jaejoong ?

In search of the real me



I looked back at the man who's holding my shoulder and he was a tall handsome Young man ...he had short black hair and brown eyes …his skin was honey colored and his body was toned ..did I mention tall ?..

I looked at the hand on my shoulder and he lowered it allowing me to turn my body so I can face him …I cleared my throat and looked at him with a raised eyebrow …

He smiled and said :

"jaejoong hyung I knew it was you~"

"jaejoong ? im sorry I think you have the wrong person ..my name is not jaejoong "

The young man looked at me like I was crazy and said :

"hyung stop playing "

I said :

"you know me ?"

"ofcourse I know you …what do you mean if I know you …hyung its me Changmin "

Changmin ? jaejoong ? …could that be my real name ?..

"look Changmin umm ..i lost my memory so I don’t remember anything …I was told my name is hero "

"you WHAT ?"

I looked around noticing the looks we were getting so I said :

" mind if we talk in a café or something ? ..you kind of look like a screamer and I don’t want to be embarrassed in the middle of the street "

Changmin blushed and said :

"yeah sure …my apartment is just down the road ..if you don’t mind going to my apartment that is "

"why would I mind …lead the way"

Changmin smirked and said :

"you never change naïve hyung"

I frowned but didn’t comment …he smiled a cute smile and started walking ahead of me like he knew I would be right behind him …which I was …



Changmin didn’t say a word the whole way to his apartment and when we got there he only said 'enter' after opening the door wide open infront of me …it kind of sounded like a challenge to me though I didn’t know what the challenge was exactly since I already followed him this far its not like im going to run away or just stand by the door of his apartment ..

The moment I stepped in the apartment I was attacked by the bright red color of the walls around me so I looked back at Changmin who was taking off his shoes after he closed the door …he looked up and said :

" I just moved here its not like I had time to repaint or something …just ..just get in "

"just moved ?"

"jaejoong hyung take off your shoes and get in im not talking to you in the entrance of my apartment "

I decided not to argue and so I took off my shoes and followed him inside of the apartment to the living room which was well ..bright orange ..ok who ever painted this apartment must have been blind ..seriously ..

Changmin sat on the grass green sofa and signaled for me to sit on the pink armchair facing him ..this apartment is really weird

I sat down and kept my eyes on my feet ..changmin coughed softly and said :

"jaejoong hyung look at me "

"wait a minute I need to prepare my self ..i am afraid im going color blind here "

A soft warm chuckle and then my chin was lifted slowly to meet warm brown eyes ..

"just look at me then "

He slowly pulled back to sit back on the green sofa after making sure that my eyes were on him …

"so ?"

Changmin crossed his legs and said :

"so …I am shim Changmin ..i am 24 years old and im your lover "

I almost chocked on my spit …woah woah …wait …

" MY WHAT ?"

"see im not the only screamer here "

"Changmin ..look ..this is not funny "

"who said I was joking ?"

"I already have a boyfriend !!"

"who said anything about a boyfriend ?"

I pointed at him wildly flinging my arms around and said :

"you did !!"

"I said I am your lover hyung big difference "

"what kind of difference is that ?"

"I am assuming you are talking about park Yoochun right ?"

I nodded fast and he continued :

"well park Yoochun is your coworker and boyfriend I on the other hand am your lover and friend "

My head was spinning and the colors infront of me were mixing …sweat was dripping from my chin and my chest was tightening ..what …

A hand on my shoulder and a voice in my ear ..

"calm down hyung..this is a minor panic attack ..just breath with me ..in ..out …in …out .."

I tried to do as he said and it worked ..kind of ..i was still chocking abit when I said :

"who …what the hell was I ?"

Changmin sat back on the sofa and sighed then said :

"who the hell knows ~you just go by different names and different people with pet names you choose for them to cover the fact that you are one hell of a …well not since you do the ing …player ?"

My eyes shot up to meet changmin's and I said disbelievingly :

"I ..i you ??"

"hahhahah why so surprised ?"

I blushed and looked down playing with my fingers then said in a small voice :

"just ..well ..you .."

Changmin laughed a rich laugh and said :

"I know but you are so good at what you do plus the first thing you told me when you picked me up from that club was that you don’t bottom to anyone and that you don’t do anyone who is not totally a "

"when ..when did I pick you up ?"

Changmin rested his head on his palm and said :

"when you started working as an fbi agent "

"so …five years ago ?"

"yes "

"and …and we were together all that time ? and why do you know my name while my own boyfriend doesn’t ?"

"we were together on and off …you knew where I lived and you would just drop by whenever you were and didn’t want to scare off your target who later became your boyfriend ..btw I heard you were ing his brother too ..nice ~"

"heard ? so I didn’t meet you after I and Yoochun became boyfriends ?"

"oh no don’t get me wrong ..we were still together but our time was limited and so we didn’t really talk just ed and you mostly left right after …sometimes not even bothering with a shower which made me abit worried that your boyfriend might smell me on you but you didn’t seem to care that much and so I didn’t too .."

Flash back:

' I knew you were cheating on me long time ago but ..but I didn’t know it was with my brother …I felt it ..your smell ..your eyes ..everything told me there was someone else ..i just didn’t expect …I didn’t ..'

End of flash back

So there was another than his brother and he ..he knew it too …damn it im such a …aughhhhh

Changmin got up and said :

"as for your name ..i saw your ID one day while you were showering …though it might not be your real name and judging by your character most likely its not your real name "

While I was in a daze Changmin said :

"follow me "

And I did …he was leading me to another room and I really didn’t feel like questioning it ..all that I had in my mind was hate and disgust of my own self …

Bed room …omg it was all white ..not one color in the room …just pure white …

I looked at Changmin and he actually blushed then said while rubbing the back of his head sheepishly:

"well though I didn’t have time to repaint the whole apartment I thought you wont care about anything but the bedroom and so I painted it white ..like how you saw me remember ? "

After taking a look at my puzzled face he laughed and said :

"when you picked me up that night I asked you why me and you said you saw me as a white untainted paper and so ..i thought ….aughh never mind "

I couldn’t help but laugh at his cute blushing face ...though my laugh was cut by a pair of thin lips pressed against mine ..i tried to push him off me but he held my hands behind me in one hand while the other angled my face up to meet him in a more comfortable angle ..he slowly started on my closed lips and then he bit my lower lip harshly making me yelp and allowing him access to my mouth ..i was really mad at him …I don’t want …Yoochun …he doesn’t deserve this …

Changmin's thumb was making lazy circles on my jaw while his tongue was tasting me hungrily…my body was reacting ..my damn body was reacting to his kissing and I hated my self even more ..the anger in me was stronger than the arousal though and suddenly I felt my leg move on its own hitting him right between his legs ..

Changmin fell back to the bed bringing me down with him ..i wiggled and pushed my self up on my knees and hands to face him and said angrily:


Changmin's eyes were teary and he was biting on his bottom lip hard most likely from the pain I inflicted on him but I was not even regretting what I did instead I fixed him with an angry look and yelled :


Few tears escaped his eyes and he released his lip to say in a low voice :

"I missed you "

He looked so young then …so helpless and young and I hated him for making me feel sorry for him …I took a deep breath and said :

"I am lost Changmin and I really-"

"I know ..i know but I .."

I kissed his cheek and suddenly bright red angry eyes flashed in my mind ….i gasped and whimpered feeling my heart shivering at the sight of those eyes …

Changmin hugged me tight and whispered :

"him again ?"

Him ? …    





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Chapter 9: Yunnie! When you gonna appear!?
Chapter 9: wowwwwww update , update (jumping up and down ) ,,,sooo happy ... oh what a title for the book , i think that suit their memory together , kinda think yun was a ice king also , and those words . did jae remember them ? or feel them at that moment ... waaah i really want to know their past ......... by the way i really want this be a yunjae ending ,,,plz plz pretty plz (^_^)
ichigomax #3
Chapter 9: is it yunho the ice king? is there relation between the last failed mission with yunho?
ozwalkr #4
Chapter 9: So Yunnie is the ice king....This is getting GOOD!
Chapter 8: I really liked it a lot
Dying to know what they're going to find
phinea2009 #6
Chapter 8: Just started reading this story. The story's intriguing. I wonder who the real Jae is.
Omooo... Why is the old Jaejoonggie such a jerk? But I thinks it's cool how he felt sorry... Anyways, a red eye Yunnie would be creepy...XD anyways, exciting to know what happens next~ thxs Authornim;3
KimBooJae #8
Chapter 8: I'm so curious I want to know jae past >.<
And I like how the 3 is teaming up And dealing with jae problem :3
All of them are in love with jaejoong :$
Update soon author-shii ~ <3
Chapter 8: agree with comment below
" it was so amazing that%how 3 of them well dealing with jae "
n wait for the yun part here~
get exciting every chap
Chapter 8: hura , hura (jumping from happiness) ,,,new chapi , iam delighted .... i kinda figure out it's vampire things? so it's like that ??? it was so amazing that how 3 of them well dealing with jae and dont want to leave his side , but the winner card is in hands of owner of those red eyes ....waiting to know more things :) and hope to see more about yunnie