Chapter 7

Let Me Love You (Hiatus)



"Hey..." The blonde said shyly as she stands in front of the shocked brunette. She nervously rub the back of her neck, trying to ease away some of the awkwardness in the air.



She was fumbling inside the hotel room just a minute ago, wondering what she would do when Tiffany gets here. Of course, her mind went on blank mode after hearing the doorbell. It was still a miracle for her to come this far. Texting Tiffany and asked her to meet up after reading the information Yuri had gave her.



Jessica shuffled her feet nervously as she heard no respond from the girl in front of her. Tiffany was still having that gasped expression on her face, and her jaw seems like is going to fall off anytime soon. The blonde laughed mentally, the sight in front of her was quiet cute.



“Hey… how long are you going to stand out here like this?”



That voice had brought Tiffany’s mind back to reality. Shock is an understatement on describing what she feels right now. She was expecting some kind of sadist waiting for her behind the wooden door, but no, it turns out that the person was not even a man. Not in a million year would Tiffany expect Jessica to be standing in front of her again, after that conversation. She would’ve walk away if she was seeing the blonde on the street or something, but in a situation like this, there is no way out.



Receiving no response from the girl again, Jessica sighed. The brunette was still in the shocked stage, and it seems like she is not going to recover anytime soon.



Jessica quietly reached out for the brunette’s wrist, and tugged her inside the room.



Once again, Tiffany was too shock to react. So all she did was let the blonde take over. Her feet were moving on their own, following the blonde’s footstep.



Jessica closed the door behind them as she led the brunette into the living room. This is one of the few VIP rooms in the hotel. It consisted of an enormous living room, a master bedroom, and two grand bathrooms. It was not hard for Jessica to reserve a room in here, since the Seoul Hotel was also one of the branches under her management.



Tiffany was just following Jessica absentmindedly. Part of her was still shock from Jessica’s appearance. Another part of her was mesmerized by the interior design of the room. Never in her life have she see something this fancy. The business was usually done in cheap motels or a 2 star hotel at the most. And this is definitely something new for her.



“Sit here and wait, I am going to grab something for us to drink.” Said Jessica as she seat Tiffany down on the leather sofa in the living room.



Now her brain start to function again as Tiffany’s gaze travel with the blonde’s back. Jessica was walking toward the mini bar that is located at the corner of the living room. Okay, why was she here again…? Right, for a client. But what is Jessica doing here? Was she the one that text her? But how? Why…?



Tiffany was lost in her thoughts. She didn’t notice that the blonde had already got the drinks and is now standing in front of her.



“Hey, are you okay?” Jessica asked worriedly, thinking that this is probably too much for the brunette to take in.



“Why…” Was the word that escaped Tiffany’s mouth. Ignoring the blonde’s question, she went straight to the point. Just why is she here?



Jessica was a bit taken back at the girl’s cold replied. She thought the girl would be happy to see her, right?



Jessica sighed as she placed the bottle of water on the nearby table.



“I want to see you.” There comes the blunt reply from Jessica. She was somewhat disappointed that the brunette was displeased at her appearance.



“Is that all?”



‘Is that all..?’ Is that all Jessica want? Going through everything, looking for the brunette, just so she can see her. And now she finally sees her, what now?



No, this is not all. Not only did Jessica want to see her, she also wanted to offer the girl help. But from the past two encounters with Tiffany, Jessica learned that the woman likes to be independent. Judging from the last conversation they shared, Tiffany is someone that would never ask people for help, or accept help, even if the situation is an emergency. Now that is going to be tough for Jessica to break the brunette’s barriers.



“No…” Jessica barely whispered.



“So, what do you want?” Tiffany was getting impatient. This is not how she wanted things to go. The last time she swore that if she ever sees the blonde again, she will avoid her in every possible way. Out of every situation, Jessica just has to be her client.



“No…” there comes the soft whisper again.



“Jessica,” the brunette grumbled. “What are you doing? Why are you doing this? Didn’t I make it clear the last time that there is no way I will stay with you? If there is nothing else left for me to do, then I believe this is it.”



With the last word being said, Tiffany quietly stood from her seat. Not sparing a glance at the blonde next to her, she began making her way toward the front door.



But her attempt of leaving failed. By the time she was on her 4th step, her body was being pulled back by a pair of hands circling around her waist.  



Her body stiffens at the sudden contact. She could feel the person breathing against her neck. It shouldn’t be this way. The distance between them was too close. She struggled. Trying to get herself out from the hold of the blonde, but it was no use. Despite having identical body size, Jessica was way stronger than her.



“Is that how you treat your other clients? Leave them without giving them what they want?” The blonde asked slowly.



She can feel the movement of the blonde’s mouth against her right ear. Sensing the meaning behind those words, Tiffany can’t help but tremble inside the blonde’s embrace.






She is in the room again. Except the difference between this time and the last time was that the place she is sitting now changed. Instead of sitting on the sofa in the living room, she is now inside the master bedroom, sitting on the king sized bed.



Jessica excuse herself to the bathroom a moment ago. She was left alone in the bedroom. Unlike the previous sessions with her other clients, she felt comfortable. Even though she knew what this will lead to when Jessica get back. But somehow, a part of her was excited and is anticipating on their upcoming session.



Upon hearing sounds from the bathroom door, Tiffany nervously fumbled with the buttons on her white blouse. If they are going to do it, she might as well make it easier for Jessica by taking her clothes off first, right?



She was almost done with ing her top when Jessica walks in.



“H-Hey… w-what are y-you d-doing?” the blonde stuttered. Jessica was surprise to see Tiffany almost topless, sitting on the bed. It would be a lie if she said she didn’t enjoy the view. But this is not how she wants their meeting to go.



“What do you mean what I am doing? I am a e, you’re my client. Is obvious that we’re going to do that right?”



Now Tiffany is confused. Wasn’t a moment ago that the blonde had asked her to stay and give her what she wants? Isn’t this what she wants? As a client, this is what everyone wants.



On the other hand, Jessica did not like how Tiffany kept addressing herself as a e. She does not like how Tiffany always reminds herself and the people around her that she is a . The way Tiffany said it, made it sound like that is all her life will ever be – living as a e.



Jessica stays mum. Honestly, she doesn’t know how to answer the brunette’s question. It seems like Tiffany has went through so much and all the clients she have encountered just want her for , just and nothing else. The thought sadden Jessica. Just why is this happening to Tiffany? The girl seems to deserve better than this, way better.



The blonde slowly walked toward the brunette, and stop in front of her before kneeling down in one leg. She brought her hands up to the girl’s white blouse, and began to button up all the undone buttons again.



She spoke softly, “I just want you to accompany me. Please don’t think it of the wrong way. You’re too precious to be treated this way. I don’t want you to give yourself to people so easily.” I will take you when you’re ready, and when you’re in love with me.






Tiffany’s POV



Of course, why would I think that we’re going to do it?



Is obvious that she just wants me as a friend; what was I thinking?



She is rich, pretty, and successful. And I am just nobody. A who sleeps for money with random men to get through the day. Why was I getting my hopes up? Thinking that she wouldn’t mind…



Of course she would. For a pair of hand like hers shouldn’t be touching something like me. It will just stain her. My body is too dirty, too dirty for her touch, too dirty for her care, too dirty for her affection…






Annyeon readers~ :3 Is been a while right~? > > 

Just got my AP exam done today... Two more weeks until finals... haha, and I am still procrastinating.. /facepalm/ x_x

But it doesn't hurt to update on the story right...? *puppy face* -I seriously don't want to study yet-

-Sigh- My college final is tmro ): Wish me luck again? ^^

Here goes another short update... I promise I will make it up once school is over D: *pinky promise*

Hope you guys like this chapter~ Thank you all for reading & commenting & subscribing!

Thanks to those who wish me luck on my exams :D I finished one today... ugh -_- it was a nightmare... 

Oh well~ next update will be soon? I hope ^^ 




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Chapter 8: I hope u will continue this ones someday... Its to good to be a hiatus story...
I want to know the next chapters even the ending of this story...
Chapter 1: Ahhh a sad story from tiff🥺
otnine0922 #3
Chapter 8: Update plsssss T-T
missyJung #4
Chapter 8: happy new year..and here i revisit this again<3
Chapter 7: plss author update huhu
otnine0922 #6
Chapter 8: I hope you'll finish this story author ssi
Chapter 8: I really love this story... I just wish one day u'll finish it :))
foreversphere19 #8
Chapter 8: Wow its a really really good story
I hope you can comeback soon and continue this story
Anon6324 #9
Update soon author! It's such an amazing story, it's a pity to leave it hanging like this :(
hwang_fiqah #10
Chapter 8: Yo! I think I'm gonna cry cuz I want to know what's going to happen..hahaha..update soon!