Ex-Crush comes crushing again

My Secret Crush

I know im not one of thoes rich girls that have everthing a 12 year old would want like money, nice clothes,hot guys, and good looks, but I have awesome friends which matted to me the most by the wasy my crush doesn't jnow i like him.I'm in bed right now at home with two bedroome upstair and two bedrooms downstairs its just a simple house.

(But my house my look like a rich person's house well because my dad's side of the family is rich so i guess that makes my dad rich.)

Next Day....

7:35= OMG I only got six minutes left. During that time I put my pants  on, combed my hair , put my coat on and shoes on, then balsted out the door at 7:46.

When I got on the bus literly every seat was taken so I had to sit with two random guys I hate just because IDK. On the bus ride to school I was thinking about what I greamed about....I was 21 years old superstar, one day  while my vioce pratice and a guy with a hello kitty thing to take my purse but I fighted with him becuase a women's purse is a women's pride.When I got to school i walked to my locker (saw my crush)then walked with my best friend and her boyfirend ( in my Mind: why am I always the loner gosh hate my life) then here comes my crush he had to stand next to me so I felt so hot (like on fire).I walked in front of my best friend and said.....

Me= I got to go

Her= Why?

Me= I think you know why. Look behind you.

Her=Oh...I see okay

Me= BYE!

As I was walking to my class i thought did he hear me? Does he know that i like him? Then I bumped into my ex-boyfirend....

Ex= Hey sorry

Me=yeah you should be!

Ex=Did i do that?

Me= what ?

Ex=you know befor we dated your heart was like chocolate that was sweet and loving. now your hard lump of coal is mean and hard.

Me= Why dont you ask yourself?

Ex= Let me think...

Me= your truly slow.Move out of my was I have to get to class ( I walked away)

Ex= Waiel let me ask you a question

Me= what? make it fast

Ex= Do you like Hoon?

ME=( how do you know) no who told you?

Ex= So you do

Me= maybe?

Ex= Hoon told me himself


As i walked around my ex-boyfriend I thought.....HE HEARD ME.....

7 hours later........

     Schools out know time to ride the bus, and I got ot get on the bus  early beucae I have to save a spot for my friends. when my friend got on the bus and sat down I told her that Hoon was standing next to me and I bumber into my ex-boyfrined which was my worst nightmere.

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