Chapter 1

His, Mine & Ours

"Aigoo! Bommie! Hurry or else we'll be late again" said a flustered Sora. "This is the absolute last time you're sleeping over on a school night!"

       "Jinja? (serious)" says Bom with a mouth load of kimchi and rice. "Unlike you, I can't just go to school without eating." Yes, I forgot, this is Park Bom im talking to Sora thought to as she finished her last bite of cereal. Making her way to the sink to wash her dish, Sora noticed an out of place stack of papers lying on the kitchen counter top. Picking them up and quickly scanning over them, she notices a name.

                  "Han Seohyun....Ughh Unnie! You forgot your report again!" Sora says in disbelief. This is the second time this month that her so-called responsible older sister Seohyun has forgotten her school reports. "Alright, we have to get going now so I can drop this by Seohyun's class on the way" Sora says to Bom while trying to remain cool. They both grab their bags and head for the front door when unexpectedly Sora receives a text message. What now? She wondered.

Lay: Annyeong :) Where r u guys?

Sora: Sorry, looks like we'll be late again :/ Seohyun forgot her reports!

Lay: Again? If there’s anything I can do to help, let me know ;)

Sora: A ride would be nice, and thanks!

Lay: No problem! Meet me in front of the ice cream shop :)

Sora: Arraseo and thanks!

"Come on Bom, we're going to meet Yixing in front of the ice cream shop down the street. There’s no way we'll make it to school on time while on foot" says Sora while rushing bom out the door.

 As Bom and Sora approach the brightly colored and crowded ice cream shop, they spot Lay in a dark green car, parallel parked in front of the shop, patiently waiting for them. "Oppa! We're over here!" shouts Bom. Bom's glance turns over to Sora whose expression suggests that butterflies made their flurry into the bottom of her stomach. This is the first time ever that she’s experienced ridding with Yixing. Usually when a ride to school is needed, Sora’s mom is the first option, but since she left early for Yoga, there wasn’t much of a choice but drive with Yixing. "Gwaenchana? (Are you okay)" Bom inquires while teasingly poking Sora's side. "Neh (Yes). Why wouldn't I be?" Sora says while faking an ‘Im okay' smile. The two hop into the car as Yixing greets them. "Hey guys!" Yixing says with a sociable smile that reveals his dimple. Sora can't help but die inside. I wish to never go a day without seeing that smile. "Omo! Oppa! You have any food on you?" Bom says distracting Sora from admiring Yixing's charm. "Jinja? You just ate?" Sora scoffs while admitting to herself that Bom's never-ending hunger might be a sign of something serious. "Wae? (Why) that was like this morning" Bom says defending herself. Yixing chuckles, "Its still moring last time I checked. Anyways let’s get going, or else we'll be late."


"Five minutes until school starts, I need to get this to Seohyun now!" Sora says while darting down the school hallway. Bom and Yixing went ahead to class while Sora made the trek to the next building where the seniors are."


124.....Ah Class 125

Looking through the glass window on the door, Sora quickly spots her sister. She’s the one franticly digging through her backpack for what seems to be a missing English report. "What would she do with out me" Sora whispers to herself while heading into the class." Sora Ah!! Thank goodness your here!!" says Seohyun running across the class noticing her report in Sora's hand. "What would I do without you!!?” Pshh, way ahead of ya sis Sora laughed to herself. "Neh, here you go. I'd love to stay and chat but I have a class to get to! Bye!" Sora says as she dashes down the hallway."Ughhh I really hope I'm not late

   Right as Sora walks through the door to her class, the bell rings. Phew I made it Sora says to herself as she takes her seat behind Yixing. All of the students have known each other since elementary, except for one. Yixing moved in about two years ago from China. His family was very wealthy and sought out business here in Seoul. Despite being well-off, handsome, talented and mind-blowing, Yixing didn't really fit in. No one could really use language as an excuse because he had previously studied Korean and was basically fluent. No matter how much he participated, rather it is in sports, a school talent show or even partnering for a science project, Yixing would always find himself alone. People treated him as if he carried some sort of disease. That all changed once he switched Homeroom classes and met Sora. Sora, Bom and Junghyun pretty much grew up together. They sat together, they ate together, and they’d even get in trouble together. That was the kind of friendship Yixing had hoped for. Yeah, sure he had friends back in China, but when your life literally takes place at school; you’d prefer to have friends there as well. That’s why when Sora first walked up to him freshmen year, with a mouth full of retainers, he jumped at the opportunity to make a new friend. Two years later, they’re all inseparable, except for Junghyun who isn’t too happy when it comes to change. When Yixing moved in Junghyun felt uncomfortable. Still, for Sora and Bom’s sake, he manages to be nice.

“Okay Class. I know you all should be excited for this one!” says Mr. Hwang energetically. Sighs and groans begin to fill the class as well as anxiety. What now! Sora thinks to herself. Last time he told us to be excited, he gave us a pop quiz that half of us failed. Jumping the gun regarding the assignment, Sora beings to sink in her seat and stare at the clock, hoping the bell will ring before Mr. Pop quiz drops a quiz bom again.

“We’ll be doing a partnering project!” Mr. Hwang announces to Sora’s surprise. All of the sudden Sora and the rest of the class aren’t so down in the dumps. Maybe I can partner with Yixing Sora thinks while a bashful smile creeps on her lips. Lay turns around in his seat to see who he’d partner with. “Either you or Bommie” he mouths silently to Sora who was so engrossed by her girlish thoughts that she hadn’t noticed him turn around. “Neh!” Sora mouthed back on the sly to keep Mr. Hwang from hearing. Sora’s face became warm as she tried to contain herself from smiling like a freak. Usually Yixing partners with Bom and Sora with Junghyun but now that Sora and Yixing have become closer, it only makes sense to switch things up.

  “Now, everyone will choose his or her partner today and tomorrow we’ll get started on the project okay?” says Mr. Hwang as the bell rings. Everyone dashes out of the classroom except Sora, and Yixing. Sora watches as Yixing puts his books back into his backpack. “So I guess we’ll figure everything out tomorrow then, Arraseo?” says Yixing flashing one of those amazing smiles. “Neh” says Sora as they walk out of the class, with Bom waiting outside.

 Did you guys see Jonghyun today?” Bom says with a worried face. “Ani (no)” the two say at the same time. I feel so bad! I didn’t even realize that he was abcent. I wonder what’s going on. Sora thinks to herself as she pulls out her phone to

text him.








*I know this chapter is pretty boring huh?? Im already working on chapter 2 and im REALLY excited! Thanks for reading!

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Ambivipbana #1
Chapter 2: oooo im loving this story! good job!
cathyokrane #2
looking really interesting ~~
SO good Ce's can't wait for more