..thank kyu for making this ^^