Chen and Chanyeol

Two different worlds

    Chen hid his head behind his hands and groaned with frustration. Stupid girls were all over him, constantly asking him a million questions about Sehun and that one kid, Chen himself, and Xiumin. It wouldn't have pissed him off so much, the questions about Xiumin, if they hadn't been asked so cruely and made Chen feel so confused.

'Are you and Xiumin dating?'

Aiiiiiiish! That stupid question was stuck in his head all day. Suho was over there worrying to Kris about Sehun and where he was, and Chen was simply fussing over a stupid question asked by a stupid girl. The grass next to him was given no mercy as Chanyeol's heavy body plopped right down and his wiggled into the grass to get comfortable.

'Poor grass,'  Chen thought mournfully sighed shaking his head. 'It'll never grow back again.'  Chanyeol's creepy smile occupied Chen's thoughts. Well, it was sort of hard not to pay attention to Chanyeol. He was all up in Chen's face, invading his personal space. Chen squinted at Chanyeol.

"Why are you in my personal bubble? I need to breath, you know?" Chen huffed and shook his head, staring at one shard of grass in front of him. It was bright and green, such a pretty contrast to a red fallen leaf that layed beside it.

"Why're you so down, my friend?" Chanyeol asked instead. Chen glanced at his taller companion before looking back at the leaf and grass. Although his friend was smiling brightly, Chen could detect the worry in his eyes. Chen deeply inhaled and silently exhaled. He patted Chanyeol's back.

"Well, big guy, I'm just confused  is all." There was no point in lying to the happy virus. He would just get hurt if he found out the truth, and the ray of sunshine was a pretty good listener, and, every once in a blue moon, advice giver.

"About what? School work? Xiumin? College? Family? Pets? Although I've never seen you with any pets. You seem like a turtle person. They're quiet and anti-social like you. Or maybe a puppy cause you need some love-" Chanyeol would've continued to rant on and on about random things if Chen's hand hadn't covered his mouth.

"Why am I talking to you again?" Chen questioned out loud. Chanyeol smiled. "Do you never stop smiling?" Chen muttered sourly. Chanyeol just laughed, used to Chen's crazy mood swings.

"You're talking to me cause I'm your best friend. Your BIFFLULZ."

"No. Kris is your best friend." Chanyeol rose his eyebrows and then wiggled them like a worm.

"Jealous, ChenChenie? Kris is my best friend. But I could have more than one best friend!" This being said Chanyeol hugged Chen, practically  ceasing all air flow in poor Chen's small body. After Chen struggled to release himself, Chanyeol felt generous and decided to free him. While Chen was gasping for air, Chanyeol turned serious. "But honestly, Jongdae, what's bugging you?"

Chen regained his composure and sighed. He had been doing that all day. "This one girl asked me if Xiumin and I were dating."

Chanyeol lifted one eyebrow, looking smartsy. "And?"

"I wasn't sure how to respond. We've gone on a couple of dates but I'm not even sure if Xiumin counts them as dates. He's so innocent, Chan. I mean, does he even feel the same? If he did, would he even find my love for him worth it?" 'From all of the rumors...' Chen ended with a thought.

Chanyeol nodded and took out a pair of glasses that Chen didn't even know he had. Eyeing him curiously, Chen listened carefully. He watched as Chanyeol harshly plucked out the blade of grass  he was looking at earlier and winced as he took the leaf as well.

"Well, look at these. What do you see?"

"A leaf and grass shard?" Chen asked dumbly, not quite sure where this was going. Chanyeol was, with no doubt, going crazy now.

"No.  Pretend these were people. The leaf isn't like the grass. People stop by to admire the leaf, say it's pretty, grow it just to look at it. But what about the grass? No one stops to look at it. Everyone laughs at it. Steps on it. Pulls it. Find it less valuable than the leaf."

Chen nodded, curious now to see where the virus was going.

"Now. The leaf and blade were friends. The leaf cared deeply for the blade. The blade cared deeply for the leaf. People may have laughed at the love, questioned the leaf's love, say that the love from the grass wasn't worth it but guess what?  It was worth it for the leaf and it was worth it for the grass. They continued to love each other, even from different worlds." Chanyeol sighed and pushed up his glasses s Chen chewed on  his lip.

"What I'm trying to say is that the leaf and grass' love for each other was valuable enough to make the other happy. Love is universal," Chanyeol put both the leaf and grass in one hand softly making a giant contrast from his earlier behaviour, "If a leaf and grass could find love, then so can you and Xiumin. If a leaf and a piece of grass can withstand the nasty comments, so can you and Xiumin." Chanyeol concluded with a nod to himself, putting the leaf and grass blade back.

Chen blinked. "Wow, Channy. That was deep..and you're right. But what's up with the glasses?"

Chanyeol smiled and clapped his hands. "Oh these? I just wanted to feel smart!" He grinned and there was a slight noise of shuffling.

"Yeah, feel. You'll never be." Kris pointed out with a smirk, making Suho laugh. Chen forgot  they were there. He smiled for the first time that entire day at the small joke that made Chanyeol pout.

"You wound me so, Kris. I'm deeply hurt."

"Good!" Kai snapped from his sprawled out position on the grass. "This is the last period we can cut today and I'm trying to freaking rest before I see Kyungsoo!!! So do me the damn favor and have a sentimental moment later."

Chanyeol snickered. "Kai is so snippy when he  doesn't have his beauty sleep."

Suho laughed. "Nah. He's just upset cause he didn't sleep last night and he wants to look his best for D.O to make up for hislunch mistake."

"And to make the kid fall for him." Kris added in thoughtfully.

"My baby is all grown up!" Chen proudly exclaimed making the other three laugh. They were all silenced, however, when Kai got up and began to chase them around, waving a stick in one hand and his shoe in the other. Series of threats and naughty words exited the young boys mouth.

"Such a potty mouth, Jongin!" Chanyeol yelled, only to get whacked with a stick. Soon the four were all fighting. Chen and Kris against Kai, Suho switching with whichever side was winning, and Chanyeol just confused and hitting everyone and being a complete spazz.

4 updates in one week. They're all short, but hey! I'm on a roll.

Uber excited, birthday's on tuesday!

PLease please please Comment!


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Chapter 30: Yay thanks for the update!! (/•w•)/
JiminJeon #2
Chapter 30: Uuuuuuupdate >_<
yini_666 #3
Chapter 30: Omg nuu! ;-; It's been so long! I need updates :(
Chapter 30: AWWWW
Update soon, yeah? :D
Chapter 28: Update soon author-nim!
PrettyPotato1223 #6
Chapter 30: Waiting for your update~ :)
Chapter 30: Please update!!! This story is really good!!!
Chapter 30: Please update soon~
kimchiitazztic #9
Chapter 30: oh love this story so much!! I cannot wait to read more! I hope you make update soon!
Chapter 30: There have so much story about the wedding different story about it so it could be fake or true