When She Laughed

Bus Ride Destiny

Hima had had a very long weekend with her friends and today was their last day before heading home. A bus ride would get them to the shopping center they wanted to go to so she had some time to kill as they rode. Pulling out her phone Hima decided to get on her twitter, she was missing her T.L. but primarily her friend Deni, whom she was used to chatting with every night for hours. She just couldn't not check to see what Deni had tweeted today - she was always funny and modest and made Hima laugh. She scrolled through her list, finally coming upon some tweets by Deni.

@JaeJoongluvr looking like BAP may win for EYK KMM - too bad Martina won't be there to go on a turtleneck rampage

Hima giggled as she read, both she and Deni loved Eat Your Kimchi and had wanted BAP to win so Martina would discuss the turtleneck wearing that was in their new video. Hima smiled as she replied back.

@TOPsMYMan It's one of those things I can't decide if it is a good thing or a bad thing..

There lets she what she has to say to that....

@JaeJoongluvr what the turtleneck?

Hima read this and couldn't help but laughing, out loud, in the middle of the bus ride, snorting loudly as the other riders looked at her annoyed at her loud laughing.

@TOPsMYMan Lol!! Laughed so loudly that i had to apologise after..You should stop making me do these things! 


JaeJoong was so glad to have a break for just this day. He desperately need to relax and shop and just breathe. He'd been busy promoting his new album, celebrating his birthday, and had had a very busy schedule. This little get away was perfect for the break. He needed to get some new things for his apartment, so shopping seemed about the right thing to do. He hopped on the bus, wearing a baseball cap, sunglasses and a sweater with a hood, to hide himself some. Sitting towards the back he pulled out his phone and got busy reading some updates in the news. He hadn't had downtime like this in a while and was really enjoying it. As he read, he heard the snickers of a woman a few seats ahead of him. He looked up, smiling, as she laughed and giggled while looking at her phone. Sounds like she's talking to someone awfully special. He thought to himself as he watched her furiously typing on her phone. He was drawn in not only by her laughs, but also her natural beauty and black finger nail polish. He put his phone down and just watched her as she continued on with her conversation, smiling every time she'd giggle or type quickly. It was her loud laugh and snort that made him know he had to meet her. She is beautiful, boy do I want to talk to her, I must know her she's too beautiful not to know. He wasn't sure what was so funny, but he had to know, plus, it would be the perfect way to talk to her. The snort and laugh and apology that followed were enough to make his heart race....he just had to meet her.


@JaeJoongluvr LOL What did I do??

Hima continued to laugh as she replied back to her friend. She had no clue that behind her she was being eyed by her bias and she had no clue that he was plotting how to meet her, smiling at her as he watched her from his seat. @TOPsMYMan you made me snort like a pig in a public bus.!

@JaeJoongluvr *can't breathe* omg....I'm laughing so hard im crying...lol.....

The bus stopped and Hima stood up ready to leave. Behind her, JaeJoong stood up, eyeing her every move. He had to figure out how to get her attention but wasn't sure how to go about it. As they all got off the bus Hima decided to tweet Deni one more time before her shopping spree. She was looking down at her phone, walking with her friends, and typing. JaeJoong walked behind her realizing this was his opportunity. Perfect, she's not even paying attention, I know exactly what to do. JaeJoong ran ahead of the group of friends and got right in the path of the beauty he wanted to talk to. He figured if he stood there and she continued to concentrate on her phone, then surely she'd run into him. 

@TOPsMYMan Lol! and gna be offline now...We're here!" Hima typed not realizing that in front of her stood JaeJoong. She walked forward looking down, running into him as he had planned. Looking up, she began to apologize, "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." She said smiling at him, not realize that it was the bias she'd always wanted to meet.

"Oh, its ok!" Jaejoong said taking off his hat and sunglasses. He revealed his face to Hima, who was now standing there with open realizing who was standing in front of her. "I wanted you to run into me. I had to know what was so funny back there on the bus? I couldn't help but watch you, your giggling, and those fingers typing so fast. So, what was so darn funny?" He said smiling widely. Annnnnnnd the conversation can officially start, I'm brilliant sometimes! Go Jae Go! 

"Oh, uh," Hima started out, trying to figure out what to say without sounding dumb. "I was tweeting my friend. She just said something that was really hilarious."

"I see." He said. Ask her to coffee idiot, make her expand on this story then you will have your in! "Well, why don't you allow me to buy you some coffee and you can tell me what caused you to snort so loudly."

Hima smiled, "I didn't.....I didn't mean to snort...I...wait, you asked me to coffee??? Well I don't drink it, but you could buy me some tea." She said smiling. JaeJoong offered his arm to her as they began to walk down the street towards the little coffee shop.

Note to self, tweet Deni thank you...if it weren't for her amazing tweet I would have never met JaeJoong! 


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sleepies #1
Chapter 1: her friend must be SO jelly of her, after all she's a jaejoongluvr ;D awww...you should have a sequel at the coffee shop! :)
Chapter 1: Lol!! You have made my day!! :D :D :D :D