Chapter 1

When We Laughed Together...


The sun was shining in a usual sunny afternoon in Melbourne. The streets were noisy, and the distant sounds of babies crying and children playing filled my ears. The wind blew in my face and through my hair as I rode my bike to the market. People glared at me and whispered among themselves. I acted as if I didn’t care, and put a pretty smile to my bruised face as I waved in the most sarcastic manner ever.
Judgmental es. 
I can't blame them. if I hadn't gotten such a bad image in the first place, then I could've been on my merry little way. if i hadn't met the Grim, then i would'nt be feared or hated so much.
But that was along time ago, and I've gotten a big wake up call. It took me alot of guts to leave them, and I have the scars to prove it.
Maybe mother was going to scold me for the fight I got into yesterday. That fight ruined my week. If only that dumb girl didn’t follow that player, then she wouldn’t have gotten into much trouble. And maybe I wouldn’t have wasted my time trying to save her . I promised myself i wouldn't fight again, but Joori is the closest to family i have. I'm seriously starting to reconsider though
A million scenarios played in my head of what was going to happen at home, none of them which I wanted to even participate in. The pain from the bruises and cuts didn't hurt as much, but my pride was damaged. Luckily, those scars were healing quickly. I shrugged it off as usual. 
As I rode my bike back home, the sky became cloudy and it started raining.
Just great, I thought, Now something super bad is going to happen when I get home.
I got to the driveway and threw my battered bike on the lawn. Soaked and cold, I quickly looked through my bag for the keys, but just as I was going to pull them out, the door opened.
"Jaehwa, you are soaking wet! And what happened to your face? Why did you go outside without reading the weather reports?"
"Ugh…Sorry Umma. But I just wanted to get some fresh air. This place gets too stuffed,"
"Sorry is all I ever get from you these days. Do you have no care for your health at all? Aish.."
Not really.
"Yeah….I mean, I do.. but-“ I replied.
"You need to get married by now, so you don't go outside and getting sick or causing trouble. Oh, wait…Did you think I forgot about you beating that girl? I don't want you hanging around those gangsters anymore! They are pulling you back from your duties and your future!”
What future, I thought. I surely wasn’t going anywhere in life and I knew it. I had to drop out of high school to make a living and help my parents. I scoffed. Did she really think I could be saved right now?
“Ugh...Your memory is fried. I left them a long time ago. You still want to accuse me of being with them? I told you that I’ve changed since...You know what?… Fine. Think whatever you want. I don’t even care anymore. Tell the world you have a failure as a daughter. Tell them whatever lies people already made about me. Go AHEAD. I'm tired of you anyways.”
I quickly ran upstairs, not even taking a seconds worth of my time to see her reaction.
If only we didn't move, then I couldv'e been living great.
I slowly made my way upstairs to my room, and dropped my wet bag on the floor. My dog Lala ran up to me.
"At least I have you, princess." i said to the joyful dog.
I didn’t even bother changing my soaked through clothing, as I fell on top of my bed. Clearly I was going to get the flu, but I didn’t care as long as that was going to get me out of whatever punishments I was going to get tomorrow.
Like I didn’t get them all already…
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