Chapter 6.

L's Strawberry Kisses

Chapter 6.



After I decided not to chase after Chorong, the two of these boys still proceeded to take their seats with their spirit gone down. I took a deep breath and sit on the opposite of them. They were not looking at each other, even their body are tilt in the opposite direction. I close my eyes tightly and look at the both of them.

"Now, who is going to start talking? Huh? Woohyun-shi? Lu Han-ghun? You two are man, you know that. So, act like a man. Start talking." I said and then lean my back to the sofa. Woohyun rolled his eyes and look at me and Lu Han, alternately. 

"I was wrong. I know that I am hurting her, but I had no choice." Woohyun explain and awhhh, I was touched, but not Lu Han. He gave him a cold stare.

"You're sorry? After you steal my ID and played a girl's heart like that, you're saying that you're all sorry? How about Chorong? You ain't sorry for her?" Lu Han shouted at Woohyun and bites his lips. The situation here is not so complicated. Gladly, Woohyun is not the stubborn type, or not, this will be chaos.

"I . . . actually knew Chorong since young." Woohyun explained and both of our eyes gone wide. I blinked my eyes and sit straight.

"You what? Know her?" I asked and he looked at me while rubbing his hands.

"I knew you too." He said and I swallowed my saliva. Is he some kind of a stalker or something cause that was freaking me out. So, he knew about me and Chorong, but how? Did he just . . .

"I was a senior back in Busan High School." He continued and HOWDY~ That's where I and the trio go to high school together. "A senior? So, you're saying that you've liked Chorong since then?" I asked and he lowers down his head. Oho~ I must have been right. Woohyun blinked his eyes and swallowed his salive, then look at me.

"Yes." He said and HOLY~ It's love at first sight. O_O I was speechless - no feeling, no emotion, just me going all goosebumps - as if I have seen a ghost or something.

"So, you're saying that you knew that the four of us are entering here and stalk on us even after you got admitted before us? You're a scholarship student, right?" I asked again and yes, he nodded his head. I took a real deep breath and exhale longer. This is crazy.

"So, that time I asked you about your DP in your phone, it was her? Park Chorong?" Lu Han asked and Woohyun lowers down his head. e_e Even DP in his phone. OMFG~ Now that's what I call desperate of love. Woohyun stole glance at me and then nodded his head slowly.

"Uhmph." He said. I was  . . . . . . . 

"I always liked her. I knew all of you since I am your senior. But, I was not a pretty boy before. So, Chorong didn't even bother to look at me. I tried to talk to her, but I was too scared. Too scared that I will only waste her time and embarrass her. When she got rejected by guys, I wanted to help her, cheer her up. But, I just can't do it. I was a coward. I had no confidence. And then, she had gotten prettier and worst. She became a boy hooker. How dare of her to be like that when I was trying to protect her all this time. One day, I saw her about to kiss a man, so I grab her hand before they could kiss. I looked really horrible that time. Not as I am now. So, she didn't recognize me back then. But you know what happened? She send me a note and told me to stop stalking on her. She said she would swear not to see me again and get lost from her sight. Completely with her signature. Her real signature. So, what should I do? I took another alternative and came here. Study crazily and change my image. I was satisfied. I am sorry what I told you back then that I wanted to stalk you. I didn't meant in actually. I just hated you for asking me such questions. And hyung, I am so sorry. I didn't think that it would hurt you this way. I was planning to tell you, but I became too greedy. I am really sorry." Woohyun said and completely explained everything. 

"So, that was it? So, it was you after all? Chorong had told me about you but I didn't dare to give some comment. She told me that she was being stalked by a nerd but he just let you be. So, it was you. GREAT!" I said and rolled my eyes while pressing through my eyebrows with my hand to restrain the headache. Lu Han lowered down his head and patted Woohyun's back.

"But wait! A note? You said it's from her?" I asked again and Woohyun nodded his head.

"I never heard her telling me that she wrote a note. I clearly heard her saying that he left it be and she was glad that the stalker was gone. Now, how bout that? I think there's a third party here. That person may be among you and us. But who? Who has the potential to know about this other than me, Chorong and you?" I said and it got us three thinking. The conversations ended here. No resolution, no answer, no solution - just a plain confessions. 


So, it was late afternoon that I was still in my mini office at the secret hideout. The sun was about to set while I was playing with my pen, thinking on what to do with this trio. I played with my phone, check whether to call or not. Whom you may ask? He's my senior. He's a great psychologist - very wise in solving relationships. I tap my phone and close it again. e_e I took a deep breath and look closely at my phone.

"Call or not! Argh! I give it a CALL!" I mumbled to myself and started to tap the phone with one finger and was about to call him. It's not that I don't want to call him, he is annoying sometimes. Seriously. Really annoying with his lame faces - not really lame but ____ ahhh~ whatever it is, he is the annoying man ever. I click my phone under the table, and the phone was on the floor, and what's left to is click the green icon to call. I hesitated to click. e_e For this thing, I always got stressed up cause I swear to him before that I would never call him again, over my dead body when I had an met him back in March last year for my visit in a medical therapy hospital back in Canada. Let me tell you the story.


One day, I was sent to Canada for a week to visit this place that was doubted as the best therapy hospital in Canada. So, I decided to check it out and I was alone that time. Was send alone~ O_O Of course I wasn't afraid. I like it that way. You know I've always enjoy being alone since I am single. So, here it is.  I went in the medical office and was really ultra impressed with the environment that my jaw was dropping. It was really white and clean. So, since I wasn't looking around, I got hit by a doctor who was in his glasses on and was looking through his pile of papers. Thus, his papers was flying all over the floor. Oh snap!

"Omo. Sorry. I wasn't looking!" I said and kneel down to pick out his file, and falling papers, randomly and so does he. I was talking in pure English this time, but it was kind of a habit for me to say 'omo' not changing it to English. O_O Do I have to? He adjusted his glasses and I wasn't looking at him, but continued gathering his papers with my hands on my lap. I was wearing a casual clothes, completely with with blue skinny jeans, a khaki trech coat and was wearing a high ballet heels. Like 6 inches, so I had to balance myself. After I had picked up everything, I arranged all the papers and stand up, followed by him. 

"Chaaa, here. Sorry for the trouble." I said and didn't change the 'chaaa' again. It means 'here' in Korea. He took it but I didn't even glance at his face at once. Of course, I wouldn't want to to do that to a stranger. It will be awkward that way. He was still busy flipping the papers that he picked up while I was waiting for him to take the paper. So, I was iritated that I decided to look him in the face. OHMYGOD! His side portray looked so amazing. His jawline was so sharp. I blinked my eyes to him and he realized that. Then my cheeks went pink that he looked at me straight in the eye.

"Sorry." I said in English and then look away. He gave me smile and took the papers. He saw my tag and I adjusted my hair. Well, I was being beauty conscious. kekeke. He checked through the papers and look at it.

"Korean right? Thanks for the great manner." He said it not in English, not in Tagalog, not in Spanish, or French or Chinese but in KOREAN LANGUAGE! O_O ^O^ . .  . . I covered my mouth and my eyes gone wide. 

"Are you Korean?" I asked in Korean and he snap his papers then gave me a sideway smile. He adjusted his glasses and gave me those papers.

"Here. Your work." He said and WHATTHEFUDGE, he's making me do things. I blinked my eyes and slowly opens my eyes. 

"You're on training, right?" He said and I nodded my head slowly. He smiled and then gave the paper again.

"So, here's your first task." He said and what what whaaaat? This all messy papers is my task? It's all in black and white, not even a single words can be clearly read. Full or graphs it is. I peek at it and look at him.

"You wanted me to take this and . . . " I said and hesitated to take the papers and he nodded his head. I took the papers after gaining trust and look through the paper quickly. It was about 20 pieces of papers, with graphs and little vague explanations. Like an equation or something. WHATTHEHELL! I am not a mathematics major or even economic. I couldn't reject it because he is a senior, superior than me, and since I am on training, I shall not reject such a task although it's cleaning the tiolet only. I am a slave, for now.

"EXCUSE ME! This is not what I am good at. I think you got the wrong person. I am major in socio-psychology, not economic or whatever it is!" I shouted at him and he putted both of his hand in his white lab coat, then turn his back at me. 

"Do what you are meant to do." He said and leave. Without even allowing me to reply back to what he just said.

"See ya in my office. It's the 'PLOGY - W' labelled mini office. Solve it there while I am away!" He shouted at his back and officially leaves. WHAT kind of man he is! How in the hell will I understand this graph thingy. this , but I had to do it anyway. So, I stomped my way to the psychologist section office and looked around while covering my mouth with the papers.

"Where is it?" I mumbled repeatedly and saw a room labelled as 'Plogy - W' and enters it. It was really a mini office. A very cozy feeling and small but I bet it was his personal consultation office. His private one. So, I took a seat that was prepared for a guest and started to look through the papers. I flipped every each paper and saw nothing related to the psychology or even sociology. WHATTHEHELL! I hate this. It's my first day and a stranger doctor just ask me to do something that is not even in my field of expertise.  So, it was the time where I had a mental breakdown. I walk around with the papers and scratch my head. 

Just about five minutes later, he came sneak in and I looked at him. He put his hand in his pocket and came closer to me while flipping through the papers that I half left on his table. He looked through it and sigh. I was curious.

"Why? I am still thinking on what to do with it. What exactly did you want me to do?!" I asked him and he raised his right eyebrow while crossing his arm.

"Get this done or not you will stay all nighter." He said while tapping the papers and leave once his name was called out from outside. He didn't gave me the answer. This is so akjhjakhfjkahdfjkadhfjkdahjfkahdgjkhak How could he . . . to me . . . this crap . . . e_e I swear that this is the most weirdest task that I ever had in my training life period and I got some graph sheets from a young-looking dude psychologist.

So I was frustrated. He didn't came in since then. It was late evening that I was feeling all hungry. I ate all the snacks that I had in my bags and still unable to find the answer. So, I fell asleep on the table and didn't realise that he came in when it was the sky was about to go dark. I was tired and he just sat on his seat and looked at me. He shakes his head and I got woken up. I saw him and he gave me a poker face. I got up and adjusted my hair and everything. Including wiping my lips to check if there's a saliva or not. I cleared my throat and he crosses his arms.

"You failed to do such a simple task." He said and smirk. I rolled my eyes and lowers down my head - not willing to look at him.

"That's because I have no idea what are you asking me to do." I said in a soft voice and he tilt his head.

"Are you stupid?" He said and gave him a cold stare.

"What do you mean am I stupid? Aren't you the one to be blame?" I said and pouted, then looked away. He gave me a looking face.

"Tsk. You're the one who can't do a simple task, woman!" He said while pointing at the papers. I shrug my shoulders and tilt my head.

"What do I do with this crappy sheets of papers that contain graphs and statistics or whatever it is and it is vague. I don't see anything that is related to psychology or sociology! It's vague! It's a vague sheets of papers!" I said and threw the paper on the table, slightly. He rubs through his chins and sway his chair. 

"Crap you say. ." He said and then sits straight. I gave him a cold stare. He took the sheets of paper below my hand and arranged it properly. He showed the paper and pointed at somewhere below the paper. It states the number '13' and it was in the middle. It was the page number. I was confused and looked lost. He tap at the number and then sit back to his chair smile giving me the 'I am smart' look. 

"So what? It's the page number and so you . . . . . " I paused and realise something. I flipped through the pages and guess what? The page was rearranged. It was messy. So, after all this time, I get it. I finally get it. You know what? He asked me to do such a simple task it is, and it is to arrange the papers so that it will be in order and in sequence with the page number. HAH! FANTASTIC! -______-  I rolled my eyes and press through my head. I got a real headache. So this is it. I was indeed a stupid girl. He saw my reaction and giggles.

"So, you're asking me to re-organise the page only?" I said without looking at him. I had gone mad. He's gotten my nerves. I stand straight at gave him a cold stare.

"YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME EARLIER, DAMN IT!" I shouted at him and covered my mouth, in surprised that I was shouting at a man that is superior that me. I looked away and sat at the edge of the chair while hitting my mouth. OMG! My mouth is really . . . but I heard him giggles while covering his mouth. So, I looked at him with a curious stare.

"What so funny? The fact that I look stupid or is there something wrong with my look?" I asked him a he shakes his head.

"Just you. Your reaction to this simplest thing in the world task is really amusing me." He said and ohhhhhhhh baby~ He's having fun with my feelings. O_O What kind of psychologist he is! So mean. So, I gave him the angry stare and he stopped laughing.

"I am going to arrange this and leave after this. I hope that you'll get lost of my sight after this!" I said to him straight and oh~ sorry. That's just me - being all straight forward. So, I flipped through the pages and arrange him, while he was looking at me. He was observing on how efficiently I work. After like 3 minutes, the papers is all in order and I arranged the paper properly on his table and stand up. I took my bag and looked at him.

"All set, leaving the room, Sir." I said and was about to leave.

"WAIT!" He said while giving a stop gestures. I close the door and stand near the table.

"What again?" I asked. He then pointed something beside and on the floor. So I check on it and saw a rubbish bin that was filled by the snacks wrappers that I ate earlier.

"Clean it." He said and WHATTHEFUDGE AHJUSSHI! Gladly that you're handsome, so I tried to hold on to my anger. I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Okay, okay. I'll clean them up." I said and dug to get the bin and threw out the rubbish at the main dumping bin just outside, at the end of the hallway and went to the toilet to wash my hand before I could return. I put the bin at its original place and patting my hand.

"All done." I said and looked at him. He was busy analysing some papers with his glasses on. He stopped at what he was doing at looked at me.

"All set?" He said and then, gave me a paper. I took it and take a look at it.

"What?" I asked him. He then gave out a rubber.

"Erase the words written in pencil for me." He said and HOWDY! O_O What the hell does he want from me? He is demanding things from a junior and I sat on the chair while shrugging my shoulder. I couldn't complain. I erased it, slowly. My energy was low since my tummy is empty. Just when a few seconds passed, it was a moment of silence. After I am done, I gave it to him.

"Here. Done. Anymore?" I asked and he took the paper. He nodded his head and finally, freedom. I smiled and was about to stand.

"Wait!" He said again while grabbing my hands. I shrunk my face and it was the time where the awkward vibe was on.

"Are you . . . .hung. . ." He paused to his words as soon as my tummy was growling as big as it could be. "-gry . . ?" He continued and chuckles. Although I still don't know his name (and disliked him), at least he asked me that question. Of course I am hungry, he made me hungry. And. . . I was curious.

"Who are you really? Am I here for you? Are you Mr. _______ " I asked and . . . .

Can you guess who he is? :) 


Chapter 6 END

Author's review:

Hello people! A slow update is here. So sorry. Pretty hectic for now until November. Sorry that I will be updating so slow and it may be 2 weeks or more for one chapter. e_e Sorry, very BIG exam coming soon and my teachers are killing me with homework pilling up and test, test and test. Overall, HWAITING! -__-

<(= _ =)>


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tile_kosena #1
Chapter 9: Please update soon :)
you have such good writing skills ! i really like your storie update soon ^^ !
Chapter 3: Haha~ they're so cute! :D
Can't wait for her to be close with myungsoo.
Chapter 2: Myungsoo is here!!!!
Keke~ <3
Aigoo.. I can't wait to read more. ^^ kyaa :)
Chapter 1: Omo~
Please update soon!!!
I wonder who's that guy with lollipop~
Keke ^^
-neverwinter #6
Chapter 1: wow. I fell in love with this story after reading the first paragraph , like seriously XD I'm not even joking. I love the way you write it.